Post shit countries with failed goverments that need to be nuked and their territory be shared amongst better countries.
I’ll start
Post shit countries with failed goverments that need to be nuked and their territory be shared amongst better countries.
I’ll start
Africa should be recolonized
>thinking you will get a piece if that was ever to happen
Go fuck yourself, Mexilard. Greeks are good people.
Give the north to Bulgaria and the south to Italy
>not filtering hungary finland and baltic countries
they keep talking like if they were china or usa
>shit countries with failed goverments that need to be nuked and their territory be shared amongst better countries
I circled them in red
japan is cool
Not an actual country but still deserves to be nuked
Why are you so assblasted about Turks who are doing a thousand times better any Balkan shithole? Also you were raped to death by them and you still can't do half of they do
Makes you think
Argentina is basically Europe.
seething *rab
How dare you insult Al-Andalus!
Europe would be so much better if Ukraine would just get carved up between Belarus, Romania, Hungary and Poland. For what purpose does this country even exist, except to make trouble?
Not every irrelevant snowflake ethnicity needs their own country.
No ethnicity needs its own country according to your politicians.
Ive heard this one before
Kurds are based. They've killed towelheads in scores and make t*rks seethe.
Keep giving Vlad what he wants. Sure. Oh hey, what’s up with whole appeasement thing you guys were pushing around the 1930’s?
>Not every irrelevant snowflake ethnicity needs their own country.