Is it true even though you guys are in ASEAN...

Is it true even though you guys are in ASEAN, you secretly look down on everyone and would rather be in the China/Japan/Korea sphere?

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>wanting to be in the china sphere
Don't they have a hate boner for China that is so strong they don't even care about agent orange?

Yes but we are talking about culture here which will affect your perspective of another. Japan and China don't like each other but you can't deny they are in the same culture sphere. Im sure a lot of countries south of USA don't like Spain but can't deny their similar culture links.

This, it's ambiguous like how Korea despises Japan but still consumes a lot of Japanese pop culture.

I don't think the people her have the capacity to care about that yet.


Asians are doomed to infighting because between getting cucked by the whites and semites, they can’t stand getting cucked by a Mongolian or k-pop dude

Yes. China is our Lord. Wh*Toids can go die for all I care.

>This, it's ambiguous like how Korea despises Japan but still consumes a lot of Japanese pop culture.
Are You retarded? You are speaking completely opposite. They import our shits a lot more.

We have good reason to look down on everyone else though. Some would say the best reason.

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Vietnam will become the Fifth Fist of Might of the United States Eastern Glorious Century Prosperity Vanguard against Chinese Imperialism by 2025, along with Japan, The Republic of Korea, The Republic of China, and The Phillipines.

Chinese dogs will be driven from their imperialist ventures back to their rammed-earth huts.

>Korea is facing growing uncertainties over trade with Japan after Tokyo announced it would remove Seoul from its list of "white countries" next month



I love how eastern Europe is the repulsive occupant even though it was colonized by western Europeans the same way Africa was

Every Hong Konger ive met looked like a SEA ape yet looked down on everyone don't kid yourself you little yellow manlet
Whereas all Viets ive met so far have been decent good natured people

we don't care about japanese culture unless jav and jap members in k-pop girlbands japanese dramas, music, movies are completely minor here jap anime fans in south korea seen as failures/losers/anti-social without friends here

i don't think they want to be northeast asian. however, The Vietnamese are annoying. i have seen so many butthurt vietnamese and thais on the internet forums and yt who blame westerners who love and appreciate south korea and japanese pop culture only. they are the same as chinese who are full of inferiority complex. asians are pathetic anyway.

I was talking about Cultural exports between South Korea and Japan, retarded Slavshit.

Vietnam is the future. Japanese economy is already stagnant, Korea will soon follow and when China runs out of fuel and enters a period of demographic change, Vietnam will become the powerhouse of East Asia.

Vietnamese people are the most hard-working and intelligent people in that region, they're actually doomed to success in the long term.

I was talking about you being crossed out from the list of white countries (Poland is still on the list btw).

lmao and Vietnam's 70% of exports comes from Samsung's factory in vietnam. and the largest investors in vietnam is South Korea.

Through the korean war and the end of WW2 if America was considered european I'd put them in light green.

Japan and south korea*.

Slavs are retarded as Always


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You Cantonese people are not genetic and historical brothers of Viets?

>70% of exports comes from Samsung's factory in vietnam

South Korea in the 1980s exported only cheap copies of American cars. China was no different from Vietnam 20 years ago. Give them a little time, they will outperform you all.

Vietnamese people are much more intelligent than Koreans, they have better PISA scores in Science despite being a poor and underdeveloped country, one can imagine what they will achieve when they already get better educational infrastructure.

>Vietnam's 70% of exports comes from Samsung's factory in vietnam
Wrong, around 25% Vietnam total exports.

when chances are equal, Vietnamese people seem to perform much better than Koreans.

Koreatowns in the US are notorious for illegal activity, crime and unsolved death cases.
Meanwhile, Vietnamese immigrants to the States don't create ghettos but assimilate pretty easily and succeed at life, because they're mentally more western than Koreans (probably the legacy of French rule).

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>i have seen so many butthurt vietnamese and thais on the internet forums and yt who blame westerners who love and appreciate south korea and japanese pop culture only.
Pathetic and Shameless. Jealousy paralyzes the rational thinking of man. I think Asians are infantile. And I have never seen a Frenchman accusing a South Korean person who likes British culture. Asians are always living here as servants, sucking the buttholes of Whites.

Yup, and Pooland will surface Germany or UK in next 20 years. Lmao

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Germany or the UK have been rich countries for ages, it's impossible to catch up with them. South Korea is a noveau riche, it was traditionally a poor country that only became rich because of a dictator who imposed working conditions similar to slavery. Vietnam can easily repeat this way, just like China did.

okey janus nguyen

It's really funny how Koreans think they're some kind of ubermenschen while 40 years ago their economy was still mostly agriculture-based and their northern cousins are one of the poorest nations in the world.

They were just incredibly lucky to have ended up on the 'western' side of the Iron Curtain but it has little to do with the Korean culture or ethnicity. If South Vietnam had resisted the northern invasion, it would be far richer than South Korea nowadays.

