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I didn't cry over Notre Dame. I shook with rage because of how afraid the French government was to blame migrants.

sup soy

>fire where nobody died vs fire where 33 died

que tal soy


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>Didn't cry

El pibe soja

That 800 year old roof and spire are worth more than a hundred dead gooks

gas yourself Christcuck

powerful image

Yes a church burned down lets become a nazi now.

The Bible says we shouldn’t value material object so much you retard

The joke is that they were always a Nazi.

>muh Semitic temple

Europe should be ethnically european.
In other words, white


Skydaddy isn’t real, grow up.

France had expelled all the Jews a couple of decades before it was completed. It isn't semitic.

Also this

This is an anime website. That studio alone is worth more than the past ten thousand years of European history.

>the cop is a frog

back to your subreddit

Hola cringe


This. Are normalfags on Jow Forums and plebbit really mad about this?

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I don't think I undersyand this cartoon well. Excuse me because I'm asian
Why is he holding an lgbt mask (?)

No one died in that stupid tourist trap, this comparison is laughable.

At that time the internet far right was pretending to be clowns to avoid censorship.


You can still find happiness in god user, Jesus loves you. Just don’t be a protestant

>Jow Forums failed spectacularly at "stealing the rainbow symbol" but meanwhile people have to go out of their way to call the rainbow a pride symbol every time they see one

the frog torched notre dame?

Fuck lol, that's a regular guy. I thought that rainbow hat is what policemen wear on pride events baka

>"because it's a clownworld"

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who are you quoting?

Unironic question, why do you ALWAYS get 100's of (you)'s when posting that comic?

implying nazis didn't burn churches

Just my own observations. The things I mentioned seem incompatible but people on Jow Forums are deeply convinced about both.

I think it is because it has so many levels of cringe:
>implies Nazis didn't want to burn Paris
>implies that becoming a Nazi would somehow prevent an accidental fire
>implies/assumes that the fire was some kind of attack rather an an accident


Why Jow Forums so full of edgytards and casuals

Nazis thought christianity was kike shit made to keep the aryan man down but what can you expect from polcels

Notre Dame was real artwork. An*me is consumer trash sold to the mentally disabled.

t. Never cared about the cathedral until it almost burned down and some Muslims laughed at it online

I don’t care what muslims say online. They’re usually much less autistic and pushy about their beliefs than you christfags.

>implying this isn't accurate
It's pathetic how a site built for right wing activism cares more about some gay anime studio than the literal destruction of western culture and heritage.

1/10 you for me to reply

Tbf, I don't really care about either of those, and there is still plenty of drawfags in the world.
The worse thing is that they tore down the remains of the cathedral and are going to pay millions to some retard to rebuild a modern version of it, when the open-space charred remains would have been way better as an historic point of interest (after proper security accommodations have taken place).

>no workers on site at the time of the accident
>journalists and politicians claim it's an accident only 15 minutes after the fire started
>900 years old wood is extremely hard to set aflame
>a black-clad man was filmed on the roof shortly before the fire (also this film was confirmed to be valid) (also also attempts were made to take this film down).
Huh...it's almost as if something isn't quite right here


Cringe aside, casually dozens and dozens attacks to churches from muzzies in the previous days and years.

Eurofags mostly don't care about their churches. Church "attacks" are just kids fucking around.

>arabs running into a church and cutting the priest's head off is "just kids fucking around"
Christ, the absolut state of amerimutts

When did that happen in France?

Yeah, you not staying on Jow Forums is

Last year in Normandy. Muslims ran into a church and beheaded the priest during a sermon. Crowd was all old people

Really. Haven't heard of it.

Gamer Girl Asswater probably values more than your life. kys

Look it up. Media barely covered it. Forgot about it myself until the swede brought it. France also has a church burning problem. Wouldn't surprise me if Muslims did do it. Especially because the media acted exactly as the Mexican said and they do that when the culprit is brown or black

>blaming an entire group of disenfranchised people for an accidental fire

At least there are thousands of people who cry over their death unlike some stupid useless slavshit who is never seen worthly by anyone.

That's pretty much how right wing politics works. The goal is to avoid changing the status quo at all costs.

>Media barely covered it.
Why do polcels love to lie so much

So according to your logic because that white guy attacked the mosque in new zealand then all white people are crazy? Don’t you see how this grudge shit is self perpetuating

Because they are suburban children who only pay attention to anglosphere media.

Why is it sad that the French cathedral burns? Did anyone really cry when the French cathedral burned down? (Except French)

Why did you cry? Did it save your country? Has your country made it? Did your countrymen also die together?

There is no sad reason and it can't be sad
I was rather fun at that time

common european heritage

Judeo-christian heritage.

>a building with hundreds of years of history that has stood for generations and should have stand for even more even after we're all forgotten
>why aren't they giving the money they're using to restore it, to the feed African children reeeee fuck religion!

Nigger it looks like shit and no one cares about it. There are much better cathedrals in Europe.

it's a fucking church
it's complete nonsense that rich people donated $1 billion in a couple of hours for such an inane cause when the Catholic church is already rich as fuck. We should kill the rich

Except Islam demands that Muslims do these things. They aren't allowed to live in non Muslim ruled countries unless they are there for business or conquest. Whites don't have a sharia law that tells them to do these things

Muslim and "white" aren't mutually exclusive.

Read the leafs post that I was replying to

Nero is that you?
Are you playing the lyre again?

>I value human lifes

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Kyoani has entertained me for years, and made me feel different kind of feelings. Can't say same for the Notre dame.

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I haven't posted on Jow Forums for two years
Also not an argument