Why do Indian woman academics and professionals in the states often have white husbands? Can pajeets explain this?

Why do Indian woman academics and professionals in the states often have white husbands? Can pajeets explain this?

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It's called Just Be White

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same for indian men
aziz ansari
sanjay gupta
ajit pai

Whomst the fug is Sanjay Gupta

Is he a cardiologist from Cherry Hill, NJ

I don't know, user. Could it be because they live in a country that's about 65% non-Hispanic white? Or one where Indians constitute about 1% of the overall population?

I'm white, doing a PhD and plan on going into academia. However, my research is based here. Do consider that most Indian families have fairly strong structures. Interracial dating--let alone marriage!--is still quite taboo. But while the typical brown parent would far prefer their son or daughter wind up with an Indian, liberal, educated families won't put up nearly as much of a fuss for an educated white professional as they would an African-American or Latino. For most Indian-Americans, the choices are A) Indian dudes B) white dudes C) get disowned.

aziz ansari is a rapist

The CNN reporter and neurosurgeon.

Indian men want trad stay at home housewife.
When she studies shes much older like almost 30 and prolly slept around so white guys are her only options since they dont care about age n milage

Also this. Even a lot of Indian dudes who live in the West and say they're liberal actually aren't. Too used to mummy spoiling them and feel they deserve to be waited on hand and foot for the rest of their lives.

only if it's an indian woman. ive seen pajeets with bbw white women, it's honestly kinda disgusting.

arabs and indians have become the biggest white women chasers. arabs are already moneymaxxed to oblivion so they just land and get a white woman but indians go to america to statusmaxx and then moneymaxx for white women.

Well to ur face sure. The ones from fiji carribean n africa dislike whites way more. Funny enough blacks get better acceptance in those cultures.

Indian girls have been honor killed here for bein with white guys....hell even a pakistani will do it too.
Its literally dont hoe n dont be gay

Yeah. My girlfriend's boss is an Indian dude who's married to an absolutely horrendous, fat white women. You can tell they kind of hate each other. I'm pretty sure he just thought he was lucky to get a gori girl when he was doing his PhD.

Fucking idiot could've landed a way better, sanskaari Indian girl if he'd made half an effort once he got back.

however, the good thing is that indians generally get PoCpilled in America pretty easily after a generation or two

ive met some second generation indians and they hang around blacks and hispanics often. shit, my cousin is dating a black guy.

I'm in India, so I'm not talking about Indians who were brought to the West Indies in the 18th century as indentured servants and slaves.

Hes not mexican

aka just don’t be subhuman

True but after colonialism there is a major grudge with whites

Indo Guyanese and Fijians were slaves made to replace black slaves. Over generations, they lowinihibmaxxed and began chimping out at the white man. They date blacks a lot too. Many Indian-Black marriages in Trinidad and Jamaica. Even Kamla Harris was created in the same way.

There's an obvious dislike for whites in those communities because they were treated like shit by white officers who bought them from their homeland, pretty much like blacks.

Ya but cant forget to looksmaxx.
Even white girls say it too that they come off too creepy to hit u up.
Gotta learn from the latinos

There is this unexplainble phenomen where all women want white husband. Nobody knows why though. Racism?

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Well its trade off. He will always provide n run the errands. In a sense youre reciprocal

Same for 3rd generation Indians and Pakistanis in UK. Those Indians riot together with blacks. I guess that's what happens when you're Indian/Black being surrounded by whites getting treated like shit for your skin colour, you literally stop giving a fuck.

The newly arrived indians generally hail from well off families and hold a high opinion of themselves.

The world's wealthiest men are mostly white. Women are attracted to wealth and status.

Well dih but homeland wasnt exactly a nice tea party it was so shit that the colonies was worth the risk to leave for.

Nothing wrong with chimp outs. High t does that.
Say what u want about blacks but if asians were enslaved....slavery poc oppression will still be a thing

As there should've been. Britain spent hundreds of years decimating the region's economy while propagating systems of intense discrimination.

I've met plenty of Western tourists who regurgitate the same tropes that led to colonialism transmogrifying from a corporate venture to an imperial ambition.

It's reciprocal if you want to be a housewife. Many Indian women--like girls all across the world--have their own ambitions. While culture may nudge people to adopt certain roles, there will always be outliers. It's increasingly common for South Asian women to work, especially in middle- and upper-middle class households.

IME, a lot of [educated] Indian women still retain somewhat conservative takes on love and marriage but want to have their own lives outside their husband. It's perfectly sensible. If a girl wants to get a PhD or become an engineer, she just needs to find someone who's willing to accommodate that.

It is very true that a lot of men here--no matter what they say they believe--have a hard time accepting girls with bigger ambitions than shitting out babies, rolling rotis and making chaa.

They didn't leave. Read up on the indenture system. If you were Indian, and owed money to the British administration, you were eligible for enslavement (newspeakly called "indentured labour").

The joke was that India was under British control and every Indian was a citizen of the empire and therefore had to pay tax to the Queen. If you didn't pay tax, you owed money to the British, that's how they started the system.

Millions of Indians were exported to Trinidad, the West Indies, Fiji, and Africa to work under this system. Many Indians chimped out and killed many British officers to the point they stopped hiring whites and only kept Indian officers under duty.

Well most men in general dont value career in women. This is all cultures.
Thats just an added thing if needed.
For us we HAVE to provide.
Its cool to have a life outside of family but men dont see it as it has to be a workplace in environment.
For us it be friends from school days n randoms uve met.
But to each their own.

Interesting also heard it was poor widowed kidnapped people as well. Thougj few thought was a good ixea.

Apperntly it ended 1916 when word spread of such abuses n deaths there

>chimped out

Sounds like they had natural reactions to being oppressed by an exploitative government, user.

chimpouts aren't always bad
1857 was a massive chimpout and I celebrate the occasion every year with some booze and piss on East India company's flag

I'm just not sure whether you can call it a chimp-out if it was the end-result of being continuously fucked by a shit system that never respected your basic humanity.

Exactly race riots n shit are fime fuck pol.

True chimp outs(find it racist btw) are when ur sports team loses.
I call em pigouts since its white hockey football n soccer fans doing it

White women love Indian men (especially Dravidian BVLLs)

Jai Shri Ram!