It's totally like Poolack. Why does southern Europe, which started industrialization 100 years earlier than South Korea, still have poorer and shitty infrastructure than South Korea? Were not they World superpowers?

>If South Vietnam had resisted the northern invasion, it would be far richer than South Korea nowadays.
What a moron you are. South Vietnam was corrupt beyond salvation

>jap anime fans in south korea seen as failures/losers/anti-social without friends here
>blame westerners who love and appreciate south korea and japanese pop culture only
wtf did I just read. You act exactly the kind you hate or think pathetic.
You can't blame people who feel cringe about obsessive kpop fan or japan weaboos.

>asians are pathetic anyway
talk about self-hating, Korean at finest. Bet you think Koreans are some kind of aryan ubermenschen and not asian at all. Lame.

Of course, 'If' Pooland was German territory, Pooland would be Richer country like Germany. 'If' Pooland was in Western side, Pooland would be Finland 2.0. There are so many 'If's for Pooland.

>South Vietnam was corrupt beyond salvation

yes, that's good South Korea before Park wasn't, lol. Syngman Rhee was just an epitome of corruption and mismanagement.

> still have poorer and shitty infrastructure than South Korea?

First of all, I wouldn't agree. Spain or Italian highway networks are wonderful. Secondly, they were never really world superpowers, they had decent periods in the Renaissance era but after that they gradually devolved and in the 19th century they were already poor countries.

그만해 멍청아,

>Koreatowns in the US are notorious for illegal activity, crime and unsolved death cases.

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So you basically confirm you're moderately rich only because you were lucky enough to get the US army on your soil.


it's not a traditional destination for east Asian immigrants, so it says nothing about the general picture

>it's not a traditional destination for east Asian immigrants

Lolwhat? We have more than half a million of them

Since when did the facts become Pathetic? The fact that being Japanese anime fan in public is like giving up social life in South Korea. And You guys are pathetic af. Because of Jealousy.

Enough about Korean and Poland shitpost in this thread, back to topic.

>Is it true even though you guys are in ASEAN, you secretly look down on everyone and would rather be in the China/Japan/Korea sphere?
No, in my opinion. Vietnamese feel more outcast by both South East Asian and East Asian.

based korean BTFO all these failed countries lol
look at all their excuses for why they are so much poorer than korea. pathetic

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There are 15 million people in the United States.
In addition, most East Asians living in Britain are Chinese or hong konger, so the samples are small.

the only reason why thailand wasn't colonized is the influence conflict between britain and france
thailand was surrounded by the british raj and french indochina, and both powers didn't want to encroach on each other's territory
thailand had to make large concessions to both powers too

You're not wrong. Why did we have to end up with the worst ones. ;_;

>We have more than half a million of them

So you have 2 times more Poles than all east Asians combined. You proved my point.

It's enough to look at North Korea to realize what Korea without foreign influence would look like.

>So you basically confirm you're moderately rich only because you were lucky enough to get the US army on your soil.
Why not? Have you ever heard about Marshall Plan? I am also annoyed that Europeans whine about America. Without America, Western Europe would have been poor like Poland now. The post-war US unprecedented support for Europe and its imports from Western Europe revived the European economy.

그만! 영어도 잘하는데 트롤 행동을 하고 다니냐

>Why not?

That's why I said Vietnam would be the same if it hadn't been commied, but you went mad.

>Since when did the facts become Pathetic?
You said yourself.
On one hand, you think Korean who like Japanese culture/anime is pathetic/loser
But then when other people like Viet or Thai you mentioned have on the same view of you about westerners fan who obsessive about kpop/Korean culture or anime/Japan then you turn 180* and seen it butthurt/jealousy
Come on, make your mind for one, self-hating Korean user.

>it's not a traditional destination for east Asian immigrants, so it says nothing about the general picture
No, my point is you are not only making a false accusation but also failing to look yourself in the mirror .

Also, to address your argument in the previous post Indian immigrants perform better than any other ethnic groups in USA So, does this mean curries are the most superior race as your logic suggests? Or, perhaps it has to do with that immigrants across different countries of origins do not come from equal socioeconomic backgrounds?

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>failing to look yourself in the mirror .

I didn't compare Koreans to Poles so I don't know why you come up with this argument.

>So, does this mean curries are the most superior race as your logic suggests

Well, it's Koreans who claim they're some kind of supermen itt.

>It's enough to look at North Korea to realize what Korea without foreign influence would look like
user, i-i...

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I obviously meant western influence.

I hope you don't think Vietnam is communist just because all Vietnamese people genuinely loved communism and the Soviet Union?

>based korean BTFO all these failed countries lol look at all their excuses for why they are so much poorer than korea. pathetic
I think it is related to communism. Ex-communist posters seem to be finding their own failures or bad luck outside of themselves. Every fault always begins with self. And they seem to like 'If'. Muh fucking If. If I was born as Son of Samaung's owner, I would be rich and hot shit though.

