>bought back in at 95 cents
GOOKED again!
Bought back in at 95 cents
If you fomo you deserve to lose.
thanks for the money
i really thought it was going to break $1 though....
this shit is fucked up, dude
Buyback is over. See you at 50 cents
You wouldn't be complaining if it was you that profited. It's kill or be killed. That's why I sincerely thank you for your money transfer trough this device called crypto.
feels real good right? Now hold down then sell
pls no. just pump it back up to 95 cents one more time so i can get out.
i always get killed buying this gook coin
Buyback program hasn't even started yet.
Source: I know
You're obviously just doing random shit based on your emotions, if you do random shit, random shit is what will happen and random shit is what you get, like the price suddenly going down.
You know what, pal? In life you either learn it the easy way or the hard way. Easy way being like learning from other people's mistakes and using your brain, hard way is just doing stuff and reacting to what happens, and that's how people get hurt and wonder why only bad stuff happens to them. Cos life is going to teach you until you listen, want it or not, it's your choice how you learn.
And people on biz are the kind of guys who only want easy things fast, so they are going to crash and burn until the failures are carved on their flesh, that will only teach them, no other way for morons. So yea, better get hurt with little money than big money.
i didn't fomo when it was up 10% but then i lost out on 20% the next day. i thought it would continue to go up but it looks like it'll probably dump back down to the pre-pump price now, around 60 cents i think? i'm so fucked if it does end up doing that..
>i'm so fucked if it does end up doing that..
Why? Is your strategy short term? If it is, I'm afraid its a bad strategy to begin with. You think ICX wont ever go above 1$?
>Thought it would go up forever
Nothing goes up forever user
>short term
no, but i've seen so many of these gooked threads that i'm afraid i will have to hold this coin for a very long time if it starts dumping, missing out on other gains. i can't even dca because i'm out of fiat so i'm forced to hold this.
So you invested in something that you haven't researched or at least don't believe in? Oh boy.
>going all in becaues you think it will break 1$
Consider it a lesson and consider the money burned. Wait untill it actually happens instead of just gambling on it.
this pump will last a couple weeks it always does this trust me
>trust me
> korean eth they said
> massively undervalued they said
>>trust me
Remember that article that came out about South Korea investing in building up blockchain?
ICON got the government grant to do that.
The thing is OP, you are doing this wrong. You bought at $10 last time. It was on Binance for what, 3 weeks until it hit $10? You had all that time to buy then but you didn't. You saw ICX drop down to .50, you could have bought when it floored out, but you didn't. You kept making gooked threads.
It pumps and you literally buy the top of the pump. Do you see the trend here? YOU are the dumb money that gets dumped on. By the time your brain has confirmed from all the green dildos that people are interested is when you have increased your risk. There is also risk in trying to buy dips or buying in ICX when it has been dumped for 4 months. But the people that looked at the charts, saw the dumping stopped at .50 and bought in nearly doubled their stack.
You need to stop complaining about being gooked and start taking action if you want to be good at this. Because right now, you're fucking terrible. You weren't gooked, you're just bad at trading.
Also, at this point you should change your strategy on this coin for more long term. They're doing really good things and looks like they will be poised to do well in the future.