How strong is your military? how hard is the training?

how strong is your military? how hard is the training?


Attached: OORAH.jpg (768x768, 85K)

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wow how can i learn such power

Is that pic About the area 51 raid?


no its special forces tactical training

So this is the secret of a military power...

my heroes :)

you can retake the falklands with this

Still believe USAF is best military branch

Fucking kek is this real?

The absolute state of the fucking Chair Force.

this is actually true
when you put your arms back, your aircraft gains more speed from the added flow of aerodynamics

When you have enough momentum you can also lift your legs and take off.

looking cool LT

Not a weeb but I once watched a video that sayed this kind of running stane allows the runner to do so silently and minimizing the risk of tripping.


hey, them’s smallpox words

The Air Force doesn't say 'OORAH' you retard.

Why does the air force teach about incels and anime?

because they are a threat to area 51

Incels are unironically a big domestic terror issue and the military takes domestic terrorism semi-seriously since it makes them look bad when virgin soldiers kill civilians at home.

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That's debatable, because the silence won't really change. That being said, in the real world ninjas were more or less the equivalent of clandestine bureaus within modern intelligence agencies with a touch of special forces sabotage technique.
So running wouldn't have really been something that was particularly important, as if they were in a situation where they had to run to get somewhere, either sound wouldn't matter, as they would be avoiding lights and such. Or they were already fucked and it was last resort.

>Concerning ninja, they were said to be from Iga and Kōga, and went freely into enemy castles in secret. They observed hidden things, and were taken as being friends.[28]

US govt has to take everything seriously
This includes 1.5 million retards


Estonian army is shit, because 1) it is mandatory and 2) shit looking uniform.

1. Mandatory - means noone wants to be there and noone gives a single shit because of it. No good army with this kind of shit. If russian army can just throw their troops at enemy like they did during WW2 and win because of it, then estonian can't do so. What can it do? Run and hide behind NATO troops.

2. Shit looking uniform - means looks like shit. The pantsu looks like you just took a shit in it and you didn't bother taking it out. No bands, no tucking - just simple 'I shit myself' look. Also they keep their first aid kit down at the bottom of pants, so it also looks like you shit in the pocket too. The boots are awful, like it is russian army and noone gives a shit about your feet at all. Lets look for example at US army uniform - stylish tan or coyote color boots that are comfy af, also high quality. You don't need to clear them and shit. They perfectly match with the rest of the uniform, witch makes it look cool and appealing. I heard somewhere that the soldier should look good to bring interest to army. The US got it right. In Estonia however you just don't want yourself to associate with army at all - bunch of bald shaved post-gopniks that couldn't get in the university or college. About baldness. In US you can have stylish army haircut, when in Estonia you must have the bowling ball on your head. It looks ridiculous like you are about to get deployed to Vietnam and do some atrocities there, later to have flashbacks at life and as a result end your life with a bullet in your mouth.

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user, are you okay?

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Did I say something wrong?



We are fucked.

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>THAT'S our Military budget?

I forgot to change the filename but those are italians


How about to stop lying shitstonian?

>Babbitty boopity our budget is stoopity!


Relatively strong for a small country not in a defensive union like nato for example. The training is as hard as you want to make it, a big difference in training between for example combat divers/paratroopers and truck drivers or cooks

I doubt any military "uniform" looks good nowadays. They're all baggy.

Attached: military-tv-broadcasting-team-of-swedish-home-guard-unit-recording-AT2BXX.jpg (866x1390, 201K)

It's enough to rank higher than Finland

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The Navy has the Seals
The Army has the Rangers
The Marines, well, they're Marines
What specialty/ability/force does the Air Force have?

>inb4 muh Coast Guard
>inb4 muh National Guard
They are ancillary to the real armed branches, almost not even real military

We beat Aussies in their own shooting contest for 12 years straight.

Yet the air force is the only thing that keeps America relevant.


American army dumb and gay

(our is retarded, so it's better)

huge facebook group plans to storm and naruto run into area 51

How elite are Air Combat Comptrollers?

How elite are the Air Guardsmen protecting Area 51?

