What are your thoughts on foreskin and circumcision?

What are your thoughts on foreskin and circumcision?

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I prefer circumsized dicks. They are so sexy

not a faggot tho

i wish i hadn't been circumcised. that's all i really have to say about it i guess.

Wish I had one, but it’s really not worth dwelling on. There’s far more to life than sex.

Attached: 1555785050671.jpg (399x400, 16K)

I'd like to know the stats on circumscision in the USA now adays.

If white moms are worried about vaccinations then an unnecessary purely aesthetic surgical procedure must be declining.

I literally don't understand why anyone would perform genital mutilation on a beloved progeny for non-religious reasons. It just boggles my mind
All the "do americans really" shit is just dumb shitposting but this I really don't fucking understand

thats a nice circumcised pepe u got there

I'm not circumcised but I wasn't born here. Literally the only male in my social circle who's not circumcised.
They tell moms it decreases your chance of STD's (it doesn't)

cut white dicks are aesthetic and really suckable

I dont want to suck on your brown sluglike cock