>his house is actually owned by someone else
>he still pays for it
His house is actually owned by someone else
almost everyone can do it here
what's wrong
>the owner is also foreign
just fuck my life
I'm too dumb to have such a responsability, I'll pay for someone else's house instead
>he asks for money that isn't owned by him to buy things
We have some of the highest house prices in the world
This, rent is the only way to get a proper house here
>don't have that problem
feels good
Grandma died?
yeah, remodeled the house a bit and added a BBQ, it's gonna be a comfy summer for me
Live with parents, pretty sure.
Can't you just steal from some muslim?
nah they have their own house, i just live in my gran's (not-so-)old one.
I thought germans were rich
It's owned by my parents though
>he doesn't get paid by the yakuza to squat properties
I pay my parents rent to feel less pathetic about still living with them at 23
And they said that communism doesn't work!
Based commieblocks