Why on Earth would anyone support a European power growth??
No good could come of that. If you really want that please help me understand why
Why on Earth would anyone support a European power growth??
No good could come of that. If you really want that please help me understand why
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Australia has no culture or history.
so things like your non country with a cuckstamp cant happen again
and yet its a much nicer place to live than france
You've never been to France or Australia
i've been to Australia but not France (fortunately)
>fortunately I haven’t seen anything worth seeing so my Jow Forums bubble hasn’t burst
So you're talking out of your ass, like most americans
i've seen plenty worth seeing as i havent visited finland either
yes im the only one talking out of my ass mon ami, have you visited australia?
I said australia has no history or culture, those are facts.
>I said australia has no history or culture, those are facts.
Dumb frog cunt, you're more ignorant than yanks and infinitely more narcissistic
dont feel too bad, soon australia will have a 5000 year culture and history
You seem upset.
Provide some arguments.
but everything has culture and history from the moment its established, if by "less culture and history than other parts of the world" then yes i suppose thats true in part due new world nations being founded recently historically, but i personally find the history of australia interesting and it most certainly has its own "culture" as well. this doesnt really work as an actual argument and i sincerely hope youre just trying to banter.
Yes we have a relatively short history (not including the 40,000 years of indigenous culture) but we've established ourselves in that short time.
You frog cunts owe us and the Americans for helping you in both world wars. The Villers-Bretonneux and Bullecourt communities celebrate our military commenorations.
All you rely upon is your "history" which primarily involves either monarchies or some manlet getting BTFO by the Germans and Russians
France is a disgusting shithole, doesn’t matter how you slice it
Because EVROPA is the rightful ruler of this planet and the other continents our mere playgrounds
don't forget us trying clean up their mess in vietnam either
Eating snails and being an uppity eurocuck isn't a culture Pierre.
Enjoy getting cucked by the unelected eurocrats
>willingly giving up your sovereignty
t. playground for the U.K
*breeds your women with blacks for mulatto slaves*
>alcoholism and fairy bread is culture
Nah the Vietnamese invited the Frogs in because they knew they could win a war and wouldn't be forever cucked by China.
Though the Vietnam war was a massive mistake
Evrope is the rightful master of the world
You have no idea what "Australian culture" is you fucking retard
>some dumb frog cunt is telling me that I have no culture
Because there is none lmao
Oh I'm sorry I forgot about vegemite
Christ you frogs make Americans look educated
>smelling bad and getting ran over by trucks is culture
If anything you and Americans should pay some respect to France for helping both of you reach independence from the british crown.
Why some ass-backwards cunt from the end of the known world is against a stronger Europe is beyond me as we would both profit from stronger economic and scientific relations.
I know China has a long history and a really interesting culture don't worry
sorry, you're not France, you're an irrelevant nation that won't exist in 50 years due to global warming lol
we like France though
steady on Ostrich
>If anything you and Americans should pay some respect to France for helping both of you reach independence from the british crown.
and France would be German clay without Australians fighting and dieing in France at both world wars
>le ebin chinese joke
Narcissism isn't a culture Pierre
>dude weed lmao and whores: the nation
Tells more about you than us 2bh
not really, we'd be
>dude mass shootings and fat people lmao
Oh I see how it is, the perfidious brits constantly shit on Europe and the EU and Australians are now hellbent on shitting on Europe aswell and now Nigel wants to downplay his role in keeping our Aussie brothers down, see .
Continentals are your friend.
And Australia would be brh'ish clay if it wasn't for France.
>a country has no history or culture
Yeah it just congealed in a gutter right now and is a carbon copy of British culture.
ITT: buttblasted anglos
>And Australia would be brh'ish clay if it wasn't for France.
We seceded peacefully from the brits you absolute retard
Buen post
Straya is his own lad. Unlike you and Germany currently. Sorry lad, has to be said. State
*punches you in the stomach, making you tear up*
what was that, frenchie?
*does a backflip kick and nails you in the jaw, breaking it and knocking you unconscious*
that's what i thought....take a bath.
Right, I always forgot Napoleon flew his spaceship here and freed us from british tyranny with his manlet powers. Thanks for reminding me.
>imagine resting on your laurels because your country used to be a great center for artists and intellectuals but now is just an african dumping ground.
A redundant attribute
Superpowers decide what happens in the world.
No single european country will ever be a superpower again.
Therefore it's only logical that european countries ally together into a superpower and force their agreed upon will on the rest of the world.
The EU is already an economic superpower that imposes european agenda on trade. Next it needs to be extended into a military superpower so countries like the US and China don't step all over european interests.
