Greece is not the greatest country that ever existed

>Greece is not the greatest country that ever existed.
Let's see you compete with this

Attached: bellerophon-riding-pegasus_thumb.jpg (275x273, 34K)

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Pay debts

It took you 92 years to pay yours.
Also, pay reps.

No such thing

why do you let sandniggers fuck with you like that? you must be pretty new here

here's how you do it

scheisse kanak, you're here to take an order not bitch about your sandnigger problems, now fuck off and bring us our food.

>Byzantine Emperor is depicted as a giant pussy loses in the end

ummm but pegasuses were ridden by NORDIC Valkyries??? I saw it in a marvel movie dude
stop stealing culture ok? thanks

>İ made the schizoid gr*ek so paranoid that he attacks Germans now
Oh shit niğğa what is you doin

Attached: 1562602971497.png (645x773, 12K)

Humanism in the Byzantine Empire ????????????????

Yes. It was an empire full of Dalais and Theresas.