Is Turkish worth learning?

Is Turkish worth learning?

Anyone on Jow Forums have experience learning it?

I have a Turkish name and sometimes feel obligated to.

Attached: p.jpg (255x350, 20K)

why does he look like a nazi
and whats your name ?

Kek I was aware that Turkey has relations with countries like Malaysia and Indonesia
They probably see it like the Mecca of the Western world

of course not

Gayreece is the toilet of the western world

>Diasporas popping out

My dad knows Azeri Turkish dialect after he learned it from one of his prisoners during the war. Its been useful to him a lot of times so I would say yes its worth learning

found the turk.

>They probably see it like the Mecca of the Western world

But my parents weren't aware of the name being Turkish related, I had to look it up myself back then and they were surprised bc they thought it was just another muslim name.

What's your name?