Why are white women like this?

Why are white women like this?

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she needs to get riced

asking philosophical questions? I don't know. What the fuck IS wrong with them?

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White superiority

werrome, werrome grill GI

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Built for BBC

She need at least have sex with him and make him happy for life

so this is the race behind unseasoned chicken and mayonnaise...

What, self-aware? By acknowledging something like this she seems better than 99.9% of girls who show their butts on Instagram.

Quintessential white girl traveller

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Wy wymyn be liek "dis rice picking job too spicy"

Kek. based.

Give India a try. This country has its problem, and the entire world knows it. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why people who can't handle heat, pollution and crowds would ever want to come here. But year after year, I meet white women who scream about how much they love India while actively complaining about every aspect of their vacation.

India's a good place for adventure, especially if you're a guy--there's little risk of violent crime for men. In most places, there's nothing more to worry about than getting over-charged or having something swiped from your luggage in an overnight train.

But FFS, Instagram has fueled this obnoxious trend, as exemplified in OP's pic, of [typically economically privileged] tourists posing with or otherwise objectifying locals to demonstrate how "woke" and "different" they are.

Why is she wearing underwear in the middle of a fucking rice field in the afternoon?

1. Huge diversity of interesting cultures.
2. Lots of pretty buildings, monuments and nature to see.
3. Delicious food.
4. The whole finding-yourself-in-India trope.
5. Warm weather for those who want to escape the cold winters.
6. A long and fascinating history

I wouldn’t want to live in India, but it sounds like the best place to travel to after European capitals and maybe China.

most sheltered and pampered life of any demographic on the planet for generations

helps knowing these women are going to be middle aged at some point, and not have the looks they relied on, they'll end up another lonely cat lady with mental illness, or be stuck with some rich chad that's 90 years old by the time they're 50.

Thinking about how different my life from naked girl taking insta on my field.
t. paddy picker

I knew one such white woman. Then she traveled to Germany and liked it 100x better than India.

Short stubby daschund-like legs

And getting attacked by the wildlife.

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I think the idea is that having her ass in the picture kind of cheapens the philosophical question she's posing.

IME, the best part of traveling India is the people. If you do ever go, please don't stay in hostels and associate exclusively with other foreign tourists.

India is, bar-none, one of the easiest places in the world to meet and interact with local people. That's especially true in Tier-II cities and less touristic destinations. Even if you can't speak a single word of Hindi, Telugu or Bangla, there's always going to be people around who know some English. Walk into any dingy bar, sit down and you'll have people chatting to you in no time. Most of them will be very happy to explain stuff about India, Indian culture, etc. Just don't take travel tips from Indians, because most don't travel the same way as Westerners (and also tend to be afraid of solo travel and rural areas).

Not really an issue unless you're staying in villages or going to rugged areas, e.g., some place in southern Chhattisgarh or bumfuck nowhere Odisha.

Snakes can be a problem, though.

Again, I completely understand why some people wouldn't like India. It's not a developed country, people can be annoying, it's dirty, etc. But anyone who's planning on visiting already knows that, so I can't understand why they'd come if they're not okay with traveling in those conditions.

>Snakes can be a problem, though.
Very reassuring.

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I mean, you're not going to have issues with snakes unless you go pretty far out of cities or are staying in very basic places in the countryside.

Try that in a Third World country and see how fast you get raped, honey. 'Cause they don't give a flying fuck what Tumblr landwhales think in Africa or India.

>third world country

why are amerisharts so stupid

I never said Africa was a country, did I?

Can you even imagine how narcissistic you have to be to do this?


Meh. Thoughts and ass is better than thoughts and prayers.


Also turns out she's Swedish.

imagine getting attacked over a meme lmao

>Give India a try.

You have like 5 months to become a superpower

It's the opposite, she's insecure and seeks for attention and compliments to feel good about herself. Any like and thirsty man is a bit of self esteem boost. Women turn on with compliments. Of course these things are a tampon for not having a man pleasing her enough

THIS x a million.

Colour me surprised

Fifty thousand people used to live here… Now it's a thot town.

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This is hilarious

Holy shit dabbing on that exploded reactor


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