Investing in silver

Would it be foolish to buy $1000 worth of silver coins or bars?
>Price lowest in 30 years
>Fuck you, silver coins are cool to look at
>Shouldn't lose its value long-term

Attached: silver.jpg (512x384, 42K)

Silver is dropping to single digits because new materials will be used in its place that are cheaper and more abundant in industrial usecases.

>t. banker shill
JP Morgan has been keeping the price down by shorting and washtrading for over a decade. Silver is more in demand than ever before.

But don't you think that once the system collapses and fiat currency is out, silver will become the most easily tradable medium? Gold is too expensive to be practical, you'd have to carry a bag of gold dust around to make trades. Whereas the price-to-weight ratio of silver seems just right.

Precious metals are not an investment, they are a hedge.

Nobody is ever using physical anything to make trades ever again

Do you even realize what board you're on?

Invest in silver if you're bullish on industrial applications. No other reason

This is the correct answer

Name this mystical material that replaces silver in electronics and medicine

I'll wait.

Your delusion over the safety of your fake digital “money” is disturbing.

You seem smart. Very smart. You must have a PhD or something like that. What are the new materials called?