How did your country react to KyoAni's terrorist incident?
I see a couple of posts on social media by weebs so far, but other than that people are treating it as minor news. Well, KyoAni is one of my favorite studios, dont get me wrong, and payers up and all that but there is too much shit happening here that it's drowned by news people care about more. This place is a shithole wild wild west so I expected as much
No one probably knows except me Nobody cares what happens outside of this shithole
Ethan Diaz
like "ok" i never watched their work and don't intend to
Luis Lopez
the mainstream media here its too dumb to notice something
Elijah Russell
They talked about it in the news
Oliver Baker
RIP anime
Daniel Turner
2nd top article on Le Monde's website. So it's getting some attention in France. KyoAni has quite a few fans here.
William Lee
A leading online news website had an article about it but didn't even mention the studio's name in it. The state broadcaster did however and even namedropped some works
Chase Torres
I'm sane so I don't watch Croatian tv and people who run Croatian online news sites should be shot but sometimes listen to radio news. They'll probably mention it and the number of casualties since things like that are very rare in Japan but that's about it.
Gavin Cook
manga>anime anyway
William Powell
Weebs BTFO
Jaxon Gomez
No one care It's just chink cartoon factory No big deal
Elijah Hernandez
Why you so angry
Jason Peterson
apparently nobody can joke about it otherwise they're reddit or new