Mom leases a 500/month car, every.single.year

>Mom leases a 500/month car, every.single.year
>Makes like 35k a year, and chooses to work part time.
>40k in student loans
>The little money she has saved up is to splurge on her next car.
>Dad makes 140k a year
>Pays every bill.
>2500/month in mortgage
>500/month truck
>Eats out everyday.
>New Flat screen TV every 2 years
>Vacation every year
>spent 40k towards fixing the house in two years
>Makes no payments towards the principal of the house
>No savings and one emergency away from losing everything, every month.

Anyone has retarded parents like mine? Are these people beyond redemption?

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i have parents like that, except they earn only 30k/year. cant wait till nimiq reaches 10$ and im finally free.

>Dad refuses to live in gramps empty apartment for free because boomer uncomunicability issues with parents
>gladly waste money He shouldnt waste in renting another one

It's just in their dna to be stupid

How does someone making 140k a year live paycheck to paycheck? There's no reason for him to not be saving at least 50k every year. (I would probably save over 70k a year) Especially if he has no family to take care of.

just cause you earn alot doesnt mean your good with money user.
jews are jews for a reason

why are american boomer so obsessed with buying new cars every few years like it's the most important status symbol in their lives.
If I make it with crypto I will buy an old Corolla and drive that badboy with 0 fucks given instead of falling for the shiny jew on 4 wheels

That's your price prediction? What timeframe?

>why yanks buy new cars every few years
are you not familiar with the build '''''quality""""" of american cars?

I don't think they buy new ones because they break down so fast, they are probably not as good as japanese but I guess still better than european junk.
Anyway, there is no reason to drive something else than a bulletproof corolla/accord, unless someone does fall for the jewish trick and buys shiny trash. It's like fucking boomers don't realize that whetever shit they buy they basicly exchange their free time for it through wageslaving.

Yeah I feel you. My parents recently got divorced and I found out they haven't paid a dime towards mortgage principal or maintenance in twenty fucking years. Now they need to sell the house and they're blaming the housing market for their failure. They're going to come up €100k short and I'm not helping them out.

Your mom just working the system until it collapses. She's smart, enjoy life now before it all comes tumbling down, because no one will be driving cars in 10 years, in fact 80% of us will be struggling to get food and water

Working part time? Good for her. Fuck Mr. Shekelberg. Work the bare minimum. Try to enjoy life, don't spend your life enriching someone else's.

mother of God, I'm just imagining all the life lessons you're supposing to learn, and you can't choose your family, kek

my parents are even worse
>mom didnt work
>dad was a manual laborer making like $45,000/year
>their only chance of ever making it was when they bought a house in 1989 for like $180k
>ended up not making mortgage payments, bank foreclosed
>same house is now worth like $900k, parents sour as fuck almost 30 years later
>they still rent
>drive old shitty cars
>no retirement savings
>still have tons of bad habits like smoking/drinking/junk food
>maxed out credit cards, i tell them paying 20% interest on credit cards is fucking retarded but they act like its "free money"

oh well, i guess i can thank them for showing me what NOT to do as I'm actually somewhat successful and have very few bad habits. Still would have been nice having parents that I could look to as mentors instead of having to figure out everything on my own.

My grandfather gave my mom two houses and she STILL managed to end up falling into debt even after receiving $300,000 in inheritance. She retired a six years early and now is re-entering the workforce. I feel no pity since she was given so much and is leaving us nothing, erasing my grandfather's efforts.

There is no escaping genes, I'm sorry for you other decent anons born to retarded parents.
We're gonna make it.

that makes me so fucking sick to hear, sorry user

if i was given 2 properties and $300,000 I'd be set for life, I can't imagine fucking that up...

Thats not a universal law. I drive a 2007 chevy trailblazer. Thing is a tank. It gets me back and forth to work roundtrip 90 miles every day. Has great 4 wheel drive, high and low, have literally never gotten stuck in anything, even driving out onto the wet banks of a river. The engine in it is fantastic, 4.2 Liter inline 6 cylinder, its often said you could drain the oil out and replace it with sand and this engine would still run. Coming up on 200k miles. Have had to replace tie rods, ball joints, and thats it outside of belts, tires, breaks and hoses. Its also fast as fuck. Like ill play around with new base models all day even in an SUV, until it gets up to about 90 mph. It still has that same shitty 4 speed transmission they stick in everything, even the SS trim level that has the 6.0 Liter Corvette engine in it. 4 speed transmission. Anyways. My truck is American and its great. Pic related.

