Is this country officially the hardest country to have sex in?

Germany is the dark souls of the sexual market. I live in Germany since 2009 and i m still kissless hugless handholdless sexless incel freak. It's literally IMPOSSIBLE to obtain sex if you are not 100% WHITE, TALL and ARYAN. How come women are such huge nazis here?i thought nazism was destroyed in 1945?explain

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>Germany is the dark souls of the sexual market
t. never been to the Basque country

Just take a trip to Eastern Europe and buy a hooker

I had sex with a German girl but
yeah this is literally me

just live in the middle class half of a medium sized town

>How come women are such huge nazis here?i thought nazism was destroyed in 1945?
I know you are being ironic, but to seriously think a society can make an organic change from being ultra fascist-nationalist into progressive-peace-loving liberal, in 2 generation is laughable. It will take at least 5 generations, but german have the evilness in their blood so they will turn back to their old ways by next generation

i keep seeing almancis with german girls (pretty hot ones too) in marmaris.

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lol just be ethnic in germany, model tier holes will go for any kind of third worlder

That's not true, my friend worked with a black guy who while in Germany for business fucked a german girl who asked him to fuck her ass. You probably just come off as autistic.

I mean in the Rammstein song Pussy Till sings that he 'can't get laid in Germany'
I always found that line a bit strange since he is a famous musician and typically they drown in pussy, and he also isn't ugly
Must be indeed pretty hard