Hidden Gem Series
Coin Name: VTHO
Current Market Cap: 1.3M (449M*0.003)
VTHO generation rate (or ROI): ~=4%
VET market cap: ~=1.1B
Based on the ROI the fair market cap should be at 44M (or X40 times now) (NEO/GAS is one of the best example to understand this price rate)
Now what is the hidden clue here: its burn rate
VTHO burn rate: 70% of tx volume
Now if we observe the tx happened in the last week, it is burning at an average of
3M for 97.5K transaction with 100k clauses.
So that tx has been either contributed by some enterprise to test the peak volume or by the team itself. So things span out as expected in Sep (Major auto clients, insurance clients), we can see huge tx spikes on vechain, which in turn burns the VTHO, more than generation rate and hence the demand/supply problem.
By seeing all those even 30k tx with 30k clauses will burn 1M VTHO a day, and will result in companies competing for VTHOR than VET in the long run.
My fair expectation for VTHO is around 200M with VET sitting at 4-5B MC.
And if you calculate the above, it is a real gem with > 100x potential.
As of now only it is there on lbank, soon expected to on Binance.
Do your math, you will understand the potential value of this gem.
In simple terms ratio between VET:VTHO should be 1:20 on marketcap. so if there is a spike in VET, then same has to be there on VTHO to compensate the fair price.
Bye, soon will come with another gem.
Let me know, your thoughts on this analysis.