>british raj
what is this?

Yes, you're right, North Korea is poor only because Koreans are incompetent and inept people, communism had nothing to do with it.

British Raj, is the title of the British owned India/Pakistan/Bandledeshj

>I didn't compare Koreans to Poles
But to have an authority for making a criticism you are supposed to be better than the target of it, which you are miserably otherwise in this case.

>it's Koreans who claim they're some kind of supermen
Literally who and when? On the contrary, it was you arguing that vietnamese are actually superior to koreans and their reality being shitter than ours is simply a matter of bad luck

>I hope you don't think Vietnam is communist just because all Vietnamese people genuinely loved communism and the Soviet Union?
Did all Vietnamese genuinely suckers for capitalism and the US? Ya, this kind of argument is preposterous

>Yes, you're right, North Korea is poor only because Koreans are incompetent and inept people, communism had nothing to do with it.
NK was one of the richest communist countries in 60-70s.

that is so true. most poor country on this site never blame themself and instead on some other thing, so it's not their fault. they want to maintain their pride to look down others. china is thirdworld shithole today because we were corrupt communism subhumans 50 years ago instead of proper develop like japan and korea, not due to "bad luck" like all these countries on this forum say why they are poor. if you can't admit this you can't improve to first world.

I too believe Vietnam is bound to rule east asia. Koreans and japs are weaklings and chinese are barely human.
Viets are a strong race and they have our support

>you are supposed to be better than the target of it

If I criticize a building I don't like does it mean I can't do it unless I can design a better one?

>Literally who and when?

read this thread

> it was you arguing that vietnamese are actually superior to koreans and their reality being shitter than ours is simply a matter of bad luck

as a counter-argument to Korean claims

>Did all Vietnamese genuinely suckers for capitalism and the US?

No but they would certainly follow a way closer to this than to communism if they were free. Even their commie party realized it and gradually opens their market.

"Richest" in communism doesn't mean the same what in capitalism, it usually means the ability to produce more tanks and rifles.

Average North Korean still couldn't buy a pair of cheap jeans.

Not to mention North Korean economy was propped up by the USSR to show off, as it was the 'showcase' of socialism in east Asia, just like GDR in Europe.

>most poor country on this site never blame themself and instead on some other thing, so it's not their fault.
Of those the ones who make the loudest voices are eastern euros like poles, hungarians, bulgarians, etc hahaha

>they have our support
We're the ones who rescued the Vietnamese refugees.
In the meantime, you've been destroyed
and running away from Vietnam for a century.

Why can't you guys speak yourself without japan...?

>British Raj, is the title of the British owned India/Pakistan/Bandledeshj
thanks for the answer. during the japanese occupation, japs called korea "outland" and japan "inland". they were trying to brainwash that koreans and japanese are same ethnics, same nations.

Viets know it was all fun and jokes because they are real men with a good sense of humor unlike koreans who have no humor and no culture

>china is thirdworld shithole today because we were corrupt communism subhumans 50 years ago instead of proper develop like japan and korea, not due to "bad luck"

>let's not blame communism for our problems
>but it's actually communism that caused our problems

I didn't say anything different than what you said. Poland is poor because of communism. Everyone admits it here. Just the advent of communism was the 'bad luck' we were talking about. It's not that we wanted communism here, it was forced.

no it was our corrupt third world mindset that caused us to make communism. understand? communism itself is not excuse for poor. thats why china had to change economic policy,

Vietnam seriously doesn't give a shit about any of that anymore. Their history has been mad max status and they're too busy hating other people.

>our corrupt third world mindset that caused us to make communism

maybe in China. In Poland communism was imposed by the Red Army.

>communism itself is not excuse for poor.

Have you ever seen a rich communist country? As you said, you had to change your economic policy (so basically stop being communist) to achieve a certain degree of progress.

France isn't even in top ten

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>that is so true. most poor country on this site never blame themself and instead on some other thing, so it's not their fault. they want to maintain their pride to look down others. china is thirdworld shithole today because we were corrupt communism subhumans 50 years ago instead of proper develop like japan and korea, not due to "bad luck" like all these countries on this forum say why they are poor. if you can't admit this you can't improve to first world.
I agree with you. But You overlooked one thing. Unlike South Korea and Japan, at least young people in China have hopes and dreams for the future. South Korea and Japan are economically and democratically ending countries. Most young people in South Korea and Japan have no big dream. They do not even marry because it does not improve economically.

How do you explain this then?

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>Have you ever seen a rich communist country?
Sweden, Finland.

its because we still have much room to grow since our gdp per capita is so low at barely 10,000 and growth rate still good. but you guys are reaching the end at 30-40K which is very hard to improve without huge change. its same in europe.

>brainwash that koreans and japanese are same ethnics
Aren't you?

based Macron planning the recolonization of Vietnam
