Really makes you think

really makes you think

Attached: really makes you think.png (1100x1464, 3.82M)

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Should have used a gun desu

Leftists are fucking dumb.

this is the proof.

leftists are for gun control

You mean like Hitler?

Leftists are only capable of being a thorn in the side of right wing men. Left wing ideas are predicated on being cucks to right wing men. Leftists let Stalin, the largest slaveholder in history, deify himself.

I'm a communist and against gun control

fine by me
favelados getting headshotted by police snipers now and homicides of humans being reduced drastically

Attached: homicides down.jpg (707x721, 37K)

you're a fascist to modern communists

>one is president and the other is in jail
Yes, leftists are violent, intolerant and hypocritical

A lot of subhuman Jow Forumstards with shoe polish stained tongues in this thread.

t. communist lgbt

Attached: stalin.png (593x990, 684K)

Do you punch fags? Yes, I do.

Not really, those are radlibs. Genuine communists still exist.

Workers should have guns to keep the bourgeoisie in check

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real communism is dead since the fall of the soviet union
now it's modern communism time, the most degenerate version of communism possible, the version of communism enforced by literal trannies, feminists and homos

Well then a rejuvenation of communism is needed. Just know that if a commie revolution were to ever happen in the future it would be done by legit socialists, those fatass degenerate leftoids wouldn't do any real activism ever, much less a revolution.

Leftist are stabby to conservatives? Yeah, it goes both ways.

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stop self harming bro

>Be "Japanese nationalist"
>Murder the only guy that wanted to prevent Japan from becoming an American puppet state
Why do you retards worship this faggot again?

Because rightwingers are retarded and don't realize the only way for their countries they apparently love so much to not become owned and controlled by international capitalists is through socialism.

Oh yeah, because being a Chinese puppet state would've been so much better.

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it's over for red rats
you just know that the lgbt and feminist movements killed your ideology and still you support them by being leftists? lel

Hmm... would I rather be owned by corporations via oligarchical capitalism or owned by a centralized state via socialism.

How about neither?

>Imagine being a communist

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-19 Elección presidencial de Chile de 2017 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.png (315x162, 26K)


If you're being that dense about it, I'm not a leftist. I'm a communist and even if socialism never wins I'll still be content I never became a brainless SJW or rightwinger

>done by legit socialists
make me chuckle
>done by empowered strong proud transgender PoC married with cats

Meme understanding of what socialism is

Dude, the guy was praising the CCP after Mao starved all of his own citizens. Him and his supporters had to go.

communism died with the soviet union, forget about it
if you continue attacking rightwingers, you are automatically supporting those who are destroying you, commie

Nope. Used to be a socialist and that's exactly what state socialism is. Democratic socialists are the same fucking thing except instead of a violent revolution they just want to vote their party in.

Libsocs are a meme

indeed. thing is, closer you can get to this in LA is via socialists.
right wingers here are a very, very dumb bunch, much worse than GOP.
just look at embraer lmao

Attached: supertucano.jpg (620x430, 55K)

It's gonna rise from its ashes. Screenshoot this

Attached: 1557990233608.png (1000x1000, 216K)

>Socialism is when you're owned by a centralized state

socialism is literally the state owning everything...

The state has to have certain qualities though.

In theory no, in practice absolutely. State socialism is just the central party owning fucking everything and Trotskyists and anarchists were completely right about it.

Demsocs meanwhile are just quixotic morons
>Okay no no wait, okay so yes it's a planned economy but it's a """"decentralized"""" planned economy where we cooperatively own the means of production
>We're gonna be exactly like Allende and Chavez!

And who even cares about libsocs, all they've ever done is jerk off over Catalonia and Zapatistas

>Fascism vs Communism
>armed men vs disarmed weaklings
>men vs feminists (male and female)

If what you understand by socialized as "owned" by the state then sure. But just that it's not even close to what socialism is
>Missing end to wage labor
>Missing end of the capitalist mode of production
>Missing workers' self management
>Missing end to current currency

you can't be conservative and leftist at the same time anymore and you know it well

>Workers self management
Never happens
>End to wage labor
Also never happens , in fact the most succesful cooperatives like Mondragon still use wage labor.
>End to current currency
Also never happens , and communists take this even further in wanting an end to currency as a concept. It's not just socialists who hate the dollar or the euro either. Right wingers don't like the American federal reserve either.
>Ending the capitalist mode of production
Has never happened after many, many attempts. Private ownership of the means of productuon always leaks its way back into the economy via a black market or by corruption. Hierarchy is inevitable

why would a radical liberal be against liberties?

Workers' self management did happen in the USSR and Yugoslavia, while to a lesser scale in the Soviet Union it did happen. If you look at specific examples even americans have admitted this, look up Steven Spielberg talking about how soviet film directors had way more freedom to do what they wanted than american directors.

you can be socially conservative and economically leftist and vice versa

>soviet film directors had way more freedom to do what they wanted than american directors
ayy lmao

i much prefer furfag and tranny nazis myself. MAGA

name one good socialist country
i'll wait

>soviet film directors had way more freedom to do what they wanted than american directors.
Pfftttt no. No. Maybe instead of an interview of Spielberg you can read up about Tarkovsky and the shit he had to put up with. Maybe read a biography of Eisenstein.

this is the power of american democracy

>Workers' self management did happen in the USSR and Yugoslavia
No, it didn't. In the USSR especially. In both Yugoslavia and the USSR all the workers council's were very subject to central planning. That's not workers self management. Libsocs might be a meme but they're still right about some things

No, it's the power of not being an ignorant socialist. All he wanted to do was exchange the US for China in a time when Mao was murdering his own people.

I'm glad the fucker got stabbed even if he had 0 chance of winning an election

>I'm glad the fucker got stabbed even if he had 0 chance of winning an election
>around mutts...

>Dude, the guy was praising the CCP after Mao starved all of his own citizens. Him and his supporters had to go.

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>communist and against gun control
No such thing