What's happening to Syrian refugees in Turkey? I thought Erdogan wanted to use them to create an Islamist dictatorship

What's happening to Syrian refugees in Turkey? I thought Erdogan wanted to use them to create an Islamist dictatorship.

Attached: syrians in turkey.png (687x483, 78K)

Syrian and Turkey hate each

good, fuck erdoshit

Attached: erdoshit.jpg (353x485, 57K)

Will all be let into Greece soon, once the EU decides to go full-ballistic because of the Turkish drilling in Cypriot waters.

>Russian Surname
>Visiting Turkey
Yeah I'm sure shes going to talk to Syrian women.

>drink alcohol, get tattoos
ok, i get the headscarf thing and the separation of mosque and state, but how are these two other things good - objectively and ethically speaking

Good thing the Greeks bought those subs they couldn't afford from your country.

Tattoos are neutral and humans have been getting them forever. Alcohol like anything else in moderation is fine.

That's a Jew, my young friend.

She seems to be a self-hating Jewess working to destroy Israel

same that's happening with all shitskins including turks, THEY ALL FUCKING COME HERE


let me put it this way
would you rather have your daughter have tattoos and drink alcohol or not

im not saying those things should be banned, especially tattoos

Do Europeans just absorb Islam morals by living next to them?

buttmad kurdnigger

removing headscarves and secularism leads to girls being sluts

>every Western country

not for women, literal cuck

Jow Forums is where white atheists come to realize that Muslims were right all along

Just look up Brenton's "manifest" and think for yourself, if his utopia isn't some kind of Islamic society minus religion plus race. The "White Sharia"-maymay doesn't sound so ridiculous after some time.

what is your ancestral ethnicity, just out of curiosity?

>removing headscarves and secularism leads to girls being sluts
that's not at all what i'm saying

muh headscarves allahu akhbar btw
secularism is just the only way to go since god doesnt exist, nor is the concept of god necessary for the types of morals both islam and christianity advocate

Retarded mutt once again not knowing about linguistic genders

Are you and advocate of that yourself?


funny how when you tell girls that god doesn't exist, they start riding Chad's cock because they know they wont go to hell anymore

>women fear hell so they don't slut around
the fear of punishment is real
but the punishment isn't hell, nobody buys that shit
the punishment is social stigma, physical violence, legal trouble etc. - not hell or god

Not really, no. What makes or made the "West" truly the "West"? Economy, individualism, science and technology and at least to some extent the use of laws for adequate punishments. Does he or the Jow Forumslacks for example advocate for any of those?

those aren't islam morals, those are Jow Forums morals

yeah, because women need to fear stigma when they are now more independent than ever and are not completely reliant on men for their very survival

Good luck legislating honor killings in Denmark lol

fuck the West

Jow Forums is atheists realizing Islam is superior but are too beta to convert to it

Nah he's using them as leverage against the EU.
If the EU fucks with him, he'll open the flood gates.

Leverage is good