The greatest business decision Bethesda could make

Seriously, these motherfuckers need to re-release this shit. I would pay $100 for it, and if stocks are an option, I would devote 10% of this years earnings. Fuck.

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Agreed, Morrowind wipes its ass with Skyjizz and Oblivion. "Tourists are a nuisance" cracks me up everytime


Fallout 4 is better

Bring back levitation and acrobatics wtf are they doing. Flying and jumping like a mad man is obviously the best shit ever

An HD remake/remaster, with the same depth of the magic system and skills, with better graphics than Fallout 4.

I'm literally jizzing thinking about it. Please god let this happen.

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Bring it back with full fledged VR powered by quantum computing

the best decision was to give new vegas to Obsiadian. New Vegas is the best Fallout game ever. Fallout 3 and 4 are terrible games.

you have autism for sure

This is debatable, however is not. NV is undeniably the GOAT in the genre. Fallout 4 is pretty good but the whole dog/robot companion crap is a bit meh. I just want to roam around and kill shit, grind levels, etc. Not babyshit some retarded ai bot thing

Fallout NV had too many words. BORING
Morrowind better if it had guns and waypoints.

Seriously impressive story
Movement is infuriating though

i stopped playing fallout 4 after 5 hours.
the story is so mundane, even 3 was a lot better

There's a plugin that speeds you up. Highly recommended. Everything gets faster so it doesn't unbalance the game.

In my opinion, 2006 was the last good year for video games. After that, game developers started half-assing games on purpose so that they could sell people "extra" content on the Xbox marketplace. Oblivion was probably the best 360 game I've ever played, and coincidentally it's the last video game I ever bought when I was 14.

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Rapelay was the best bethesda game

You can literally buy it and play it right this very second. Are you retarded?

Fuck off boomer, go play with your nintendo switch like the rest of the good zoomer goyim

Fucking this you are God damn right

Fuck u guys I’m gonna reinstall NV now. Any mods recommended?

Fallout 3 was way better than NV. NV was a disappointment, 4 was straight trash.

FO4 sucks ass, prove me wrong

Nah. Team fortress, bioshock, l4d, bad company 2, etc were great games released after 2006. This decade has been extremely uninspiring for video games though besides a few gems.

Fallout 4 + dog rape mod + dog player character

Bioshock was pretty good. Didn't care for Infinite though. My problem is this, being the 40 year old boomer, I grew up playing Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake, Unreal, all fantastic games that moved the genre forward. Then half life came out and blew everybody away. Then, omfg halflife 2. That was the pinnacle of PC games. I liked it so much that after it and the 2 episodes, I pretty much lost interest in PC gaming. Halflife 2 was so good everything after it sucked. Including shit like Crysis and Battlefield. I can't even play Fallout 3 and 4 for more than a few minutes at a time. It isn't halflife. Kind of sucks. Like some of the magic of my youth went up in smoke.

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines released on the same day as Half-Life 2. I would kill someone to have a good remake of that done.

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>Buying anything from them after fallout 4

Morrowind is so kino, fuck all these other shit games which try and force you to follow some """story""". Nigga I got ky own shit to do.

Nice trips. Also, oblivion creatures scaling up sucked ass and broke all immersion for me. The world outside should not change based on my skill cos that would be fucking retarded. Things are hard to kill or not they don't first go 'emm what level are you?' I ended up playing without ever sleeping.

Fuck yeah. I'll just cast this spell and fuck you niggas I'm flying
Yeah that's right! I knew there was something I hated about that game and that was it. What the fuck man

>t. Zoomer

-Project skywind
-One of the Morrowind graphical overhauls made for the original game, complicated to set up but really good

Based /biz thread. Never thought i would find one of my fav games here.

Was reeeeeeealy good too. And i played it in 2010.

Baldurs Gate 2 and Planescape Torment will always be the GOAT RPGs you plebs

Possibly their best game next to FO3 and NV. Too bad you have to hack your speed stat to at least 80 to tolerate running. The character graphics are especially terrible, needs graphic mods or unbearable lego-bodies and blurry blockheads.

I swear I've seen this thread before

I wish zenimax would go public so i could buy stock, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK

This was the best game of all time

I don’t understand why flawless games like Morrowind, vanilla World of Warcraft, and Warcraft3 aren’t studied and recreated piece by piece. These three games were almost completely perfect in their genre and fans are still obsessed with them. Just recreate literally the same game and give it some updated graphics and some new quests/characters/units and you’d make millions of dollars.

Yeah also Baldur’s Gate was insanely good. I love BG and BG2 so much.

That’s what blizzard is doing

user is blizzard making a continuation of Warcraft3? This is serious answer me.

Day of the rake when

Probably haphazzardly.

