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what's wrong with her?
she needs to praise my flag

had an epiphany last night about why everyone has tattoos these days but can't remember what it was

have an almost pathological dislike for anyone non-white lads.

Some women on etsy scammed me

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ignored the polish slag for a week and shes seething lmao

big tittied latina fwb agreed to be put on a leash next time we fuck

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Isn't she that dumb livestreamer?

weedman has said he's going to start selling weed Poire à la Beaujolaise soon

woman* sorry lads very tired


the far future is always unpredictable and I agree that something like northern ireland is one of the more likely points of territorial change. do i see it happening in the near future , no. in our lifetime? probably not either desu.

What do you mean by that?

4 months ago i had no friends
then i started going to church and now i have loads of friends and family and i'm a part of several small groups

sister is bitching to me about how her bf called her fat

i want to tell her i think he's based and that she should lose weight but you know women right it's all word games with them

She is a streamer, yes.

new york, but it was the same in Maryland and Pennsylvanian, just less crowded. I am being a bit of a cunt tho i did enjoy america just seeing how different but similar it is to us at the same time, like just going to the shop is a 10 mile drive down an empty highway, really comfy

how did you come up with this meme like it's funny but I don't see how you were inspired by such a normal photo
why would you not have any friends like talk about a massive red flag being in your 20s and having no friends, everyone has friends.

I fucking hate tattoos

haha yeah

I just have a weird draw to faces

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Could try this here but never seen anyone under 70 attend a church in Britain

I appreciate that but as I said it seems to work for a lot of the more active people I know. It's not as if you have to do "work" things anyway you can just see the one lad you like on the weekend and it shouldn't affect ur work relationship too much

Who cares, she's your sister. Just tell her she's fat

Have never experience what it's light to smoke pot with my friends and talk about god know's what

only got one mate and i dont care

>can't even be honest to his sister
sort your life out lad unless u live with her or something who gives a shit if she gets a bit mad if it's true

was it based on a lack of culture and sub culture leading the populace to identity crisis which means certian individuals get tattoos to illustrate their individuality

>new york
That was surpirise. I thought Cali.

angela white

tell her to shut the fuck up and start counting her macros

is that oxford bender?!?!

>like just going to the shop is a 10 mile drive down an empty highway, really comfy
I hope you got an idea of how massive the country is and why we drive cars everywhere

well lads im off to work going to stop by wilko to get my meal deal

reckon its a big part why so many of you are fat

we'll do it now then
*passes you the spliff*

while agree it's individuality for some people I actually think it's more tribal in general. How many people have just one tattoo or something which isn't related to some cultural community? like nobody. most heavily tattooed people are similarly involved in particular communities whether bikers or fetish or whatever. they are like visual secret handshakes to other members of the community

What a boring post

tell her he's right

How is life as a Chav?
Any Chavs here or have you got experiences with Chavs?

got my hair cut by a fit girl this afternoon, going to wank to the memory of her fingers in my hair now

Definitely is. You don’t see many lardasses walking around in the densely populated cities like nyc, tourists maybe but not the locals

going to do it tonight
(in reference to a poo)

fuck new zealand reking us in the nettie payback for the crick

wish my life was like a 90s american sit-com
frasier to be exact

i'm actually so good looking that i don't even need a proper haircut to get attention from women of all ages
i literally have a buzzcut haha

It’s a tough life at times but I get by alright

>Lad culture
>the subculture involves young men assuming an anti-intellectual position, shunning sensitivity in favour of drinking, violence, and sexism.

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Was obsessed with tattoos as a kid, always wanted to get one when I turned 18. Never got one though, why?

Well because between the ages of 9-13 the period when I was most obsessed with tattoos I had decided that the first tattoo I was gonna get was gonna be a swastika. I was obsessed with the nazis and was certain I was gonna get it, now I look back and I actually cringe at how stupid i was, if I was dumb enough to think a swastika tattoo was a good idea only ten years ago imagine the regret I might feel in 40 years time looking at some tattoo I got at age 18.

