They have territory on the Mediterranean and the average Frenchmen is equivalent to Half Spanish half Anglo. Deal.
France IS Med
USA is pacific. Half of their population is mexican, other is black. Deal.
>inb4 average northern frechmen is actually just a germanic snownigger
Still wrong. Walloons even are roughly equivalent to an Anglo Spaniard.
oh please shut the fuck up
calling us meds is one thing but calling us "spanish" and "english" is another
you half-mexican, half-canadian utter piece of shit
>13% of the population
Why do you dent your Medness? Most other people who are half Med proudly declare their heritage.
I didn't say you were half Spanish half English, I said you are EQUIVALENT to that. Like a Sicilian isn't really half Lebanese half Italian, but would be equivalent to one.
t. nassim nicholas taleb
Half their fucking genes are Med though. You call anyone else who is literally half Greek or Italian or Spanish Med, so why not France?