where were you when trump got the black people's vote for 2020 election? also, fuck Sweden.
Where were you when trump got the black people's vote for 2020 election? also, fuck Sweden
Other urls found in this thread:
playing half life 2 deathmatch
if he gets rocky out then it will be the only good thing he's done in his whole life
>very talented Prime Minister of Sweden
they should give him life just for the bantz
>Donald J. Trump
literally who
literally who
>Prime Minister of Sweden
literally who
>A$AP Rocky
literally who
who would've imagine that trump would become president and would be talking to Kanye west about getting asap Rocky out of swedish prison? what the fuck is wrong with this timeline?!
Unfortunately for Orange Man our PM can barely speak English. Your move, mutts.
We might consider it at this point.
>Donald J Trump
Billionaire president of the Amerimutt States of the Poo SA. He was on a tv show so the shartmutts elected him
>Kanye West
Husband of Kim Kardashian
>Prime Minister of Sweden
Stefan Löfven, who was fired but because sweden was not able to find anyone else to take his place, they let him take his job back
>A$AP Rocky
black rapper from united sharts of poo muttica who visited Sweden and was attacked by afghans so they (Swedes) put rocky in jail