What if... we shipped all French people to California?

What if... we shipped all French people to California?

Attached: https___images.forbes.com_media_2009_12_02_1202_california_france_170x170.jpg (1280x868, 59K)

It would get even worse.

They'd be assimilated, their culture is weak.

I would go to california just to get a french gf if that happened

Attached: French arthoe.jpg (750x747, 516K)

they'd drink all the wine

Attached: it's as if millions of frogs croaked out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.jpg (2000x1333, 185K)

Who gets the french land?

that should be obvious by now


california would be white again
the question is would french vote dem or rep?



French people are not white
Meds are not white

Ils seront les bienvenus. Bisous à nos kop1s français.

That's already happening. Due to Kartrina there's loads of ex-Louisanans in California. French people moving to CA wouldn;t notice much of a difference, they'd enlist the support of all the mexicans to make a French culture party to be the dominate one and by 2100 all Californians would speak French like Canada does. California just becomes France and thus improves 100000000000%. Nearby Mexico would also become more French culture too.

Spain obviously

They'd vote for their own party as is done in Canada.

french are not med so that's irrelevant

lol why would mexicans vote for a french people's party

Dark hair, dark eyes, short = med
They don't look like Swedes, aka true whites

because you can understand them and you both operate on a similar wavelength and share the same religion anyway. Why deal with the angloid parties when you can get something better?

Attached: 1561681387684.gif (220x165, 200K)

you cant just post a selfie without any text bro

The false state of California is clearly illegitimate, this area was claimed by Sir Francis Drake and christened Nova Albion in the 16th century.
It should be returned to its rightful owner.

you can trash talk white people with french people, a thing that can't be done with democrats or republicans. When put into an isolated environment you'll always stick together. Same reason why an italian in a pointy hat is the most influential person in your country.

That's the state of Jefferson which does not consider it part of California. Utah too, but they think your government should deport all the catholic irish back to their country and build a wall like we are with mexico.

you sound retarded

It’s gay enough as it is OP