Would it be foolish to buy $1000 worth of silver coins or bars?
>Price lowest in 30 years
>Fuck you, silver coins are cool to look at
>Shouldn't lose its value long-term
Investing in silver
Silver is dropping to single digits because new materials will be used in its place that are cheaper and more abundant in industrial usecases.
>t. banker shill
JP Morgan has been keeping the price down by shorting and washtrading for over a decade. Silver is more in demand than ever before.
But don't you think that once the system collapses and fiat currency is out, silver will become the most easily tradable medium? Gold is too expensive to be practical, you'd have to carry a bag of gold dust around to make trades. Whereas the price-to-weight ratio of silver seems just right.
Precious metals are not an investment, they are a hedge.
Nobody is ever using physical anything to make trades ever again
Do you even realize what board you're on?
Invest in silver if you're bullish on industrial applications. No other reason
This is the correct answer
Name this mystical material that replaces silver in electronics and medicine
I'll wait.
Your delusion over the safety of your fake digital “money” is disturbing.
You seem smart. Very smart. You must have a PhD or something like that. What are the new materials called?
Hey bud, if there's an EMP or whatever you metalfags like to circlejerk about, there's not going to be enough social cohesion to support your silver barter economy anyway
So fuck you. Why not invest in guns over metals if you're so concerned about catastrophe? They would actually empower you.
as usual in every PM thread
NO ONE is saying to go all-in into one thing
Have some canned food, tp, booze, gas, whatever
Have some crypto
Have some guns and ammo
Have some gold and silver
Every point has it's usecase and will be useful.
Just ignore any future idiot that goes full retard trying to troll and shitpost.
There is only black or white. 0 or 1. You cannot diversify, stop trying to be rational. I want to know the new materials first.
Its suggested that everyone has 5-10% exposure to PMs
This is to cover any currency squeeze and give you extra leverage when you need it
My point is, by a significant margin, gold/silver is the LEAST useful thing in that list.
>unless you believe the industrial applications will grow substantially
And I just have no idea about that
I've heard the same, except that it will benefit silver.
The story I've read is we already don't use as much silver as we have. Silver mines are almost non-existent. Most silver is gathered as a byproduct of other types of mining.
>implying there was no social cohesion before the late 1800s
How easy was it to get away with murder before the 1800s?
How easy is it to get away with murder in all the places across the world still essentially living in the 1800s?
You metalfags can invest in silver, I'll just buy a gun.
>muh artificially lowered shiny metals prices
You fucknuts have been saying this since at least 1990. Guess what, even if it's true that just means another 30 years of (((bank))) control.
Avoid silver, it's a shitty investment.
I wonder how many 'silverbugs' have basements full of drinking water and dehydrated food.
PM is for after the EMP when people don't want to get burnt with currency that can disappear when things go bad.
Smart people will use have a stash of guns bullets and food to sell for PM that will be worth something when guns and 1000s of Bic lighters stop being needed so much.
> Avoid silver, it's a shitty investment.
I 100% agree with you, because silver is NOT an investment.
I just want to point out:
This entire class of threads and type of ""investor"" not only anticipate a catastrophe on the level of fundamentally destroying society, but they ALSO anticipate the precise level of resulting social reconstruction that supports their silver barter economy.
>NOT ONLY will the world get destroyed, but it's going to be rebuilt only to the point where people want to buy my silver ingots
Like what the fuck is going on in your mind that this scenario just HAS to be accounted for with priority?
dollar aint even fiat. people buy oil with that
yeah it's a "hedge", which is a wholly asinine premise in and of itself. I can see truly valuable PM's like gold, rhodium, and platinum filling that tole (and even then it's a stretch), but silver is simply neither rare nor particularly valuable.
If you told your great great grandfather you'd trade him some worthless paper backed by debt for one of his chickens, he'd laugh at you.
oh wait we talking end of the world shit my bad
>if things were different, they'd be different
Whoa dude gr8 insite
Yeah, and he's dead. Things change. Now if I fix your car and you try and pay me with a chicken I will laugh at you because I need paper debt notes to use because it isn't 1845.
