The Mondays™ Edition
Welp, here we are again. What kind of misery is everyone looking forward to the next 5 days here?
The Mondays™ Edition
Welp, here we are again. What kind of misery is everyone looking forward to the next 5 days here?
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bank holiday for us britfags here
Shekelstein has granted us a glimmer of hope
2 days of work, 1 day of meetings (I don't have to present so easy mode), 1 day team event outside and free on friday. All in all way better than normally
Callaway fag here.
Back from my annual tour at the base and back at the worst fucking company i have ever worked for. Took my beer fueled morning dump for 45 minutes.
Boss is gonna yell at me next monday because i punched in at 6:50 and not at 6:45. Even though my shift doesnt start until 7. Gonna spend my day listening to Rogan, Duncan Trussell finishing up Body of Secrets on my Worktunes and avoid work as much as possible.
Yup, you got it. You got it exactly right OP. That’s my fucking life.
I live a 5 minute drive from my workplace, the rest is pretty much correct though.
Manufacturing. Pay is shit but I have OT. I can dick off a lot because they recently hired a family member who is a full blown addict. He keeps offering to get me weed and coke (lol). I shoot the shit with him all the time so I get trapped in conversations and don't have to work for however long his coked out monologue is. The other workers are "gun guys" so I can just bring up the latest gun import/ruger/sig product to get the same effect.
Blue collar life is the life if you aren't a social retard.
instead of fapping you could do something else if that makes you sad
When are you getting outta there man ffs
What kind of manufactuting?
I fix golf ball production machines.
When I find a job that pays over 20 an hour that isn't garbage. Or i get active duty orders on my AF base.
I'm going hard on my federal resume too.
>tfw wake up this morning with pain in my left chest
Am i gonna die
Yes, you lucky charm
Sometimes I wake up with a similar pain, however it seems it's just due to stress
Not gonna do anything today, internship ends in a week anyways
In the office, made it...
Is being honest and upright socially retarded?
Mine goes on for another 9 months...
Everybody dies. Eventually.
My true nature is that i'm fucking lazy and don't want to use my brain power too much, fulfilling my potential is a meme. Therefore my job is extremely easy and the work day is almost a meditative process becasue I'm waiting for death.
Cutting stuff. Basically all jobs are subbed out to us by other businesses. Right now I'm running a machine cutting medical fabric. I shit post while it cuts. I used to inflate balls for a living at another place kek.
If you're too blunt ( or as you say honest and upright) it can come off autistic. Learn 2 bullshit.
I know how to its just that i don't want to because God might get pissed off and kill me with a lightning or something.
Same here with clinical trial management. Basically, hospitals have just so much shit to deal with, they don't give a fuck when handling trial data, thus we just need to give indications and reminders to them about not to fuck shit up. It's an easy yet boring job.
Just worked 8 days in a row.
Got one day off and then back to wrok for 6 days
Kill me desu senpai
Shit m8, what do you do? Is it good money at least?
Only got to take the deeming till Wednesday lads Thursday and Friday I'm taking my dad out to lunch and getting some pension advice from my uncle. Back at work at the weekend though straight through
Nnnnnnewp still working I fucking hate golfers why do they have to play in this fucking cloudy fucking weather when they could be mowing their lawns for the 4th time this week.
>Working in a call center ever
Police officer lmao
Moneys great, get double pay today to sit in a riot van (notting hill carnival)
At least you get to legally kill niggers and spics
Nice user
You get some sweet sweet pensions after a certain number of years too, right?
M8 just about the worst pain is when you wake up with a cramp in your leg and your still half asleep and you take like 5 mins to get that bad boy out of the covers and stretched, but it still hurts and you have to bare with it until it goes away. It seems like forever fuck me if we could replicate that into torture for terrorists we'd have no attacks for decades.
Yep. The pensions used to be godlike, now they're just great.
After around 8 years your pay rises to the point where you get insane money for the work you actually do
I'm shitting at work listening to other people shitting while shit posting during another day of my shitty life.
