Besides being able to buy and operate firearms, what other free things can you do in the Land of the Free?

Besides being able to buy and operate firearms, what other free things can you do in the Land of the Free?

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Other urls found in this thread:

get shot

I can be a Nazi and the President actively supports me.

get shot

I can eat Vietcong tree fucking commie scum

get shot

Have free speach until you say something that you shouldnt

You can get a job and make more than $100k/yr without a uni degree

Nice finaly found One of you
Do you live One like in pic? Or do you live in a building?

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Say that i'm gonna shoot the president, blow up the capital building, and gas the supreme court.

I can call the president a lying sack of shit on national tv all day everyday and not get assassinated. As opposed to Russia or China.

as long as it's satire of course

I hope you're on good terms with the FBI.

People living in yurt(ger) are mostly countryside people or poor people in city. Its like our favela version.
I live in apartment.
I have a question.
>Can i use every drug legally in Lisbon as a tourist?
>All drugs are legal. Is it true?

Get enslaved to work.


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Watts v. United States

I think in the Netherlands you can get fucked for insulting the royals

Interesting ,is it like a commie bloc ,can j get a pic?.

No drugs arent legal they are decriminalized ,meaning up to a certain amount you can have it an consume it above that amount it Will be considred drug Traffic ,but this applies to everyone including tourists, we have warning by the Police for dumb anglos to not buy fake haxixe

Ooh. Thank you.

Its like favela, caralho.
Damn i just wanna try most psychedelics in there.

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Atleast its a colorfull favela?why didnt the commies build commie blocs like on all other comunist countires?
Yeah knock your self out mate ,just dont buy drugs off the street and of g*psies much less that Kind of drugs ,i do LSD form time to time and i only buy it from a friend who orders them online ,if you want to smoke buying drugs off the street inst that bad you just might get ripped off, pro tip;befriend a local who look like a Stone or you know who smokes

Not get arrested for public espousing your opinions. Homestead. Some places smoke marijuana and in Denver eat mushrooms. Some places you can be nude or semi nude in public. You have a lot of freedom in federal parks to say drink in public. Hunting is allowed in many areas but both it and fishing are regulated to maintain amd protect game populations. You can legally carry a knife in most places.

>Have free speach until you say something that you shouldnt
With zero legal repercussions.

Theyd investigate him to see if he's a threat and determine he's just autistic and do nothing further.

Yeah you just might get sue up the ass ,or become a social outcast, with zero hopes if geting a job depending on what you said,but besides that its fine

>implying FBI would investigate random posts on an internet forum that isn't even political portion

can you expose corruption in your government without getting killed off / thrown in jail on false charges though?

Old Soviet commie blocks are everywhere bro. Favela is just part of poor area. North area is considered rich. They are mostly suburb type.

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eat vietnamese food made by the southerners that fled vietnam as refugees.

>i get all of my information from the internet the post

It's almost like releasing classified information is illegal or something.
If you have a way to do it otherwise then, be my fucking guest.

Yes there is something known as the Whistleblower act. It protects people from this

>Who was Joseph McCarthy?

Mongolia always fascinantes me ,how did you find out about Jow Forums? When i imagine a big empty nothing with vast grasslands and few huts here and there, i know the capital is diferent

You mean the person who got censured by congress because he was causing far more harm than good?
Don´t try to pretend you know more about America history than me bitch.
McCarthy wasn´t censored because he said wrong thing, he was censored because he wouldn´t shut the fuck up and was causing the entire country to panic. Not to mention he made tens of thousands lose there job simply based on the suggestion that they might be communists.
When in reality the vast majority were not.

>Not to mention he made tens of thousands lose there job simply based on the suggestion that they might be communists.

That is exactly my point ,the fact that happend show that freedom is speach in america isnt as free as it seems

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i wonder how a person gets to the point like the man in the OP

That's debatable.

>how did you find out about Jow Forums?
In 2010 my highschool weeb friend told me /b/.
>i imagine a big empty nothing with vast grasslands
Yep its true, summer is beautiful but winter is so cold.

at school, at the club, or at a country concert. They like variety.

I don't know the whole process but it starts with being american

Buy beer at the age of 18. Oh wait...

Wow there are weebs even there,truly they are a world wide plague .
Mongolia seems comfy to me ,the world can go to shit but mongolia would stay the same

Get a good job, a nice house, and a cute cat. Well, that's what I did anyway.