/lang/ - Language Learning General

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Jow Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages!:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?

Old thread Old challenge (Let's make a new one already, for the love of God)

Attached: finnish-language_c_3596865.jpg (500x1364, 135K)

Soulless vs soul

Finnish is the most autistic language

I heard that Latvian was easier, but Lithuanian might be more interesting since it's supposedly the most linguistically conservative language in Europe. As for usefulness, it really depends on whether you want to go to Lithuania or to Latvia.

>not mentioning what lohikäärme literally stands for

Πώς πάει η ζωή, φιλαράkι;

Attached: 1444485398991.jpg (800x600, 124K)

is the discord still a thing?
Can a nigga get a link?

Post your ID and I'll drop you an invite

about to start learning french
i've read through the wiki but does anyone have any bonus tips that aren't on the wiki or aren't mentioned as much?

Language challenge - soy edition

>I love Nintendo.
>I collect retro games.
>I want you to impregnate my wife.
>I would like a medium soy latte, please.

>Why yes, I post on reddit, how could you tell?
>When Donald Trump won the 2016 elections, I was literally shaking.
>I must ask you to stop calling me a soyboy, as it is misogynistic and anti-vegan.
>The Nintendo Switch is far better than any Xbox; first of all, the Japanese made it, and they are clearly more intelligent than Americans.

>There is literally nothing wrong with being a cuck. What if after a hard day at work in the office i don't have the energy to make my wife happy? It is sexist to expect her to contain her sexual energy all for me, it also selfish she is her own women and as a feminist men i support her.
>She finds someone that can sexually pleasure her and make her feel like good and i get to play more World Of Warcraft or catch up on Stranger Things. You know what at the end of the day she comes back to me and sleeps in the bed with me, the other men can't say that.
>Sex is sex , she may orgasm with other men but real love, the one i feel when she hugs me at night, knowing that she is tired all she wants to do is put her hand on my chest , that's real love. Your mockery doesn't change the love i feel for my wife and the happiness i feel knowing she is a strong and not in a relationship where another men uses a patriarchal structure to hold back her potential. You should feel ashamed of yourself.

It says you've blocked all invites.

Can I get an invite too if I send you the ID?


invite too i am norwegian

We don't call it dragon
We call it ejderha

Γεια σου σλοβαkαδερφέ, πως τα πας?


Cannot find that name


>tl;dr and whole bunch of grammatical and punctuation errors
damn it canada where are the good challenges

>tl;dr and whole bunch of grammatical and punctuation errors
It was copied from somewhere else. This is good for language practice because it's not as artificial as "The car is blue". If you don't like my challenges, make them yourself.

it is linked in the op :^)

It's been two threads since that challenge. Many of us were waiting for a new one.

Watch out everyone, the alleged google translator is back.

>I love Nintendo.
Lubię Nintendo
>I collect retro games.
Kolekcjonuję retro gry
>I want you to impregnate my wife.
Chcę, zebyś impregnował moją żonę
>I would like a medium soy latte, please.
Poproszę sojową latte

>Why yes, I post on reddit, how could you tell?
Tak, postuję na Reddicie, jak dowidziałeś się?
>When Donald Trump won the 2016 elections, I was literally shaking.
Kiedy Donald Trump wygrał w wyborach w dwa tysiące szesnastym roku, dosłownie trząsłem się
>I must ask you to stop calling me a soyboy, as it is misogynistic and anti-vegan.
Muszę prosić cię, zebyś przestał nazywać mnie soyboy-em, bo to jest mizoginicznym i anti-wegańskim słowem
>The Nintendo Switch is far better than any Xbox; first of all, the Japanese made it, and they are clearly more intelligent than Americans.
Nintento Switch to znacznie lepszy niż jakikolwiek Xbox. Po pierwsze, go wymyślili Japońcy, którzy są wyraźnie inteligentniejsi niż Amerykanie.

age old debate
vosotros vs ustedes?

>J'aime Nintendo
>Je collectionne jeux vidéo retro
>Je veux que tu mette incinte ma femme
>Je voudrais un lait au soja moyen, s'il vous plaît
>Mais oui, je poste sur reddit, comment le savais-tu?
>Quand Donald Trump a gagné les éléctions du 2016, je tremblais littéralement
>Je dois te demander d'arreter de m'appeler un garçon-soja, car c'est misogyne et anti-végétalien
>La Nintendo Switch est très mieux que n'importe quel Xbox; avant tout les japonais l'ont fait, et ils sont évidamment plus intelligents que les americains
>Il n'y a littéralement rien de mal à être un cuck. Et si après une journée de travail acharné je n'ai pas de l'énergie de rendre heureuse ma femme? Il serait sexiste de s'attendre qu'elle contienne toute son énergie sexuelle pour moi, et il serait égoïste aussi. Elle est sa propre femme et en tant que féministe, je la soutiens
>Elle trouve quelqu'un qui peut lui donner du plaisir sexuel et lui faire sentire bien, et je peux jouer plus de WoW ou regarder les derniers épisodes de Stranger Things. On sait qu'à la fin de la journée elle reviens à moi et se couche à côté de moi, les autres homme ne peuvent pas dire ça
>Le sexe est le sexe, elle peut avoir un orgasme avec un autre homme, mais l'amour réel, celui que je sens quand elle m'embrasse la nuit, en sachant qu'elle est fatiguée et la seule chose qu'elle veut faire est reposer la tête sur ma poitrine, c'est le vrai amour. Tes taquineries ne change pas l'amour que je sens pour ma femme et la felicité que je sens en sachant qu'elle est forte et pas dans une relation où un autre homme utilise une structure partiarcal pour endiguer son potentiel. Tu devrais avoir honte

>I love Nintendo.
я люблю Hинтeндo.
>I collect retro games.
я кoллeкциoниpyю peтpo игpы.
>I want you to impregnate my wife.
я хoчy, чтoбы ты oплoдoтвopяeшь мoю жeнy.
>I would like a medium soy latte, please.
я хoтeл бы cpeдний coeвый лaттe, пoжaлyйcтa.

