god I wish that were me
God I wish that were me
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What's his stand?
what are the odds it turns out he's a paedo too
i'd put real money down
idk dude I think he invented an antivirus or something
>will continue to be dark
why are the CIA trying to arrest him
why do you say that? because he has a boat?
What is his endgame?
Not even the US government can uninstall McAfee.
Bringing the root CAs to their knees, with no survivors.
Are you confusing child-molester with the fact that he was banging 14yo hookers down in Belize? B/c I'm pretty sure that's legal down there and technically, technically not the same thing.
Pretty kino. Would still put one or two in his coffee the morning.
>have sex with a 1 year old on the moon
>b-but there's no law against it so I'm not a paedo
nice logic retard, seek help
Samin, BTFO
>I'm being chased by the CIA!
It's probably just some drug cartel he ripped off back in the day.
>>b-but there's no law against it so I'm not a paedo
well...paedo is a social term made up by law and since there is no law on the moon yet...I guess???
Wow. An antique car, restored to better than new. That's what this is.
This dude is the embodiment of le wacky rich man
Elon Musk does it to be funny, but McAfee is legit schizo or some shit.
Well given that apparently he admitted that hasn't been paying taxes for a while, I'm guessing it might be one of the government agencies...
who is this and what's going on?
The future POTUS
100% Pure Unadulterated ZOOMER.
Make everyone install his shitty software whether they want it or not
>2 4mg risperdal tablets
nigga would be sleepy for days, that's some strong shit
gosh I wish that were me
Would be pretty effective on his bipolar disorder.
because he is a libertarian
Isnt his wife a prostitute?
Esteemed programmer and fugitive from the law John McAfee is a drugged-up psychopath. youtube.com
honestly he rules
>joseph joestar in his avatar
>Be rich, famous programmer.
>Marry "woman" who looks like a linebacker.
once you go black you never go back
Imagine enslaving this woman and forcing her to be your eternal S&M nigger for you to dump buckets of cum into hahaha wouldn't that be funny
>that hasn't been paying taxes for a while,
If IRS is after him he is fucked.
I can confirm IRS is more vicious than CIA
He will eat his dick.
That's nothing. He LARPed as a drug warlord back in Belize and he allegedly executed his neighbour. Watch the documentary He's adult Cartman.
His life reads like an ancap memeball
uh thats actually great idea, thanks abdul
>letting slip that he wants to move to the moon
>to diddle kids
>Indonigger calling others arabic names
You can always cut a deal with the IRS without going full inawood stalker.
Actually it's against the law here to have sex with minors in other countries
Might not be the CIA.
He probably has plenty of enemies he doesn't even know about.
I'm a libertarian but I still can't stand this guy. He's a total degenerate who lives a wasteful lifestyle.
This degenerate created shitty antivirus for Win users which is only used by Americans.
he is such a silly cunt
This is fantastic. Thank you, user!
he's going to eat his dick