Attached: 2007-Chevrolet-TrailBlazer-LS.jpg (400x200, 14K)

You’re not alone m8. Never lend them money.

Way to derail the thread you fucking retard. Nobody gives a shit about your shitty truck.

>made easily 90k per year
>700k mortgage
> 300k left
>everything inside a house literally breaks down
>costs over 150k to fix it
>40k/year just to keep it up
>credit cards maxed out
>driving a 5th owner beater for 15 years
>"i don't need to try expanding my business"
>left literally for 3 years due to "midlife crisis"

more debts to come.

how big is that house or wtf costs $40k/year in upkeep? how can $150k worth of stuff break down all at once? what are you doing?

Don't know that feel desu.
>Mom and dad born into very poor families
>Mom work for gubbermint since 17, went part time after I was born.
>Dad was farmer, very poor, made less than £500 a month profit and had to take care of his mom
>He didn't live in a house with running water or a toilet until 1991 (was born in 61)
>Dad's mom then decides to sell the farm he's been working for 30 years out from under him while giving him zero (I'm dead serious)
>Dad goes to work in factory
>Does surprisingly well due to work ethic
>Income goes through the roof but it all goes to savings.
>Parents paid off mortgage 10 years ago, only monthly expenses they have is electricity and broadband (less than 100 quid a month altogether).
>Buy cars once every 10-15 years, never new, 3-5 years old. Cash, never finance. Reliable brands, common, serviced every ~15k miles.
>Pretty sure they've gone from 0 to near a mil in savings over the last 20 years but they keep it under wraps.

Proud of them desu.

i feel sorry for you and i feel even more sorry for your grandfathers, whose life's effort was wasted for nothing

>Mom makes 140k per year paid off their house, saves, invests, buys small apartments, bought a small house, basically runs the family
>Dad used to be a pro basketball player, currently makes 20-30k per year, keeps laughing at me for saving and investing my money, tells me I should be living my life right now (I'm 27), keeps buying new clothes with mom's money

I used to respect my dad because he's sporty, cool and funny but every year I'm understanding more and more that I grew up in a reaaally weird family

>tfw you spend your life making and saving money, making huge sacrafices so your family can finally get out of mediocrity, then your offspring ruins it all

oh god, I'm sorry user and this is also one of my greatest fears

Women mate, fucking pathetic.

Just gut punch your dad and tell him he’s pathetic for earning less than his wife. He’ll cry, mark my words.

I'm a bit of a retard like that.
I like online shopping too much so I often find at the end of the month I need to dip into my crypto to pay a tax bill or something (self employed so tax isn't deducted from my salary automatically, fug).

>be my parents
>spend over $1000 a month on scratch off lottery tickets, weed, and mary kay makeup
>blame everyone but themselves when they're in their sixties and have nothing saved for retirement and have been living in the same house for over 20 years and are not even 25% of the way to paying off any one of their 3 mortgages

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>how big is that house
bout 3000sqft

> how can $150k worth of stuff break down all at once?
not all at once
- it uses some fucked up heat pump flow water heater/ heating combo (this alone was about 70k, and parts expensive like fuck)
- heating was fucked up
- roof was fucked up
- heat pipes for heat pump were fucked up

>>wtf costs $40k/year in upkeep
mostly electricity and fuel
because you literally may literally frezee in winter and during summer you have up to 38C inside

Its not a shitty truck tho. Thats my whole point or are you too fucking stupid to retain a single paragraph of words that arent related to nigger cock?

oh I see. so it's basically a big ass house. makes sense it costs a lot. thanks user, I was just confused.

>big ass house
and everything that could be fucked up was fucked up

My parents make 300k a year and live pretty much paycheck to paycheck

Mate i don't give a shit about your truck, no need to keep bringing it up.

Basically same as my parents but they still manage to save 30-40K a year. If I was in their position, id already be a millionaire 10 times over.

I am op's Dad
can confirm big macs every day

>Not having an awesome boomer dad who taught you the value of hard work and saving

My dad worked his ass off as an engineer, loved his job, and now just goes on dope vacations with mom all the time. Man I love my family.

Over 65 with 0 dollars saved. These boomers thought they could enslave the next generations after mooching off their parents stopped working.

7% of government spending goes to pensions, another 30-40% to social security, 10% to interest. Put together boomer tax is over 50% of all tax.

