24 injuries
a man is arrested
Explosion at Kyoto animation
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wow, you guys take your anime seriously don't you?
Don't fuck with our waifus, norMIES!!!!
is it criminal ?
Just a gook in Japan dude
Wow, anime is serious business in Japan.
w-will all the anime girls be ok?
10 at serious condition, if only they're alive.
Gasoline was sprinkled
京アニ火災、数人死亡の情報 確保の男「液体まいた」
>incels are rising up
hopefully anime will be stopped now
I made kimchi jjigae to cheer you guys up
No more kyoani cgdct...nooooooo
some seemed to die.
>when your waifu breaks up with you
With crime drying up in Japan, police look for things to do.
no more season 2 i guess
20 are missing
damn dude you need some beef or spam or something in that. looks a bit watery too
No... not the anime.
Anime girls don't exist in real life and if you're implying mongoloids are anime girls, then I suggest you take Chang's tiny dick out of your mouth and resume your medication for your diagnosed mental illness.
zainichi did this
increase to 50
So why did he do it? Tired of the low birth rates? His favorite animu didn't get another season?
Our family likes it watery
Open your eyes chink there is big fat cuts of pork belly right there my nigga
>you're implying mongoloids are anime girls
When did I do this?
Probably full-blooded Yayoi """"""Japanese"""""" aka Zainichi Korean in all but name
Where is the netouyo anyways? Did he finally quit
Probably killed himself after realising he looks like a Yayoi mongoloid like most Japanese, and not a Jomon BVLL
Moe is the cancer that is killing anime
Some incel didn't have sex.
Thanks Yamakan
quick rundown
dont want to read the /a/ sticky
anymore info than just some guy setting fire to the kyoani building
2 words. Korean criminals. That is all.
Like the guy was pouring it allover the place?
>10 critically injured
>I've seen various amounts for total injuries up to 50
>studio 1
>a lot unaccounted for
>guy is arrested
>yamada is confirmed alright, dunno about ishihara
The culprit also sprayed gasoline in people
The police already arrested him
For the moment:
40+ injured
10+ deads
20+ still missing
i can imagine kyoani will be out for at least a few years after this
>10+ deads
bullshite where i dont see anything about any dead people
Nobody on the second floor made it
This is obviously terror attack
Japan isn't a safe country anymore ;_;
we are liberating you. you will thank us later.
isnt it ironic you named your new era reiwa and not long after you get a mass stabbing incident and now this i really love how life plays out so beautifully
Is Azusa okay? this is very important
He should have chosen Kadokawa HQ
stfu pastaboy
Can I still order K-On Blu-Rays?
So it was a jap.
What a roundabout way of saying things, you stupid russian.
God bless the hero who did this. He's a true saviour of the anime. Because almost all of this is a fucking cancer.
Why an animation studio though? I feel like a terrorist would pick a location with more people.
I suspect it's related to social "degeneracy".
I will wager it's a disgruntled/recently fired employee.
>Americans firebomb and nuke tens of thousands of civilians
>It was justified
>Kimo Ota burns an anime studio down
KyoAni has nursery on the third floor.
Maybe if.......
They are really burning in the beginning of the new anime season.
they made lucky star though
and lucky star is hot
Ohh no it's anudda Hiroshima!!!
/a/ user
So is any anime in danger like that one fire 11 years ago that destroyed a lot of music?
>missing presumed dead:
>Ishihara Tatsuya Director
>AIR・Suzumiya Haruhi series・Kannon・Nichijou
>CLANNAD・Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions・Sound! Euphonium
>Ishidate Taichi Director
>Kyoukai no Kanata・Violet Evergarden
>Takemoto Yasuhiro Director
>Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon・The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
>Kawanami Eisaku Director
>Free!-Timeless Medley-・Free!-Dive to the Future-
>Nishiya Futoshi Animation director
>A Silent Voice・Liz and the Blue Bird
>Nichijou・HYOUKA Character Design
>Kadowaki Miku Animation director
>Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon・Tsurune・Kyoukai no Kanata Character Design
This is do depressing for me. this studio animated Free! Iwatobi Swim Club. this anime was my gay awakening. their hot bodies. their cute relationships. It made me realise what I wanted.
The SECOND i finished watching the first season i signed up to the local swim club and started offering to draw anime style pictures of the men there. I got kicked out but one of the guys was a well known local gay and invited me to a 'party'.
Now I am a well known gay in the local LGBT community. I usually attend the orgies and draw the sex, but then decorate it so it seems like the guys fucking were swimming. it can get pretty difficult to make a 4 way anal beading look like a competitive backstroke race but it does get fun! I thank Kyoto Animation Co with all my soul.
So was it some Otaku manchild?
I bet Otakus will be discriminated more after this.
Maybe it was another ultra-nationalist taking out the trash.
It was two zainichis funded by south korea to send a warning toward Abe. Expect article 9 to be revoked soon.
Possession of five knives
This is a pasta, right?
this is worse than the Notre Dame and Christchurch bullshit
The culprit splattered the gas, threw it over the female staff, and burned it.
Same guy that did this?
>your tastes
bad thing you didn't died there in the fire
What? No, he's a prominent figure in the LGBT swimming community.
what does the 「グ・ゴ・ダ・シ・ス」 mean?
The culprit deliberately burned the first floor with gasoline, making it difficult to escape.
And I had five knives to stab people who had evacuated.
>And I had five knives
Are you posting from jail?
Found the suspect.
unsurprising that a weeb would only feel empathy when his cartoon shows are in danger
Excuse me, I am using a translator.
I am not the criminal.
Korosu... Korosu.... KOROSUUUU
MY god Fuckkkkkkkk Ameri animus are fucking gererous and sweet.
sheding burst tears now
where did they go?
fuck anime
probably a scam
So it seems the suspect is
- 41 years old NEET
- a Train Maniac
- an Anime Otaku
- schizophrenic
Source:5ch so take it with a grain of salt.
How many big sins did he commit in his past life?
They are not Italian. lol ooops I splipped my mouth.