I am white and I hate brown people

>I am white and I hate brown people
>I am brown and I hate white people
no racist
>I am Christian and I think many Muslims are violent
hate speech
>I am Muslim and I raped a white girl and burnt down a church
that's fine

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Did you arrive from reddit yesterday and you are trying to fit it?

t. I genocided the native population of a continent without any consequence but I get so oppressed when I'm not allowed to hate speech that there must be a conspiracy to destroy the white race

>calling someone else "reddit"
>unironically using cringe
Pot calling the kettle black.

i wonder what this has to do with op's post

Oh shut your spud loving mouth you fucking commie. Im getting real real sick of this politically correct bullshit from these neemish bullshitters who are spewing night and day. We devour and eat their words faster than my fat ass can eat a mcdouble. "oh Thats racist." "Thats racist" is fucking racist. Fucking turn it off. Enough with your media machine. Enough you beautiful commies. You asshats. you sand nipples. You suede cheese nuggets. You yellow marshlings. You green coated yellow teeth fake plastic nerf gun toting want to be SS cry baby hate monger what the FUCK was your mother thinking? Letting the nightly news or Whoopie Goldburg teach you growing up ya fucking despicable twatlings.

All of ya. White. Black . and yellow? wtf does that even mean?? and everyone in between eating it up faster than a gnarly roach eats a bitter papine...now go chew on that piece of cordage that you are. Satan's right hand covered in wet toilet paper. That's what you are. Now ill let you figure out who "you" are.

>I genocided the native population of a continent without any consequence

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I or any white person alive today didn't genocide anyone, brown muslims are still turning beautiful countries and cities into unlivable shitholes today however, all the while complaining how bad the country they're ruining is but not willing to go back to the trashbag country they came from
all of this while living off taxpayer money

Amazing memay! Gave gold :)

You will pay for your crimes, eventually. Everything that is about to happen to you is deserved. We don't forget, we don't forgive.


are you legion?

>leaves some african hellhole and moves to spain for a better life
>we will never forgive you for this
brown logic

I am a native american. My people suffered as australian aboriginals did. We all share the same pain your race has caused us for centuries. We are not forgetting, we are preparing here, in your houses.

This is called "white guilt".

should i expect you?

>that's fine
Literally nobody says that's fine

What the fuck is this 2015 thread

abos get
>free housing
>free education
>free childcare

They literally get a fucking whole house and don't have to pay anything, they get free schooling and higher education and many medical expenses not covered by medicare are covered for them

despite all this they still trash their houses, refuse to work and do nothing but sniff petrol and sleep on the roads

from what I hear it's more or less the same with native americans, alcoholic deadbeats who are given every chance to make something of themselves but refuse to use it because it's so much easier just to cry about how you were wronged 100 years ago than actually go to school (for free)

>all muslims are brown
Now that's racist

this. i'm yellow uyghur muslim

they are white muslims you dumbass
and the majority arent brown
we are olive skinned/tanned

>we are olive skinned/tanned
so light brown, my bad

>there's difference between brown and olive/tanned

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>Heh I killed your entire ancestors have a free book in exchange we're in peace now


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like I said no one alive today killed their ancestors, time travel hasn't been invented yet but when it is I guarantee it will be invented by a white man

I can't handle all this bait

go back crushing kids with your car

pic related is olive skinned

forgot the pic

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we wuz whites n shit

yeah? light brown?


am I allowed to say nigger?

is this a joke?

you guys are brown af, some of you can be real niggers

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you guys are brown as fuck you basically look like indians lmfao

>I am white and I hate brown people
Yes that's rascist.
>I am brown and I hate white people
Also rascist.
>I am Christian and I think many Muslims are violent
Baseless assumption.
>I am Muslim and I raped a white girl and burnt down a church
Nobody says that's okay, not even most muslims.
In conclusion, have sex, then dialte, gain height and go back to Jow Forums

>a bunch of first world people with food to eat, shelter, ability to resd and write, and access to the internet complaining about their struggles

Uyghurs aren't yellow. Hui and dungans are though

everybody suffers

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A muslim wouldn't burn down a church as it is also seen as a house of God.

Uighurs aren't yellow. Now stop pretending that you're an uighur who's doing fine in China

hello my white brother

Based, you were carthageans and these idiots forgot about that.

becuse a majority is seen as a predator and a minoroty its pret.
So a muslim hating on a christian in Europe, or a nigger hating on a white in Europe is seen as someone trying to defend themselves

kys, youre disgrace to your ancestors

I am brown and I hate white people

But not all suffering is the same, my friend

suffering is just suffering in the mind of the sufferer. no distinction needs to be made.

i don't think i've ever seen a person who thinks like that ._.