This is very cute and happy

this is very cute and happy
and if you disagree you're an incel

Attached: happily married.png (603x702, 472K)

Attractive people are going to marry?
Hope they have children.

Only polcels would be bothered by this. Happy bleaching!

>Africa? You mean brown girl heaven.

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

Hope they enjoy a disturbing mulatoo child that kills itself during its teen years.

Ugh...20000000 millions of pure evropan heritage down the drain causs he decided to racemix

But he is a Texan he isnt even European.


Attached: images.png (554x554, 36K)

he is being sarcastic

she kinda looks like italians. who is she? 100% sure she is not african.

Morgan was born in Ottawa, Ontario. Her mother is Scottish and her father is Tanzanian.[

Lol, blacked.

I wish i could find a Brazilian chick like her to marry.

Black queens

I am happy for the couple. Why would I have anything but good things to say?

God I wish that were me

-00% guarantee that she’s already cheating on him with a black man

yes, italian women with white men are the best couple

>Black hands typing jpeg

>those nails

your heritage is not pure in slightest why are you disturbed

that thumb still would gf, so lonely

00% is just 0 percent

I meant 100%, no way this cuck could satisfy her

Why do you care what some rando does with his "pure" bloodline?
