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Wow! This is power of Islam?
Thomas Harris
Ryder Howard
Meanwhile in Xinjiang
Wyatt James
wouldn't you feel bad if you are the guy? i mean, even if you lack empathy, why would you want such an unenthusiastic wife?
Jeremiah Morales
Poor girl fucking chinks
Evan Ward
Man, Arabs are pure cringe. All the other Muslims are cool but the Arab ones are either backwards extremists or Israeli/Chinese bootlickers, especially the gulf Arabs and Muttshriqis
Isaac Rivera
I really don't understand Saudi Arabia.
Kayden Garcia
she's faking it, retard
Hunter Lee
Implying they're capable of comprehending emotion
Carter Hernandez
black american muslims are 100 times more insufferable than arab muslims, that shit is so embarrassing
Andrew Miller
yeah ok chang
Owen Howard
Islam is an Arab supremacist religion.
Why should he care for Turkics?
Nicholas Davis
how bizarre. is it supposed to guilt the man into being a good husband?
Cameron Thomas
why would the uyghurs practice such an obscure Han tradition, Chang?
Jonathan Mitchell
Because she's marrying a Han, Takeshi
Elijah Myers
how ungrateful
Julian Moore
This, I always laugh when I see non-Arabs calling for one Islamic nation, they don't get that they'd still be second class citizens.
Adrian Gray
Please leave us Levantine Arabs.
We also got betrayed by Gulf Arabs as well.
Thomas Reyes
True, it's basically the Muslim equivalent of American Protestants.
Tyler Murphy
based Gulfies hate us because
>we arent full blooded sand niggers like them
>we look better than them
>we actually have ancient history pre dating Abraham
>haven't sold ourselves out completely to the Mossad-Western triangle
>represent Islam better than them
Carson Garcia
i feel bad for these people bc no one in their right mind is going to defy china with their economic prowress. Not Turkey, not saudi, not iran... possibly America to try to push the human right meme to stop Chinese development. But even that is a long shot, who knows..
Blake Russell
>bc no one in their right mind is going to defy china with their economic prowress.
EU's government are such extreme islamophiles and lefties that they will, in time.
Ryan Jones
inshallah brother, one can only hope.. If you think about it the Balkanization of China would be a great thing for the west and in turn the world. No one wants to be under the influence of a Sino dominated world. I'd fund insurgents in Turkestan, Tibet, and Hong Kong bc why tf not. the sino menace is real
Lucas Hughes
Why does prince mock up Chinese people by narrowing his eyes?
This is very impolite.
Cooper Perry
Fucking chinks
Christian Watson
As an Arab, it's nice to have "people" treat you like a god. I imagine it's how Americans treat jews.
Ethan Scott
>tfw no state mandated wife
Christian Harris
wtf i didnt think gods were searched for explosives in airports
Parker Roberts
Evan Moore
that is some next level chinglish
Andrew Baker
No, this is the power of CHINA.
Connor Bennett
how many towel head sandnigger princes are there for christ's sake
Josiah Taylor
go back to China Zhang
Daniel Gray
>i feel bad for these people bc no one in their right mind is going to defy china with their economic prowress. Not Turkey, not saudi, not iran...
But Turkey have defied China regarding the Uighur issue...
Connor Howard
China is simply based.
EU tards are only good to be leeched from as a NEET.
Nicholas Kelly
she seems in pain
Samuel Bell
>Saudi royal family
>anything but crypto-kikes
Everything they do is to benefit jews. Israel, Saudi Arabia and the USA are playing the same terror game in the middle-east.
Bentley Taylor
based. they keep the weapon orders coming
Nathaniel Young
In the video the chink answers that it knows her for 2 months you subhuman chinkleaf
Owen Kelly
Immigrate to China if you like it so much underage Jow Forumstard
Carter Miller
go back to afghanistan shitskin
Luis Wright
I already am.
Wyatt Lee
>tfw not enough social credit to have a forced marriage to a qt
Ayden Brown
Muslims fears the Han.
Jonathan Thomas
I hope your social credit score will be high enough to buy food that isn't insects
Hello Volga Brazillian incel
Xavier Green
Your women love any kind of man that isn't German
Joseph Mitchell
some people have fallen in love in much less time
Ian Hernandez
in your personal experience, what percentage of dutch posters are ethnic dutch posters? looks like a lot of you are immigrants
Noah Young
>Fallen in love
The girl in the video looks suicidal,but chinks like you don't have empathy so you can't see that i guess
Eli Gomez
aren't black american muslims just rappers that converted to piss off jewish producers?
Adrian Gonzalez
How can Saudis be so despicable on almost every level
Joseph Collins
KMT is the legitimate government of China
Christopher Parker
Why do you hate Mongols so much? And the KMT actually committed an outright genocide on the Uyghurs.
Kevin Reed
>arsehurt racists tying themselves into knots with the mental gymnastics required to cry crocodile tears for people they want to see gunned down in order to show a sense of unity against another group of people they happen to fear more than the other they despite yet pretend to care about
Sasuga, Jow Forumsscum.
You need to go back:
Jeremiah Wood
I'm not a chink, dumb Ahmed, you are the ones with 0 empathy btw
Landon Clark
>I'm not a chink, dumb Ahmed, you are the ones with 0 empathy btw
>Supports forced marriages and cultural genocide at the same time
Michael Nguyen
Muslim calling others subhumans is peak irony.
Grayson Jackson
Dylan Collins
German people soon won't excist,do you think China will save the white race?
Cameron Jones
As a Finn I will not allow this humiliation of my steppe brothers to go on for much longer. We are calling a summit, from Turkey to Mongolia, we will meet under the Burkhan Khaldun, elect a new Khan to unify all the tribes and wage a holy war upon China. We will ride over their wall as Genghis once did, we will raze their cities as Kublai once did and we will place a son of Tengri upon the throne in Beijing.
Camden Bell
Ethan Walker
Erdogan happily wags his tail whenever Hu whistles
Jonathan Evans
In a different timeline, the Sharif of Mecca destroyed the s*uds and saved Islam.
Joshua Watson
>tfw bought a xijinping magnet to push me over the social credit threshold and buy a gf
William Carter
he cute