What did your family did during WW2?
>my great grandfather was in Einsatzgruppen and shot bunch of jews and russians and got away with it in the end
What did your family did during WW2?
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One guy from my family got conscripted during the final days of the war, he later died in a soviet POW camp. One other guy died somewhere in russia other than that they all survived for some reason. Even the NSDAP members
My grandpa dressed as a woman to avoid going to the military. It worked
My granduncle shot a bunch of russians with a MG42 and also came away with it lmao
Fought Germans in Italy
one of my grandfathers starved to death because he kept all the food for his kids
with the other one, the nazis made a HQ of his house because it was nice, but he'd snitch their moves to rebels
I hear my dad's father was an airplane mechanic stationed in Africa. He was Portuguese.
How old are all of you?
My German grandfather was drafted at the age of 18 and was sent to the Russian front. There he got a grenade shell stuck into his skull (which stuck there until he died 6 years ago) and got sent home again to heal. Later he fought in France against the allied troops and was captured by the Brits, who took him to an English prison, where he stayed until the war was over. Made friends with an English prison guard there, claiming the Brits where the most humane enemies during the war.
My Swiss family guarded the border and chilled lmao.