>maxed out credit cards, i tell them paying 20% interest on credit cards is fucking retarded but they act like its "free money"
I know a lot of people like this and I don't fucking get it. I've had some seriously shitty habits in my life but that shit never crossed my mind

I hate to have to tell you this user, but your parents... Your parents are normies, user.

fuck man, don't just drop a bomb like that, it's not nice

that's noice lad

your dad is the literal meme chad that people here glorify. "get a rich wife". ha

Im glad about this thread. Always thought Im the only one with retarded parents.
>Parents have maxed out CCs with 25% interest and dont care

Those are real boomers. Wrecking the country for generations.

Depends on the brand and model. My ford ranger is 10 years old and still drives like the day I bought it.

Sorry to hear that user, my parents saved their whole lives and lived a blue collar lifestyle. Mom a doctor and dad a winemaker. Now they are retired, go on vacation to Europe every year and generally do what the fuck they want. Even then they still have a lot of cash and 3 properties to pass on to me and my siblings one day. However, knowing that makes me feel guilty every second that I'm a NEET and not busy studying or working.

Amen second hand car for under €2000 for me. Even if I have a million.

max 5 years

Witnessed, this made me lol do it

Did they inherit something or are they college dumb?
Has to be one of those

>$2000 gas tank replacement blocks your path

I like how because of the Internet people can learn/discuss how idiotic their parents are/were. If your parents were your only influence you would be fucked.

Just a shit ton of old credit card debt, expensive house, 4 kids, 4 cars. A new boat that they sold and still took a loss on. Vacations. etc
I want to take over their finances from them.

My dad has weak hands too. I told him to buy AMD at $13, it dipped to $11, so he sold. Now its at $20

Bob the Builder here.
Either this dude lives in a castle built in 1066 or he's talking bullshit.

I'm not particularly vengeful toward my dad. Like, if you were 50 and wanted a friend, he'd be best friend material - he'd show up at 3am to help you out for no particular reason.

Also he's aware enough that he sucks - he stopped me from doing sports and had me focus on maths/languages/business skills.

He's just extremely unproductive and naive about life - which is useful in its own way, to me.

damn why is AMD mooning? almost hit like $27 yesterday

i should have bought back around $10-11 was strongly considering it

my parents have so little understanding of money that it's incredible that i even know what it is

trying to escape their mistakes that are going to leave me with debt rather than inheritance

fucking dumb

Don't try to help them. They learn nothing and in the chance your investments fail, they will sue your ass.

>he doesnt know about Mediccare/Medicaid
Keeping boomers alive is like 80%+ of federal tax burden

>Banks give you 30 years to pay off your property and own it for eternity
>Waste 20 years and eventually fall on hard times
>get forclose'd tko
>it's the market's fault

I am so sorry my fren. I really feel for you. Just promise yourself you will never be like your boomer parents and that you aren't responsible for them after so many bad choices. You will do well. I know it

Bro if you go on this board and get green and purple pilled on the realities of how you should be saving 90% of your income your parents Stacey and normal fags will not understand at all. The generation difference between millennialis and boomers / gen x is insane for our le 4chin coulture

>Have 4-5 kids
>The successful one gets 80% of the inheritance
This is how you do it, some people are just doomed to forever be debt slaves.

But its eye opening how many people are retarded with money. No wonder they had to progrom the jews every 50yrs to get rid of their debts

Don't even get me started on wagecucking. That word is like they live glasses. I'm sure as long as you're a wagecucking it's ok to your parents op, even if you're an ind. contractor making $5 hour, but the moment you've saved enough to start cutting out all your expenses and stop wagecucking and making enough to subsist it is the moment you're out on your ass because you've challenged the spooks of cuckoldry and the murican dream. But like me you won't care because you'll be happy with peanuts and have a moon stack. Why do muricans hate the bus so much

>every second
>oh fuck i feel so guilty, yeah that's right, unnnngh

In America we give salary before taxes

Damn that's retarded.

Boomers the first generation that left their kids less than their parents

>But its eye opening how many people are retarded with money. No wonder they had to progrom the jews every 50yrs to get rid of their debts
Hahahha keked

That is the main thing though isn't it. You are not by birth, social standing and state of the world in general anywhere close to their position.

>Daddy was a banker
>Lost half of his net worth in 2008
>still able to retire rich af because they always saved and didn't splurge stupidly despite making (probably) millions/yr at the height
I feel like most people on this board really really want to make as much money as physically possible and want to be way richer later on then they were when they started but i know realistically unless I win the lottery than it's only downhill from the wealth I had and the childhood home I grew up in. But at the time you don't even know you're rich. Like I knew we were better off than my cousins and even most kids at my (rich) school but you have no grasp on really HOW much money your parents have when you're young esp if they don't flaunt it.