If you dont believe me pic related was my room at age 11

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does this really turn anyone on? there is a level of sluttiness and depravity that is a complete killer for me

are you even a bong?

>How many people have just one tattoo or something which isn't related to some cultural community
Isn't that what most people do? The pink-haired girl with a nose-ring gets a tat of Marilyn Monroe on her ankle because it's in vogue
My brother got a tattoo of a panther on his back, for no obvious reason

No why do you ask

Yeah its what stood out most to me and the lass i was with, just fucking massive, most states are around the size of England itself or bigger

New York is kind of kino just because how grimy and dangerous it is

Isn't New Zealand just the touristic island without anything else?

You cannot be a Chav if you aren't a Brit.

in germany lads

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Another thing that stood out is the based american class system, literal millionaires in diamond suits chatting to homeless blacks on the train

i feel like this is a failure of your parents as much as you, as a stupid kid you don't know better but they should have shut you down
that was my point in no way is having a picture of marilyn monroe on you a marker of individuality it's a marker of tribal/cultural appreciation. a panther is perhaps more individual

Boys I’m flying to Edinburgh in a few days

na my mate got random chinese letters on his arm, it means absolutely nothing to him other than he thought it looked cool, thats why most people get tattoos (on the surface) because they just think whatever they get is cool, unless they are actually part of an active community but then it makes sense getting a tattoo of that community since it means something to the individual

what happened?

coming here for uni init, checking out the grounds

tattoos are made to look cool
meaning is an afterthought

Was that your voice?

oxford bender

Nice time for it meant to be a scorcher next week

London is more dangerous than nyc this isn’t the 70s the only sketchy areas are the far east neighborhoods of Brooklyn and some parts of the Bronx but you can walk around pretty much anywhere in manhattan at 4 am by yourself and be fine

what a shite thread fuck yous all yous are all boring cunts

why would your parents allow you to have a nazi flag at the age of 11

Even Harlem?

what should i drink at the pub later lads?

how about we have an argument to make it interesting, you pick the topic dickhead

update: told my sister that if being called fat bothers her she can always lose weight, and she got all defensive about how she's lost weight and is in the healthy weight range (although no doubt on the heavier end of it)

like putty in my hands

What's the NY gun policy?

Can’t think of anything more cringe inducing that “eco fascism”

I think "because it looks cool" as the main/only reason is the minority. Obviously aesthetics is always a consideration but i believe far more are "i really like harry potter so i'm getting this symbol, or i really like zelda" and so on.

I didn't speak anything.

bet she feels like putty in her fellas hands aswell, tubby bint

>London is more dangerous than NYC

You need to stop getting you information from Jow Forums literally the ONLY places anyone might consider not walking through are big council estates, everywhere is safe here


being american


cucked, cunts wouldn't even let me have a go since i wasnt a citizen

Harlem was gentrified years ago to my knowledge

lol how brainwashed do you have to be to think london is more dangerous than nyc, mental.

been invited round my mate's gaff for bevvies but too anxious to go round


Being Irish

God imagine being this fucking stupid. It's not 1995 anymore lad. The majority of people with tattoos aren't heavily tattooed and trying to show some gang affiliation. My workmates have tattooes of the most random shit. One of them has a Pokemon on his arm. They're just trying to be indicisul and unique because they lack any sense of belonging.

I'd say its more dangerous due to the sheer amount of druggies

any german posters in dortmund want to meet for a beer?

alright then don't

too warm and Guinness poos are like tar spilling out of my arse the next day

kind of wanna though but a couple lads I hardly know there

ah yes good idea posting this on a british general you cretin, go to deustche but they hate anglos

ripped a fart worthy of a gluttonous medieval king while out walking earlier. randos came over to shake my hand and congratulate me and everything

an expected response but still welcome