Why do white people do this

Why do white people do this

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hiking is comfy

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i want to explore mountain and forest too

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we arent afraid of bodies of water

Getting the fuck away from ideologically contaminated cities. Mexicans do it too.

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Don't you have mountains in Algeria?

Idk, sometimes they get killed.

It's something you're born with that you could never understand, finngolian.

> Mexicans do it too
I don't see any mexicans in the pic

I see a lot of Asians on hiking trails too. Never seen a nigger out in the woods though. I think they’re pussies too afraid of getting eaten by bears but bears wouldn’t even go near them because all black people smell like shit. I’m not racist btw I have black friends

i went in the woods yesterday with my dog, since the bastard wanted to go on a longer trip i took him to the woods and we got lost and all dirty and we went off track b ecause i wanted to get out sooner but i just ended up more lost and it was horrible

it's not white people tho, it's people in general
is nice to go to an isolated beautiful natural area once in a while and enjoy it

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they think it's spiritual and shit, modern urban life made them forget that trees are just big breathing dildos.

I've lived my whole life in a countryside middle of forests
This lmao

Sounds like you're not very smart.
1. Have a fat dog so it gets tired after 5 mins
2. Carry a GPS. Hell, even a cel phone with google maps does the trick.

Just got back from Yosemite and it was 98% white and like 50% european

my dog is fat, and stupid. he always gets left behind if i want to run so i take him to the woods where he is more excited to be and stays with me.
yes i carry the phone but i didnt want to go on the road because then it would take longer. i knew which direction to go to but it took way longer than i expected and since i went off the path in the woods i was stuck in the fucking trrees and plants and insects were swarming me and the plants were up to my neck .
its not like i was in danger since it was within a few kilometer from my home.

it's enjoyable
I really need to start again, haven't had a hike in 3 years

Distances through the woods are deceiving.

I meant it's something in your blood. Since you're f*nngolian - not white, you wouldn't understand.

I hike a lot. Nothing comfier, keeps me relaxed and healthy.

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