Based, just gotta not die
I've got the weirdest fucking job ever and I love it
>drop out of a top school
>get charity hired into a tech startup by alum of said school
>job title places me in the "Marketing" department
>maybe 4 hours per week of real, stated responsibilities
>rest of my time spent in meetings telling engineers how to do their job
>otherwise writing reports and building up company documentation in preparation for scaling up/commercializing tech
>on top of that, sitting in meetings with business representatives from Chinese companies, emotionally manipulating them through my education in Mandarin
>essentially working on CEO-level responsibilities with all the benefits of access to information and clout without any of the accountability on my time and efforts
>boss (guy who hired me) is VP of sales and marketing, but is too jaded and headstrong for anyone to like him or listen to what he has to say
>have established a cult of personality through the halo effect, being an attractive, enthusiastic, young white male with a unique skillset in an aging labor base, while acting as his mouthpiece throughout the organization
>stand to benefit enormously if we succeed, catapulting me up the fast track to the executive level; if not, already have standing offers within the small, insular industry for positions requiring 5-8 years of mid-level management industry experience
>mfw no one would even look at my resume before this and I've only been working for 2 months
Yeah, waging is a real drag
Immoral job though. How will you feel when raiding some old ladys house for speaking up about Islam (which has already happened).
I don't necessarily 'agree' with most of the laws and way society works, but when you start picking and choosing what to follow it all falls apart.
Idk the details of that particular incident... Post link?
I do have 'discretion' if dealing with certain things by myself, but if I was ordered to raid someones house for one reason or another, id have no issues with it.
In any case, old people should have accumulated enough wealth and moved to a nicer part of the country. They wouldnt have anything to moan about then. And it's her generation that fucked everything up anyway.
Shilling your political opinion on social media is low brained. Earn enough to move away from the people you dislike looking at.
That's my opinion anyway
>In any case etc
Unequivocally and infuriatingly the truth. That anyone could live through the time period which they did and not accumulate obscene is frustrating, to say the least. Everyone knows about the obvious things--education costs through the floor and job compensation commensurate with value produced. But if you dig just a little bit deeper, you learn things like that you could put your money in a savings account shielded from all economic conditions at DOUBLE FUCKING PERCENTAGE interest rates with virtually zero risk in the 80s. Holy shit it drives me up the wall why aren't all of my senior relatives just rich as fuck
Just had enough and will be starting my own business in three months. Feels euphoric at times, and panic at others. Anyone know this feel?
It's in regards to the old lady on speakers corner who told the officer it's illegal for Muslims to pray there. The officer was having none of it and said the law is upheld to their discretion.
The next morning her home was raided by Her Majesty's Gestapo.
Surely you must be aware of this. I understand the police force is necessary but when a collective is carrying out raids in defence of the indefensible, well, fuck the po-lice.
Well, congratulations on quitting the slave lifestyle, what's your business dedicated to?
I work at a distillery. I enjoy it.
do you get to sample the produce
Thank you! Psychiatrist. Not too high of a risk desu, but I'm starting to understand why people prefer staying in their safe day to day job. Risk aversion
Distillarys and breweries are not wagecuck jobs unless they're major corporations.
Yeah, post a link m8, im too busy to keep up with every little incident
Anyone can get arrested for a breach of the peace, if you go up to a crowd of 100 *insert minority here* and start instigating racial tensions, you'll probably end up in a cell or at least transported away from the situation
maybe the officer felt it wasn't a valuable use of time or resources to start arresting 100 muslims for praying in a park. I think there's more pressing issues at hand.
free speech is a meme. if you think you can go around screaming "fire" in crowded theaters, you're mistaken
Not sure what purpose raiding her house would serve, ive tried searching for it and cant find anything.
Food for thought
Went to go sit in my nap chair in a hidden area in the warehouse. Someome smashed it to hell. Looks like it was out of pure anger. Gotta find a new spot now. Shame, i thought it wasn't that well travelled. Considering its hidden from the walkway by a bunch of unused lockers.
