this is the official confirmed list of the evil races of men. all of these countries are also facing divine retribution today in some shape, way or form. let us discuss this.
This is the official confirmed list of the evil races of men...
>Chinks not on the list
Op is obviously one.
why the fuck is not Australia in red.
T. Zhang, go back to China
because he's a perfidious anglo cunt making "bants" isn't it funny ? when i say hon hon hon you say ja ja ja please.
Why japan ?
Make Spain grey and I'll give you a "based"
Aren't all Arabs the same people? Why are Moroccans and Saudis red but not everybody else?
china is one of the few forces of good
why do you keep call me this?
i am australian
grossly incorrect
but what can i expect from the evil race
The true map has every country and you know it.
Not that i care but what evils has india comitted and how are they being punished exactly?
Christianity basically started sprawling and committing atrocities from here
Medieval times is our fault too, also fascism
Italy not on the list
All chinks are subhumans
>Why are Moroccans
slave trade
>and Saudis
yes saudi arabia and israel should be red for christianity, islam and judaism
>red but not everybody else?
it should be entirely red
I forgot Napoleon, who played for another team, but genetically is one of us
Why Russia?
go eat your kid, evil subhuman
We didn't do anything evil tho
russian empire crimes
soviet union atrocities
russan federation
most russians dont have a concept of humanity, kindness or goodness
self-centered evil people
>chink speaking about famine
Oh lord.
Add Canada there too for their shenanigans with the natives.
Lol you disgusting chink.
>sold 5 million slaves
>raped and murdered thousands in every territory they touched
>not evil
slave trade
ethnic cleansing
racism against kurds
fixed it for you
I'm kind enough to put you out of misery with a single blow, like really, i think we should've get more of you when we had a chance, like other adequate empires did.
no argument
nobody cares about portugal
irrelevent, uninteresting, small shithole
>tfw another day passes without nukes going off on the horizon
i support the prc future invasion and settlement of siberia
xi will make you sit on a bottle for eternity
Did you know that the portuguese arrived in Australia before the british?
Your island was so useless that we just ignored it
Australia had a white supremacist policies until the 70s, they murdered half the abos and took the children away from the other half. Literally a nation of convicts founded on genocide
>Australia had a white supremacist policies until the 70s,
nothing wrong with this
Op is a proxy faggot russian/hohol mutt btw.
Based, no wonder it was so nice and I enjoyed it so much when I visited.
>something something portuguese
sorry i fell asleep like i always do when something portugal related pops up
t. evil race
>White Australia policy
>Killed, pillaged and raped native people
>Forced them to assimilate
>Prison Island for asylum seekers off the coast
>Australia is not evil
Chinese are just as evil as anyone else on the list, if not more, fuck off Lee
Australians literally formed a 200 km wide column that walked from one side of Tasmania to another while shooting every abo it came across
>The Tukhchar massacre was an incident during the War of Dagestan, filmed and distributed on tape, in which Russian prisoners of war were executed.
>The six gave up their arms and surrendered on the promise of becoming prisoners of war. It was not long before the Russians realized that they had been deceived. In the name of resolving a "blood feud"—revenge for the recent loss of four friends and relatives in the war—the Chechen commander Umar Edilsultanov then staged a public execution in a nearby field.[5] The prisoners were ordered to lie face down on a track outside the village, and Edilsultanov selected five men from his unit to behead the prisoners. The sixth (Alexey Polagaev) was killed by Edilsultanov himself. One of the Russian soldiers, identified as Alexey Lipatov, fled the site, but was shot with an assault rifle.[2][6] The others killed were named as Senior lieutenant Vasily Tashkin, Vladimir Kaufman, Boris Erdneyev, Alexey Polagaev, and Alexey Paranin.
hnnnnnnnn.... god i wish that was me
>>White Australia policy
>>Killed, pillaged and raped native people
Abos are subhumans
>>Forced them to assimilate
>>Prison Island for asylum seekers off the coast
>>Australia is not evil
Australia is based
>The Great Chinese Famine was a period in the People's Republic of China between the years 1959 and 1961 characterized by widespread famine. The policies of ruler Mao Zedong contributed to the famine, although the relative weights of the contributions are disputed. Estimates of deaths due to starvation range in the tens of millions.
fucking based Mao exterminates chinks
We are talking about evilness. Which Australia is. And yes Australia is indeed very based
What the hell is Mexico doing there?
The simple fact of the matter that is if you're a human being that exists at this moment you are quite literally descended from the most successful killers and prolific rapists. We are all sitting atop an billions corpse dense mountain of raped corpses.
Chink cope. We are not destroying environment all around the world while turning our countries into polluted shitholes.
Montenegro got away with bullshit almost as well as Austria.
Why is Israel not marked
I didnt kill, rape or enslave anyone. Why am I evil for what other people did before my birth?
What evil has Israel done?
You aren't, but it's in your DNA and it has to be for you to be existing right now and not be one of the countless bloodlines that have been snuffed out throughout existence.
Jews invented communism
i love russian tears
himan sacrifice
>We are not destroying environmet
yes you are
there is literally nothing wrong with destroying or polluting your environment
what evil haven't they done
and i must clarify that south africa is evil for their racist segregationist past. modern day sa is based and mugabe is a god.
how is burwood chang?
Australia really has lot of chinks?
Is it true?
South Africa is totally irrelevant on the scale of evilness now that apartheid is over. It's now a shithole full of negroes and a few rich white people. It has 0 influence on world affairs
why India?
HOW is vietnam evil?
they were the ones who ousted pol pot