Strong family values

>strong family values
>strong solidarity and kindness between brothers and sisters of the faith
>women accept their natural role as mothers and wives
>a male is guaranteed to find a wife who shall bear children to him
>crimes severely punished
>respect and tolerance of other peoples and cultures (but not at the expense of your own)

Why haven't you joined the soon to be world's largest religion?

Attached: Star_and_Crescent.png (2000x1882, 64K)

>soon to be world's largest religion
lmao no

stop overpopulating

>a male is guaranteed to find a wife who shall bear children to him
fake, look at all the prison gay niggers from isis

Attached: dac45d02c4679dce5f41e475e93acc715f54be0f79e79b9277598afa478cc326.jpg (1800x4408, 1.97M)

I like scotch too much.

Cause Jesus number 1

I never understood why Jow Forums hates islam.
>men are lords and masters of all
>women are treated like cattle
>up to 4 wives if you can afford it
>gays are forced to get a sex change or get stoned
>cheating is a death sentence for women
>criminals are actually punished, not coddled
Sounds great to me

That's what's projected to happen


>strong family values
Inbreeding is not a value
>strong solidarity and kindness between brothers and sisters of the faith
Absolute meme, muslims love to blame each other as kafirs and munafiqs
>women accept their natural role as mothers and wives
Not anymore, in most muslim countries more women are getting employed as time passes, many muslim countries have a fertility rate near the replacement level
>a male is guaranteed to find a wife who shall bear children to him
That's the exact opposite, if you don't have a good job her parents won't allow you to marry
>crimes severely punished
As if it decreases crimes.
>respect and tolerance of other peoples and cultures

>based view on society
>based view on abrahamic tales
how come they're so based?

I guess I'm Sckelqim

also complete low IQ muh god autists

no thanks


All those points applies to Christianism too, what's your point?
You are confusing society to religion and viceversa.

>strong family values
>literally murder their own children

Yeah no. They're just insecure.

Thats called honour, not something a eurocuck would know

I don't desire to.cuck to.arabs

Based javanese knows what overpopulation is about.

is there anything more pathetic than white muslims

wh*Te kaffirs

because fuck allah fuck the bully religion fuck insane brown niggers et cetera. im not a believer but follow the way of life



>>strong family values
No incel, allah commad to stick with humble people
>>a male is guaranteed to find a wife who shall bear children to him
Incel...that is anti-quran sect (non-muslim basically), you will go to ISIS and hell
>>crimes severely punished
equally not severly
>>respect and tolerance of other peoples and cultures (but not at the expense of your own)
only non-agressive/degenerate culture, other that should fully abandon.

T. Albanian


>strong solidarity and kindness between brothers and sisters of the faith

Attached: 4.png (1999x1078, 493K)

Islam is a fucking joke, at least with Christianity their guy Jesus was a good person. Meanwhile Muslims worship a thieving degenerate pedo with absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Dubs and China conquers my country and puts Muslims in concentration camps


Islam is the future of the western civilization if we want kill all that progresist shit that invade the media.

>Muslims don't support American imperialism
Shocking. It's almost like they know that the US and Israel want to eliminate most of them.

Que vergüenza das

>forbids most forms of self expression
>glorifies death
>inherently antagonistic
>rigidly totalitarian
I get that some people are mentally indistinguishable from donkeys, but what's the appeal for us humans?

>US and Israel want to eliminate most of them


Are you saying it's designed for the incel mentality