>choosing deprecated metals over bitcoin
dumb ass
pay premium on coins pay vat on silver (unless you lucky) then sell it without premium below spot. meh it's stupid.
Few paranoids do not steer the market .
If delusion is collective and agreed upon, fiat is born.
Knock, knock.
Hi user, this is Shekelstein, I heard you got those gold bars in the basement. I just need them for my factory in China.
Physics gold is hedge against apocalypse perhaps. But trading meme gold tokens for profits is no different than Bitcoin.
If you buy silver, it still remains in the bank, right?
So what's the point? If shit hits the fan, won't the government just keep your silver?
Wrong (usually).
That is the reason why silver is pushed down.
"non existing" silver, only on the paper is "bought".
You only should by physical silver.
You don't own it physicaly, you don't posses it.
Same with crypto on an exchange.
Not your private key, not your crypto anymore.
>Its suggested
By random asshats like yourself amirite.
there's actually a lot of evidence about silver manufacturers conspiring to keep the price of silver high so that idiots like OP play into their hands after reading a few buygoldnow.com articles
silver and gold are literally the ICOs of the real world
enjoy getting confido'd, fag.
this chart is such bullshit
>gold isn't durable
>gold is completely counterfeit-able
>transaction fee for cash
etc etc
No. Take that money and buy a gold krugerrand.
This. Best advice in teh thread. Silver is a commodity and commodity prices are driven by scarcity and demand, both of which are not looking good long term for silver.
>asking Jow Forums about metals
>expecting reasonable response instead of crypto-maximalist hyperventilating threat response
Don't listen, OP. Absolutely buy your $1K of silver now. A look at the gold-silver ratio will explain. Trade for some gold when it comes back down towards 40:1
2% in PM's more than enough.
8% of my wealth is in cryptos.
The gold-silver ratio is dead. Silver is extremely easy and cheap to mine and it's demand is only going to diminish over time. The only two PM people should buy are gold and platinum.
Silver and gold are the tether of the real world.
That chart is ridiculous. I can determine if gold is real or not in 2 seconds by how it sounds. And if needed I can look at the frequencies with a real time audio spectrum analyzer. Most gold is a 90/10 AU-CU alloy which is highly durable (ie krugs, eagles, francs, etc).
How about have it all you dumb cunt? Guns, silver, gold, crypto, land, food. Suck my dick you stupid faggot.
>buy things of little use
>just because
Uh, ever hear of diversified portfolios? HelloooOOOOoooo....
>Implying people can adjust to a rapid breakdown of society without going "every man for himself".
you need over 100 times more storage to hold the same amount of USD value in silver compared to gold
i dont really understand why anyone would get silver rather than gold
This. I have a small bag with $20k gold in it and use a rare earth magnet to hide the bag in the most unusual/secret place imaginable.
Because they believe it's easier to spend. Silver covers smaller units of account better than gold does.
It's like using single dollars instead of going out with 100s everywhere.
copper almost as good really
>>Fuck you, silver coins are cool to look at
there's actually a lot to be said about this. silver has industrial use, sure, but it's also a soft shiny boye with valuable history and the average person is absolutely retarded. there will always be somewhere to dump PM bags.
>Your delusion over the safety of your fake digital “money” is disturbing.
the entire internet and financial sector's backend is built upon the same cryptographic algos that protect CC. SHA-256 is a data-integrity standard, and if it were to catastrophically break, there would be more chaos than just BTC
who buys metals to spend them though? and even if that's the case there's no reason to not have 99% in gold and 1% in silver for when you want to "spend it". personally id rather have fiat for my spending resources...
When the dollar finally dies cryptos and pms will pump. Silver most of all.
>ill just buy a gun
>6 months after collapse, all out of bullets
>no currency to buy more bullets, or food, or water
buy gold silver is for poorfags
nice semi-quads
Copper is toxic, silver isn't you clot
Lol at all the fucking cope itt.
Silver is being hoarded by jpm for a reason. It is going to $1k+ whether any of you faggots realize it or not.
If you are expecting shitcoins to survive the coming crash like silver will you deserve to be a panjeets beggar the rest of your lives
Silver has the highest electric conductance of all, more than copper.