How do the Japanese see your country?

How do the Japanese see your country?

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Cartels and drugs, not wrong but fucking niggers it triggers me

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Some trees n snow n shit, maybe mountains because of moomins, not that we have any

I don't care. Their shitty opinion is irrelevant

>Says the roach

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Yeah, it's better for your health.

finland is flat? my life is a lie

They think we have loli killers

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They it violent place, but idk why.

Tallest hill is like under 1500m and very north lmao

It is true though, this is just an average day at the Spanish Steps

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wrong, they see us as literal CHADs

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So fucking what? Why should I care what some island chinks think about my country. Fuck them all

It would be definitely true 40 years ago

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They don't think of my country at all.

The jews fear the samurai.

they probably don’t know it exists


They think that Poland is a medieval shithole with big ass churches, and they're swarming every fucking city with their fucking cameras. It seems like ching chongs of every variety are in fact just invading the entirety of Europe, disguised as tourists.

If it's anything like the groups of Asian tourists we get here, 90% of them are Chinese not Japanese

Also koreans, this entire Europe fad seems like a race between Asians who can make the most photos of their ugly faces with a historical building in the background.

How do the Japanese pronounce "scone"?

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Sukoon desu ^_^

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It's probably mentioned in Kuroshitsuji

Like a wartorn shithole. I think there hasn't been any mentions recently though.

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No idea desu.
Japanese tourists here sometimes ask me to take pictures with them and they're polite. That's it.

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Pretty sure this is Erdogan's international and national policy on the opinions of others tbf.

>They think that Poland is a medieval shithole with big ass churches

Are they wrong? Your government is trying to reverse separation of powers currently, among another dozen different things, all equally shitty.

This movie did ridiculously well there, being their third highest grossing film. So I imagine their perception of us is founded on this (at least for the ones who know it takes place in Norway).
Also salmon.

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Ok I guess

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They don't :(

That's because samurai are the complete opposite of a Jew

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rude cunts who reee about their whaling

So flat that Sweden had planned on giving us a taller mountain when we turned 100 years old.

Okinawans hate us but they are pseudo chinks anyways. The rest I think just see us as business partners and a deterrent against potential threats in the region.

IIRC that's what they associate Finland with.

Thay better be a beretta.

I work in the financial district and get off the subway in front of the stock exchange. The chinese groups are always taking pictures of themselves by the stock exchange and in front of the girl. Id prefer the Japanese they dont squat on the sidewalk eating while I'm trying to go to or from work.

Fairly accurately.

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This, mexicans in anime are pretty badass

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give me one example of an anime depicting mexicans like that

To be fair the one where they go to Italy has the people looking the same


No idea, I don't watch anime

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In a very accurate way desu

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this is what a swede looks like to a japanese person

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Japan's knowledge of Singapore in Anime amounts to Merlion and that funny building.

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Separation of powers is for am*ricans. Integralist Catholicism time.

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Literally anyone’s knowledge of your meme of a country.

>Black chick uses relaxer

Looks about right

u started the kyoani fire

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The only time I've ever seen New Zealand in an anime is one episode of Black Jack where they think people in New Zealand herd sheep while riding horseback. That's what we use dogs for.

And on their Variety shows they show Lake Tekapo at night time and the amazing night sky while they all do their fake wow reactions.

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Probably a mudslime shithole. They also dont know that Bali is in Indonesia.

I wonder, any Japanese to tell me please?

Nobody knows Bali is in Indonesia.

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They got so depressed at the state of Paris they have made the Paris syndrome.
Anyway, this country will be doomed, I see lot of people wants to flee to Eastern Europe or South America because of the state of this country.

sex wierdos, mental illness and elves
accurate tho

no idea, is naruto supposed to be an american?