Ironically the biggest obstacle to that is france, which still thinks it's a superpower.
so much angl*id butthurt
Gee Verhoftsad wants a Euro army. Who is invading?
hundreds of millions of african french speakers means they are a superpower
ah yes the sbarros pizza flag opinion, always very valuable posts coming from this "country"
No, the biggest obstacle are foreign-funded nationalists, Macron is a true liberal and would be all ears for a completely unified superpower.
*Steals your paprika*
Certainly not the british. They don't really do anything anymore.
Prepare your anus, whitey
>Macron is a true liberal
they've done more and do more than finland ever has or ever will, as well as being infinitely more relevant
That superpower would be ruled by unelected bureaucrats
>willingly up your sovereignty
Imagine being this much of a pathetic cuck
>ah yes the sbarros pizza flag opinion, always very valuable posts coming from this "country"
>piss dungeon is having a go
ahaha fuck off little germany
>That superpower would be ruled by unelected bureaucrats
Just like every country in the world. There are very few political positions you directly vote for.
Everything in your post is false. Please try and keep up with the discussion.
It sure beats being little Israel
Europe is a corpse and the EU is its coffin.
isnt israel already little israel? we'd be BIG israel.
(and that's a good thing)
meanwhile the britshit empire is dead but you still wear its flag, cope harder mass murderer
It seems you drank the anglo propaganda cum like the good little sissy you are.
Nope, you're a vassal state and nothing more. Now fuck off amerigolem
>The Hungarian flag is seething again
Notice how the concept of a unified EU military is only opposed by perfidious anglos and their overseas spawn. What are you afraid of?
What lovely non responses from territories 13 & 24. Long live the Federated European Republic.
You're forgetting the russian vassals Italy and other nationalisticucks.
They've been blocking a unified EU military for 20 years now.
ITT: Anglo Bvlls pozzing sissies
>t. meme country
Just get annexed by the UK already, you LARPers.
Who would even know you exist if not for the LotR trilogy? You're literally the small log of shit Australia sharted.
And we can't forget the united states which vehemently opposes anything that competes with NATO. It really is a three pronged attack. A unified EU military effort would be too big of a threat for anglo-american imperialism, russian cleptocracy and chinese totalitarianism.
a kindred spirit to you i see
You eurocucks had a gigantic cry when Trump asked you cunts to pay for your own defence lol.
>euro military
All EU states should withdraw from NATO and ally themselves with Argentina and Brazil and Australian/New Zealand (which are based apart from the british cocksuckers ITT)
We didn't cry, most laughed at that idiot spending billions to build bases in Europe and then getting ridiculed for wanting to charge rent.
Now a unified military is the center of attention again and who's crying? Anglo and russian satelitte "nationalists" who's rather sell their asses to Russia, China and the US than working for a unified Europe.
You barely avoided being dismembered by the Soviets and now you want to forfeit your sovereignty and army?
We might be irrelevant but at least we’ll still exist decades from now. It saddens me to think that Austria will be consigned to the history books as a long forgotten territory from somewhere in the distant past.
You know, there was this visionary in 1933 who wanted a united Europe, but it was blocked by perfidious anglos and their overseas spawn.
>We might be irrelevant
you're not that.
Friedrich Naumann Mittel Europa
the plan
ITT: Newfags throw a shitfit cos their shithole got insulted
I..is Jow Forums a containment board for muh cunt retards?
I appreciate the sentiment, but let’s be honest...
Wasn't India supposed to be superpower by 2020?
it could always be worse, you could be finland
This, especially Ireland. The most important European cunt
You're cucked right now but still one of us
we're cucked too
It was mostly shock at a US president basically ordering foreign countries to make changes into their national budgets without basing it on any law, treaty or agreement. That's a bigger insult to sovereignty than anything EU has ever done.
Also before retrads start spreading misinformation: There is nothing in the nato treaty about enforcing specific levels of spending. The 2% gdp spending amount is and always has been an unenforceable, voluntary recommendation.
We are. First target is Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, the thing is, we can give them free movement in EU and free trade and they will welcome us as liberators. Next Canada and Japan should be persuated to join by any means necessary. Of course we cannot forget about Kazakhstan and Mongolia. When that is done, Greenland will have no option but to fully integrate. Now only Alaska remains, they can have a nice referendum, we just need to make sure the results are to our liking. Of course such state would need major reforms on the domestic front, but I htink renaming it Roman Empire and electing an Emperor from the ranks of military would do it, everybody is a bit of a romeboo deep in his heart.