Kinda freeing though. I've lived on that side of the fence and honestly the grass isn't necessarily that green. If there's shit going on within your family the 5M dollar house and the +20k week vacations every school break aren't going to help you cope with it. At the end of the day you may very well have wished you could give it all away to go back and do things differently

Meh, I'd probably splurge and buy a 2 year old civic or vw just for the sake of not having to worry about it breaking every time I go on the highway.

35k for part time is pretty good imo

> mom
>Runs her own cleaning business cash only works 4 hours a day 3 days a week
>Never paid taxes, always survived without debt on basically no money. Great at being reasonable about what she could afford
>Dad (died three months ago)
>Successful drug dealer who also never paid taxes
>Doesn't do drugs himself
>Bit of a splurger , but no debt bought house outright
>Due to my parents earning $0 in the eyes of the government, get financial assistance for college

My parents are degenerates but they taught me something important. The state and taxes are why people can't survive off modest wages and you can earn almost nothing and be fine. Plus if you really want to earn a stack, it's there if you aren't a chicken shit.

>hold 70k XRP
>be the new 1%

I know that money isn't everything. But it takes a particular kind of stupid to be both broke and having family issues. To me that's the real unacceptable shit

She is miserable and always complaining she has almost nothing to her name right as she gets in her 500 a month exponential depreciation turd of a car.

I'm gonna lock my wealth in a smart contract that won't distribute the funds until once of my descendents proves themselves worthy by whatever arbitrary test I find acceptable and agree via code to do the same with their wealth.

The implication is that it's all our money irrespective of the governments theft

>dad buys house in 2003
>remodels the FUCK out of it, prob spends 150k instead of leaving it as is perfectly good house
>mom racks up credit card because no income
>rack up 80k in credit card debt
>basically about to foreclose on house
>end up having to go to court, sue credit card company for changing rates or some shit, get debts forgiven but take credit score hit
>refi the house, end up owing $600k on a $700k house with 6% interest
>hasnt made any principal payments since
>dad just bought ANOTHER house for $600k as an "investment"
>is going to remodel the fuck out of it

oh man here we go again. fucking boomers and their real estate

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new car people are the ultimate retards

You need to go back Jose

forgot to mention after racking up 80k in cc debt

>2008 happens, underwater on loan
>omg who could have foreseen this! I thought we can just remodel the house and sell it for double no matter what!

Jesus. Do they have any awareness of how statistically likely a crisis is in the next 1-5 years. Some form of correction is basically a certainty.

they said its okay because they will collect rent and the house will appreciate no matter what

Yikes. Godspeed user.

>this thread

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>is going to remodel the fuck out of it

and then some people wonder why so many idiots are in debt
"peoples" with sub 90 IQ should be shot period

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My father was Canadian whose family were fur traders forever and my mom is Irish.

Rich people don't trust foreigners to not steal while cleaning. They want some unassuming looking white lady.

there are people in the world who actually believe borrowed money "isnt theirs".

holy shit user I know some /biz-ness people play around with debt ratios and real estate to build their wealth but... that sounds super risky and reckless more than anything else.

you think these idiots have a plan ?
they don't they just kind know that real estate usually goes up in value, and they know that bank will lend you money

but beyond that they don't understand shit

First thing, you can buy imported.
Second thing, the "American cars are poorly made" is Japanese car manufacturer propaganda... most American cars are perfectly okay.

Damn millenials

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Assuming he collects rent whats the issue tho?

Similar story here
>dad makes 6 figures
>is desperate around women
>frivolous lawsuits due to self importance, loses evri tiem
>"education is important son"
>didn't even want to cosign my student loan
Fuck him. I married a stable gal, and after 5 years together we have over $100k liquidity thanks to low cost indulgences and smart investing. Our son is in a head start day care program, because some investments are worth the qualitative return. Meanwhile,
>mom still homeless and objects to getting a "bare bottom" job
>dad still hemorrhaging money in vegas, and trying to hide his herpes from his latest mistake

I'm going to follow this advice. My dad has cancer now too though. When I make it I'll give them a budget.

>escapes the parental Jew
>falls for the vaginal Jew
Not going to make it

>she earns more than me
Stay jelly