>mfw poor americans without universal healthcare who will literally go bankrupt if they get a cold one time are going to donate their money to "victims" in japan
Mfw poor americans without universal healthcare who will literally go bankrupt if they get a cold one time are going to...
I have literally never been to a doctor, I just wait for every illness to pass while eating lots of garlic and drinking lots of alcohol. Never understood the hype about healthcare t-b-h.
Thank god my state (Massachusetts) has expanded Medicaid. I have no co pays so my healthcare is completely free. But in other states like Tennessee or Texas you cant get Medicaid without being disabled or a single mom
What happened to ObamaCare?I thought it fixed your problems.
Trump overturned it
Who the fuck gets medical treatment for a fucking cold? Unless you are very old or an infant just let it pass you pussy
Lol actually countries with nationalized healthcare have higher taxes, higher inflation, greater unemployment, and worse quality of healthcare.
Maybe read some Friedman next time, it's just basic fucking economics.
QT Japanese animators are more important than talentless burger NEETs.
Obamacare forced unsubsidized Americans to choose between unaffordable insurance and no insurance at all. It was a tax on the middle class. It fucked those of us who work and use our employers insurance.