I wish someday to live there surronded by lovely and fellow russians interacting in the perfect russian environnement
I love Russia everything is PERFECT in this country
I wanna go to Russia to have orgies.
Russia is the country of love
you can do it in your degenerate cunt, don't pollute Russia with your disgusting patterns
No even Russians will agree with you, I'm not saying Russia is terrible btw
russia is so perfect and so beautiful. I want to live there someday!
It's because they infortunately don't appreciate what they have, but someday when it will be the most developped and the richest country on earth, they will know
me too, this country is so perfect
Such threads unironically warm my soul.
but also It's a lovely place, but I wouldn't say the same about people. People here are just as in any other Eastern European country. Most of them are Retards and Geniuses (at the same time).
God same
I love you Russians so much, I want Russian friends and I want our countries to have better relations
This thread is really not ironical, I'm serious
The nature is amazing
The language is very "logical" and nice to hear
The history and culture unique and very interesting
The people are very friendly and very pleasent to look at
and the cities are very interesting ...
Don't care in few years they may change for the best you have to be optimistic