Is this normal in America??

is this normal in America??

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Please don't post wh*te women on this board. They are disgusting.

imagine being the grandfather and watching this. seeing centuries of genetic purity, god-given racial superiority, being flushed down the toilet for some subhuman cumskin

Yes and white yanks LOVE it.

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Yes the two most common interval relationships are
1) white man + Asian women
2) black man + white women

So it is normal

If she's Am*rican she's already unpure

No actually it is hispanic woman + white man, and then hispanic man + white woman, but keep on living in your cuckold fantasy gayboy

based. If my son even looks at a wh*te woman I will disown him.

the meme.
America is already ours

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Marriage stats don’t account for dating because a lot of white female + black man are typically ghetto/trashy lower class white Women who have childern out of wedlock so it doesn’t paint the full picture.

Also those stats are for the USA.
Canada is 1.4 % Latin American so it isn’t the case here