>remember morrowind?
>yeah that was soooo good
>we should make players be able to jump in the air at high speeds
>fuck yes

>absolute garbage taste

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Just World of Warcraft original for now

Yeah, I hate scaling enemies. There should just be places that are too hard to go to at the beginning of the game. Players will learn.

Mount and Blade is the greatest game ever made and I will drink from your skull if you say otherwise.

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"fans" is just a bunch of oldfags who dont buy games anymore and if they did they are such a small share of the market it's not worth it
nowadays they need to simplify games as much as possible to cater to retarded zoomers

I didn't know you invested in crypto Todd.

Nope I rather play fallout 3 in all its buggy mess glory than ever play fallout 4 again. New Vegas is still best fallout in my opinion.

>he doesn't exclusively play Ninja Gaiden Black
>not going to make it

They re released it multiple times though. It first launched on PC, then they ported it to Xbox, then it went Platinum Hits on Xbox, then they did GOTY version on PC and Xbox, and then they released the GOTY version on Steam, GOG, and Xbox One. There was also the Elder Scrolls Anthology release which was limited but included Morrowind GOTY. So that's 8 or 9 releases to date depending on whether you count the Anthology.

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It doesnt need a remake. Just get the fan patch and its so good as it is.
What it might need is a second game in that universe

Wow i never knew there were so many islands on the edge.
But its been a while since i played

>The greatest business decision Bethesda could make.
>Bethesda Softworks, the company behind the Fallout and Elder Scrolls series, was behind the creation of the cryptocurrency that now powers leagues of digital drug pushers and libertarian thought paraders.

Island hopping was epic in Morrowind. Never knew what you'd find, crazy amount if detail. Some had simple smugglers, others 6th house bases with extremely powerful ghouls. Many of the cave entrances were hidden so you always had to look very carefully.

Shit, I have to reinstall don't I?

Oblivion still has a place in my heart

>giving your money to satanist kikes

They rushed Skyrim and cut so much of its potential content simply because they wanted the release to be 11.11.11=6

I get human sacrifice and cannibalism, but why ruin Skyrim?

The problem is that Skyblivion and Skywind wont even be out by 2020

everybody look here.

I know this is a morrowind thread, which is the greatest game of all time

but this guy truly has it made. ninja gaiden black is the best console game. morrowind on console sucks because of load times (not morrowind's fault!)

I remember there was a cave hidden underwater which looked empty besides pearls and shit like every other underwater cave, but if you used waterbreathing and reached the deepest parts of it there was a secret flooded dwemer ruin with some chest armor that was more powerful than daedric and granted full fire immunity (or something along those lines). It was guarded by some big robot that tore me to shreds a dozen times first.


Wrong. New Vegas is better

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Sick burn NV ftw

faggots that haven't heard of obsidian should go back to their fucking playgaystationbox3

Excellent taste. Congrats user, we've already made it.

where we dropping boys xd

Someone probably will end up making a Morrowind battle royale honestly, multiplayer's already working on openmw and they seem to support a lot of concurrent players.

Exploration was truly rewarded in that game. You could stumble in to the best gear in the game by complete accident. Did it offset the game balance? Definitely. But the thrill of exploration more than made up for it.

Designers nowadays don't get it. All the gear you find becomes obsolete 2 hours later.

Checked! Double Digits speaking the truth. This music and the locations, unique. With a full graphic overhaul mod it looks not that kind of outdated today. And you can lower the amount of cliffracers.

Why would you want to speed up movement? That was one of the brilliant aspects of the depth of the leveling/skill system. Want to go faster? Level up your atheletics, mother fucker. You plebs make me sick wanting easy mode turned on for you. Go play Skyrim.

Checked for truth. Kek has spoken. Games don't feel like games anymore, there's nothing unique or interesting about them anymore, they're all designed to be rollercoaster rides for the masses of brain dead idiots.

Imagine newfags who only played Skyrim deciding to taste some Patrician video game history, and coming across Umbra for the first time exploring Suran while they're level 5.

Zenimax coin when

Yes. We all do.

To this day, I have a habit of exploring every nook and cranny, I think Morrowind is to blame. But unlike in Morrowind, modern games never reward you for it. In Skyrim all you'll get is a chest with 5 gold and a shitty dagger or something.

Hey guys, OP here, I wanted to thank you for making this my most popular post on Jow Forums. I couldn't have done it without you, anons.

I wanted to add, that I am glad we can all come together as autists and agree that video games should look up to a great game like morrowind. This is the greatest god damn game on this planet. There is no other circle jerk I would want to take part in. /biztards, let us make this happen.

Nah, Fallout Shelter however gotyay

I want to thank you for having good taste in vidya. Thanks OP.

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