what did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
What a sad pathetic little man.
t. not a med
t. not a med as well
I still don't understand who this guy is or what he's ever talking about.
t. AhMEDs
My 1/16th Dalmatian heritage agrees with this man.
Cope, arab
He’s a based Lebanese med-supermacist that hates arabs.
Taleb is an Arab
He is a Phonecian BVLL
Better dead than med.
>t. peasant Breton who thinks speaking the language of his Latin conquerors makes him Med
He is not
kéne bn
Feels good to be a Med
seething imbecile
I haven't browsed this board in like 2 weeks, who is this guy and why is he posted all the time?
He makes Arab dogs seethe
He wrote a famous book during financial crisis of 2008 while in his free time he spergs about Lebanese genetic heritage
It's funny because he's both successful, old and senile and still very much/int/ tier
Why would anyone want to be a greasy, swarthy, smelly m*d?
it reads like "Only black people can appreciate hendrix"
He's Jow Forums incarnate
It feels good to be a med bull.
>nassim will never call u an imbecile irl
khuya, we can't let Nassim separate us... the sea is already too big...
I just recognised this guy after all this time. He often comes to India and does TV interviews with our news channels. I remember how the lefties in India seethed when he called modi an “ascetic”
Why would that separate us? Aren't we all meds?
This was after he claimed Indians should vote for Modi again in the 2019 elections.
>I don't care 'bout the words of no anglo scientist
>them motherfuckers lyin' and getting my med ass pissed
He's an arab who wants to be white
Actually a fairly intelligent man and author just fucking autistic about how non Arab he is, thinks he’s Southern European
Why'd that piss them off? I don't know the nitty gritty of Indian politics, in case the flag and the blubber didn't tip you off.
Modi and his party are right wing. Taleb is a Middle Eastern scholar that lent his support to a man that’s well known for representing a Hindutvadi party, which is insensitive to the random mullahs that get beaten up or lynched every now and then
Somebody should reply to ALL his tweets
"Sure thing AchMED"
he's actually pathetic
Why? He's a southern european man who's proud of his culture and heritage
But people beating Muslims is good
this guys is like Anti-Varg.
probably should start his own channel like Atlantean Outlook or something
Mediterranean Mindset
S01e01: why the French despite numerous tries are not Latin
oh noo...... nordbros? nordbros! don't do this! put down the knife. don't commit suicide.
north/west europe loves to larp as meds and we wuz rome/greece so this is going to piss some people off. if they can't we wuz rome and greece and shieet then what do they got?
We like to larp as white people and are proud of being the founders of the modern world as well as having the highest possible standards of living and modern societies.
American ethnicity questionnaires consider Arabs white, even "Egyptian" and "Lebanese" are listed as examples for white people, but this guy believes he's Greek lel
Except Taleb is an actual well educated and acclaimed writer, while Varg is just an ex-jailbird whose only life achievemnts worthy of note were committing arson and murder in cold blood
$$$ is what allows people to have a high standard of living. trying to larp about standards is a joke since you're just saying "i don't have money or success, but my country lets a slave like me live a big better than other slaves". if you've got money and success then anywhere in the world is fine.
as for modern world? the modern world doesn't have anything to do with you or netherlands. might as well just try taking all success humans ever accomplished cause you're a human tard
He's anti-Varg
I wish someone on twitter linked them to each other so they'd engage in a massively autistic wewuz contest
>acclaimed writer
Acclaimed by whom?
unironically based, those n*Rds will never understand our history and struggles
In a 2008 article in The Times, the journalist Bryan Appleyard described Taleb as "now the hottest thinker in the world".[31] The Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman proposed the inclusion of Taleb's name among the world's top intellectuals, saying "Taleb has changed the way many people think about uncertainty, particularly in the financial markets. His book, The Black Swan, is an original and audacious analysis of the ways in which humans try to make sense of unexpected events."[78] Taleb was treated as a "rock star" at the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos in 2009; at that event he had harsh words for bankers, suggesting that "it is time for some punishment".[79][80]
Why did he change from economics (I assume that's what he wrote about?) to varg tier ramblings?
He said economists and bankers have too much confidence in their predictions and can't know what they don't know.
How is one man able to meme himself into prominence in academia, business, and on Jow Forums?
Which do you think gets more replies on twitter? He's a (You) addict just like us
what do you mean "change"? he is a polymath
Him and Varg is like christ and anti-christ