It must be heaven living as a white man in the United States surrounded by black women like pic related anywhere you go

It must be heaven living as a white man in the United States surrounded by black women like pic related anywhere you go

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Do they not stick to their own?

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isn't it the same in sweden?

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Only 1% of Sweden's population is black and most of them are ugly Somalis, not West-African black QUEENS like in the Americas.

My city is 1% Black

No, despite the memes there aren't actually a lot of black people here, just a bunch of hazars and arabs

in reality black women are by far the most obese category of people and are thus not typically attractive

black women smell funny and i don't know why

Pheromones because they're sex kweens

No Swedebro, they on average do not look like that. Besides black girls like black guys. I went to high school with a few that were super hot like picrel. Dated one, but she was fucking crazy.

black women only look good in photos where they can control the lightning, fix their numerous flaws with photoshop etc. the only ones that look good in real life are those with white traits and black skin


Oh my fucking god, I'm diamonds rn. How can wh*Te women compete?

giga cope

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coping with what? black women are literally throwing themselves unto my cunt's shores and would sell their families to marry me so they could just live here in the first world in decent conditions, too bad they're the worst ethnicity for women from all points of view

If she's wearing a weave, then there's a good chance that's the reason. Some of them don't wash their actual hair for weeks, or even months because of it.

These pictures are like 0.001% of black women here


if it really is like that why don't you have sex already incel

> have a fridge full of italian/european delicacies
> there's a piece of shit decomposing under the sun on the road

why don't you eat that shit user?
no thanks retard, I'll keep on eating from the fridge

Black girls are crazy, its not worth the trouble to race mix, non white girls are a pain in the ass.

>go shopping
>decide to wait with saying hello to qt black cashier until I'm right by her about to pay
>she says HELLO in a really annoyed voice way before that as if I was ignoring her
>completely throws me off and I barely manage a weak h-hello while and a nanosecond smile at her

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I have fucked with a black girl but she had a white girls body.

>1st world
Noone's gonna bite Luigi

Imagine her big black oreo nipples

Coping white roastie

>tfw no cute big black gf with big butt and tts to molest a cute tiny flat white gf.

How could I possibly make this happen.

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I've never seen a black person IRL but from all these pictures and videos online the first instinct when I look at them is that their skin is dirty
How can you even tell that their skin is clean when it becomes darker when it folds? How do you know it's not dirt?