Thats not a raid m8 lmao
She was arrested for "perverting the course of justice". Must be more to the story.
beta male hippie cope
>slavery is bad
Nigger detected.
What's for lunch?
Ramenbro where you at?
Bratwurst and toast. You?
If I was brave I'd drink some cyanide so I don't have to go back to work.
Callaway fag here. Leftover steak tips, baked potato, peppers onions and mushrooms. Tasty as fuck.
Extra-greasy burger, but I am afraid my health will decline from depending on cheap fast food
Please tell me you're getting paid though.
How much are we talking though? I always thought I'd want to be a detective.
Is there anything i can wagecuck from the comfort of my room?
Become a translator for a publishing company.
had that. eat more salt, maybe. or was it less
Pic of the chair.
I only use it when there'a nothing going on. Or when i feel like they don't care about me. Which is every day.
Like how?
looks like a god damn mad house to me
This shithole? Oh yeah.
Reminds me of the morning when I woke up with two dead arms haha. Shit was terrible. Couldn't grab my phone to turn off my alarm
I work in a factory. Go in from 3-1130pm
I enjoy my job, but all of my coworkers are slacking potheads or normie alcoholics who whine and drag me down.
Is there a drug I can take that'll help me tolerate normies while not interfering with my ability to work or will show up on a drug test?
I got commended by my boss for setting up 20 aircraft shells in an hour while I was cranked on Spice, but that shits illegal now
>factory jobs
I will never fucking do that kind of job ever again. I don't know how people do that shit for 40+ years when I could barely stand 1 year
Spending the day applying for another job only to not get called.
My decision making is ass.
Monday is actually my favorite day of the week because I get to work from home and spend most of the day shitposting, exercising, and playing music on the clock.
Nicotine my dude
Well first you need to know a foreign language, then you send out applications.
Learn a foreign language and send out applications
Have to start working big annual assignment that'll take the next 2-3 months to complete this Tuesday. We'll have to sit through a three hour meeting that could be summed up in a two paragraph memo, which sucks. The only thing that's going to keep me sane is meeting up with my fwb this Thursday and I get paid Friday.
I get to do this on Fridays. Want to bargain with my boss to get another day of the week like this.
I know two of them but i get denied or only shitty corporate drone positions pop up.
Any Tradesmen in here? Worth it to get into? Thinking about joining my states Electrician Union and coupling their education with HVAV training and getting an electrical engineering degree slowly with government loans. Worth it or am I stretching myself too thin?
>This much cope
I hope you enjoy covering up for child molestors.
That's a shame my friend I hope you find something
Ohh, I remember you user. I hope all is going well. You had a thread or were in a thread a while back where you said the business isn't what it used to be?
Again, best wishes.
hey ho let's go 6:10 AM alarm clock
Thanks bud. I'm not giving up. I'm holding out until i get a federal job or orders on base.
Long term the wife and I plan on buying a duplex or 3 family home to rent out and try our hands at being landlords. Shes also going back to school to finish up a business degree.
Hope you're doing good mate.
All I know is you better physically take care of yourself and also not marry a materialistic cow. Seen so many dudes down that path with raped knees/back and wallet.
I've had the same thing for a month. Pinches when laying down. Can feel the cold drip of anxiety
>Long term the wife and I plan on buying a duplex or 3 family home to rent out and try our hands at being landlords. Shes also going back to school to finish up a business degree.
OP here, interested in eventually house-hacking with a duplex/triplex/quadriplex as well. I've been browsing the guys over at BiggerPockets (
I subcontract and forgot about the holiday. Ended up working it. Fml
Another one in the books, lads.
See you all tomorrow...
Today I'm going for a walk, then I'm going to practice my Japanese and put some new tests on my conversion funnel.
welcome back golfball bro
see a doctor?
>have phd in statistics and be an actual doctor
>earn less than medicine "doctors"
>earn less than law "doctors"
prestige pays more than education
>barely have anything to do
>most days just trying to look busy
I feel like I'm in limbo