What are some foreign names you like?

What are some foreign names you like?
for me, it's Skade

Attached: skade2.webm (540x760, 1.66M)

You like the girl, not the name
Have sex.



Attached: CE06D12B-D279-416F-84EC-52D7D0BC8BC2.jpg (1920x1080, 175K)


Attached: aoc.jpg (750x740, 124K)

I think Suleiman is a badass name

post her milkers

No one is actually named Alice here but boomers and trannies

Harvey and Harry

What a magnificent name


Jordan (girl)

Attached: jordancoffee.webm (1000x563, 1.91M)

João, Renato, Serge, Bernard, Arnaud

It's not an american name

Attached: 1535575195529.png (376x487, 26K)

Brittany, unironically

The third one how to pronounce? Ila?

google says its a scottish name so must be "eye-la"

is it?

Garrosh Hellscream


Its "Eye-lah" and comes from the name one of the islands in the Outer Hebrides.

I really want to marry a Norwegian girl so I can name my son Ragnar (also so I have beautiful blonde blue eyed ubermensch kids).

I always thought that Russian names like Lev and Konstantin were cool.


Natalya, Fabio, Valentino, Akira, Ram, Rudra, Helmut, Shirin, Paraveh.

Never heard of any American called that


Ragnar is a boomer name. My dad is named that.

Are there any girl named skade common?

Never heard of it. It also translates into damage.

Sorry i forgot Muhammed is the most popular name in Scandinavia now.

Did I offend you? I never said it was an ugly name.

Nice reading comprehension retard



>Alice is not an american name
>my picture has the name in it
Maybe the picture is not from America? You're welcome that I spoonfed you on your retardation, If you reply to me one more time I will make it my life's work to find and kill you.

Ragnar is a cool name, you should change your name to it.

Andrea (for men)

The picture is definitely from America or the UK

mutts are so insufferable

>america or a country that isn't america
based retard


fuck thrall, fuck sylvanas, i want the real warchief back

Attached: 6B5EF6DF-BFE1-461C-9275-BFCB2D26F8AF.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

>tfw everyone in Canada and North America have boring jew names
it hurts bros

Attached: 1538854521992.jpg (1200x858, 274K)

What's your problem? No need to take our your anger on me.

I make increasingly angry posts on Jow Forums as a joke

Hey, that's my name

Ok Daan

Skade is not a name, her name is Thea


Which one


All Lithuanian and Baltic name in general
>ywn be named Zydrunas/Antanas/Arnas

That's a bit deceptive because Muslims will name their firstborn sons Muhammed so it's a bit blown out of proportion.

Kron, Varg, Ezekiel