You know, when I think about it. The airforce has UFO's and alien tech if Bob Lazar is telling the truth.
That's their special ability


Attached: Mexican Marines.jpg (978x672, 271K)


USAF Pararescue

Those are not baggy uniforms and they look cool.

Attached: 55a4406f9d5fbfb3e94881c8e259d6d1.png (482x601, 507K)

But are they more elite than Air Combat Comptrollers? I'm talking about what team represents the face of the Air Force...

Basically they are smarter than the rest of the meatheads in the military.

Not much of a special ability since it's too human, but I guess we'll take it.

Air Force is like Shikamaru from Naruto.

Attached: Shikamaru_Part_I.png (1362x1075, 539K)

Well if you're talking about the face of the Air Force, the obvious answer is pilots and their planes. Few people join the Air Force because they want to be on the ground, they join because they want to fly F-22s and Apaches.

nice proxy OSI

Post without any gear on them.

Attached: 1562720295615.jpg (410x408, 39K)

That was hard to find. They're wearing gear in practically every picture you find of them online. This guy only has this backpack thing on, so you can still see the shirt clearly.

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w-what is happening here

But you see, that's a shirt while ours are jackets.

Attached: a-us-marine-and-mexican-naval-infantry-force-marine-exchange-symbols.jpg (1300x956, 170K)

Homophilic stuff

Even their jackets are cooler than yours.

Attached: Mexican Marine jackets.jpg (2000x1334, 425K)

Could y'all do me a favor and stop raping the locals for just one day? Curfew is starting to get on my nerves

a fucking joke, our soldiers are all borderline nazis, our ministry or defense bled the army dry and instead of spending the funds on maintenance and new military hardware they spend it on “viral” marketing like fucking miniseries on the army. I hope we’re getting an EU army soon because without it even Lichtenstein could invade and annex us

Do you notice how thin that jacket is compared to the one I posted and where Mexico is located geographically?

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Baggy looks better.

Fuck I hate gumtrees. A 12 year win streak is pretty impressive, though.

>Krautoid trying to ruin Europe for it's own benefit AGAIN
When will you savages learn your place?

Then you should've fucking said that. You said there aren't any nice uniforms anywhere when what you meant is that there aren't nice cold weather uniforms.

Despite that. Nothing looks better than snow "camo"

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All Europeans are savages.


In a 1v1 Finland would walk over the swedish forces, even if you have the better navy and airforces

Combat controllers

You don't even have the industry or population to, retard.

Obviously fake, made by some guys making a joke.

yeah? but can your military do this?

Pretty sure if you tried to start anything with Finland all the communists and muslims would have revolts all over your country.

Even the Finns are homogenous compared to you

That's the dumbest thing I've heard today.

What does the population matter when we can muster over 200 000 capable reservists in a matter of weeks

lol you say that like the Untied States is a homogenous country. This place is so full of people from literally every country on Earth that by your logic we shouldn't be able to go to war with anyone without at least minor insurrections happening within our borders when all of our military incursions prove otherwise.

>lol you say that like the Untied States is a homogenous country
I don't. It takes one to know one, doesn't it? Sweden is the California of Europe

Army capable doesn't mean shit when they're all just boomers and we have double the population and actual industry to arm them unlike you.
If you honestly think Finland has a chance, you're delusional.

I followed this thread up to your original post and you moved the goalpost like twice.

Tell me where and how

>uniforms are baggy and ugly!
>user posts a uniform that isn't baggy and ugly
>ok but they're wearing gear. post it without gear.
>user posts uniform without gear
>ok but they're wearing a shirt, post jackets
>user posts jackets
>not fair! their jackets are thinner!

meant for

Yeah winter jackets are the same as cold weather jackets. Dude, you're so smart.

OK but why didn't you say that you meant winter jackets? Your original post makes it seem like you're talking about the uniform of every military in the world when there are militaries that have uniforms that don't look like that at all.

I'm talking about the armies up here. I doubt you'll have a fun time here with thin uniforms.

Our army*

I wish I could say it's a joke but it's not even that

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>like you are about to get deployed to Vietnam and do some atrocities there, later to have flashbacks at life and as a result end your life with a bullet in your mouth.
sounds based

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Badabing Badaboom the budget go boom