It's time to nuke America.
It's time to nuke America
Fuck niggers, my daily burger is more important than their subhuman lives.
Or, you know, just stop encouraging Africans and Asians and Indians to breed so much.
>eat less beef so there's more for niggers and spics
Do people really believe that there are going to be 10 billion people on earth?
Thats just not correct and will not happen
Yeah america you better start exporting those patties abroad, surely that's great for the climate as well. What the fuck is their endgame?
I've been trying to eat more beef lately
All this "limit your self because of muh environment" faggotry that the sojboys are pushing these days is in fact the result of a media campaign pushed by (((certain people))) in order to make it seem fashionable to be poor.
Really hoping for a good influenza strain to wipe out third worlders.
Faroese are such a small yet precious minority that I hearby entitle you to 500kg of beef per person per year
There will not be 10 million people by 2050 and even there was fuck them I'll eat what I want.
How about instead of consuming less we just produce more?
The planet will be dead before 2050 thanks to amerifats
Why is 2050 the year everything bad happens?
because farm animals needs a lot of resource welp that's what jews said
You mean Russia
t. tundranigger
>How about instead of consuming less we just produce more?
>Do people really believe that there are going to be 2 billion people on earth? Thats just not correct and will not happen
>10 million
the future is soy
We’re supposed to be the retards but I see posts like this one from Europeans all the time.
>10 millions
So that boomers can live their retirement to the fullest. They're going to be dead in 2050 so it's not gonna be their problem anymore. Boomers don't wanna hear that basically shit's already fucked.
let the thirdies starve, based americans eat up!
Why not nuke Africa or India
Not everyone knows this but:
Beef is the best thing you can eat to raise your IQ
nom nom nom nom
This is the power of americanization
Are you sure this is true? Americans eat burgers everyday you know...
Personally I'm pretty hyped for the vertical farming and insect flour future.
Just nuke pic related
Why can't Africans eat bugs like Asians
Not really, its all based on energy production and we got plenty of that.
1 amermutt consumes as many resources as like 20 indians. If you eliminated the US it would be like eradicating India 20 times over.
just nuke africa
So you're saying we shouldn't have any immigration so we don't create more consumers
See Consumption trumps population unless you actually don't care about consumption and just want to kill non-whites such as yourself.
>1 amermutt consumes as many resources as like 20 indians
in which part of india
>be americans
>want to revolt because no burgers
>but too weak because no burgers
The ecofascist crowd would be using this talking point if they weren't just a bunch of crypto ethnats.
>Consumption trumps population
Very convenient considering you're some of the top consumers and polluters in the world. "What, 16 tons of CO2 per American and year? Yeah but look at China, they're two billion people, why don't they do something first?" ("something" being kept intentionally vague so that even when they do something you can still claim they're doing nothing)
Nuke red area too just to be on the safe side
Shut up kraut and develop lab grown beef already so I can enjoy life in the future
No what's he's saying is that you should stop stuffing your fat face with fast food everyday you obese piece of shit
the us and other big consumers won't grow as much as africa will
Jesus fucking Christ, look at who has been behind almost all human scientific/technological/economic/artistic progress for the past 1.5 centuries and you'll see how truly retarded the "Americans are dumb" meme is
But that's because they're still developing, their standards are rising and they want to be like America too despite being much poorer not organized and many more
But how much of this falls on the average consumer? You wouldn't believe the amounts of water, food and material wasted everyday by the industrial and distribution sectors. It's absurd and could be easily reduced if they were willing to sacrifice some profits. But this a world by jews for jews, evergrowing population, evergrowing production. Fuck people, the spreadsheet is what matters.
slog 15 burgs a day to destroy niggers and indians?
i say yes to that
nah i will instead start eat a burger or two a day so we dont reach 10 billion and the thirdies suffer
vertical farming is a meme and pretty disgusting conceptually
>Most of the world isn't Jewish
>Most of the world doesn't have Jews in power positions
>Yet the world is for Jews and by Jews because people are greedy but Jews are at fault
>This is the new face of the Alt-right, and its terrifying
No, it'll be just cod on the menu for you
Why the fuck should I change my eating habits, whatever they may be, so that Mbokwe in Somalia whose life is worthless can get more food?
They're subhumans, Asians are subhumans, Arabs are subhumans, and all can rot and die before I ever change my living habits to benefit them.
If you honestly believe that it's from Americans and not Chinks then I feel sorry for you
asians and arabs aren't the problem
Say that again when Italy is as dry as a bone thanks to climate change, and vertical farming is the only way to provide food because of its water efficiency.
America is crumbling and they'll find a way to start WW3 to take everyone with them before they collapse.
This is why american hegemony is ending. It's just not suitable for the 21st century.
>and all can rot and die before I ever change my living habits to benefit them
So you're a subhuman?
do you want another war?
i feel a fourth Icelandic Bvll victory would look wonderful among the long line of br*Toid humiliations
We still use more resources per capita than China.
>implying we won't have lab grown meat before 2025
>America is crumbling
in what metric
The one you don't use
wow ebic.. simply ebic
But you're a mutt. Are you telling me pure races are subhuman, but a mix of multiple races is not?
Jews? They eat a lot of beef as well?
drip irrigation with mulch is as water efficient as that bullshit and doesn't need to depend on some other retarded source of energy to light the veggies when there's literally a fucking sun that does it for free
>"""""French"""" humor
Mohammed, please go back to Algeria
>white mixed with white is not white
Mexican education, everybody
the point of vertical farming is to avoid using more arable land I think
Sorry I know this is a touchy subject for you
Undoubtedly based
>yuros, or Algerians in this case, actually, unironically believe Americans care about not using the metric system
Not a single American alive gives a shit about your measurements
the point is intensive production, by having light all the time they can collect in a few days and save on space so they can produce directly into a city
obviously they need all sort of fertilizers and a ton of energy to keep the lights
it seemed a good idea but those places are already struggling to stay up
oh no no no what ever will we do without metric!!!!
>ya no pienso en ti
>south europeans, irish, slavs and arabs are considered white in usa
You inflate your numbers to pretend to be a """white""" country. Imagine this level of delusion and how amerimutts would react if they knew true whites are a minority in their country.
And we never thought about you in the first place
fuck no
not giving up my burgers
You don't think at all lmao
>but those places are already struggling to stay up
There's in a stage of proof of concept and technological refinement. As long as traditional farming can continue to exploit lands and soil-bound nutrients it's gonna be hard for alternative methods to compete openly in the same way it's hard for electric cars to compete in a petrol dominated car market. These technologies are meant for places and times when the traditional method stops being an option, be it due to local climate, climate change, resource depletion or population density.
wealthiest country in history and we dont use metric, meanwhile most metric countries are third world shitholes
epic bantz
Really makes you think
Euros used to consider Iranians and Japanese as white lmao stupid mexishit. White isn't a real racial category
Do we really need 10 billion? I'm joining the burgers on food binging