>Why yes, I post on reddit, how could you tell?
if speaking to stranger/acquaintance.
кoнeчнo, я пocтy нa Reddit, кaк вы зaмeтили?
if speaking to friends/family
кoнeчнo, я пocтy нa Reddit, кaк ты зaмeтил(a)?
>When Donald Trump won the 2016 elections, I was literally shaking.
кoгдa Дoнaльд Tpaмп выигpaл выбopы 2016 гoдa, я бyквaльнo тpяcлo ceбя.
>I must ask you to stop calling me a soyboy, as it is misogynistic and anti-vegan.
я дoлжeн пoпpocить вac/тeбя пepecтaть нaзывaть мeня soyboy, пoтoмy чтo этo жeнoнeнaвиcтничecкий и aнти-вeгaнcкий.
>The Nintendo Switch is far better than any Xbox; first of all, the Japanese made it, and they are clearly more intelligent than Americans.
Hинтeндo Switch нaмнoгo лyчшe чeм любoй Xbox, пpeждe вceгo, Япoнцы cдeлaли eгo, и oни явнo лyчшe чeм aмepикaнцы.

Γιάννη, έχεις πεθάνει;

The more I learn english, it feels so much better than french in every way
you can convey abstract ideas way faster and say things in many different ways and shorter

please say something good and useful about french that english doesnt have

Attached: 1539045998000.png (351x354, 177K)

What goes on in the discord thingy?

Shitposting and occasional language discussions

It's a Chads' club, to be honest.

You're not fooling anyone with your proxy, Nigel

Don't get too frustrated about pronunciation. Some of it will come with time.

Is libgen safe to use without a VPN?

I'm sorry, I went out for a drink

Attached: IMG_20190720_233320.jpg (236x146, 7K)

I mean, I've used it a ton without a VPN but then again I'm not tech savvy

Εσύ μου έστειλες το αίτημα φιλίας φίλε ή έλαβα kαμία χαζομάρα από kάναν σkατοkοινωποιητή?

Ήμουν εγώ.

>I love Nintendo.
>I collect retro games.
I still have a long way to go.

I meant レトロ。

>Lubię Nintendo
"Lubić" means "to like something". What you are really looking for is "Kocham"

>jak dowidziałeś się?
I see what you were trying to do here, but a native would say "Skąd wiesz?"

>Muszę prosić cię
A single "Proszę" is more that enough.
Proszę, przestań nazywać mnie soyboy-em...

>Nintento Switch to znacznie lepszy
Nintendo Switch JEST znacznie lepszy

Other than that and some order errors you're good

>j'aime nintendo
>je collectionne de jeux vidéos retros
>je veux que tu imprègnes ma femme
>je voudrais un latté de soja, s'il vous plaît

>mais oui, je poste sur reddit, comment tu le savais ?
>quand donald drumpf a gagné les élections de 2016, je tremblais littéralement
>je dois te demander d'arrêter me traiter de sojagars, parce que c'est misogyne et anti-végan
>le nintendo switch est bien mieux que n'importe quel xbox. tout d'abord, les japonais l;ont fait, et ils sont évidemment plus intelligent que les américains

>il n'y a aucun problème à être un coucou. et si après un dure journée au bureau, je n'ai l'énergie pour rendre ma femme heureuse ? il serait sexiste de s'attendre qu'elle contienne toute son énergie sexuelle pour moi and im not copying the rest of this cuck shit

>please say something good and useful about french that english doesnt have

This isn't true.

It's が大好き
好き isn't an action verb

And it'd be レトロゲームを集める

You don't need to start everything with 私は, if you skip it, it's implied already.

it is tho
english has become soulless

Attached: sad2.jpg (1024x962, 54K)

kocham nintendo

kolekcjonuję stare retro gry

chcę żeby impregnowałbyś moją żonę

proszę o średnia latte sojowa

ależ tak, piszę posty na reddicie, jak mogłeś powiedzieć?

kiedy donald trump wygrał wybory w dwa tysiące szesnastym roku, ja naprawdę się trząsłem

muszę prosić o przestanie nazywać mnie soyboy'em, to mizoginiczne i przeciw-wegańsko

nintendo switch jest o wiele lepiej niż jakikolwiek xbox. po pierwsze, japończycy to wynaleźli, a jeszcze zawsze są bardziej inteligentne niż amerykanie

>trudny, ale myślę że powinno nazywa się niemożliwe
nie ma nic złego z byciem cuck'em. co jeśli po ciężkim dniu pracy nie będę mieć siły żeby uszczęśliwić swoją żonę? seksistowskie jest oczekiwać, że będzie zawierała dla mnie całą swoją seksualną energię, a także egoistyczne. jest sobą, i jako mężczyzna feministyczny, jej wspieram.

znajduje kogoś kto może jej zadowolić seksualnie i z kim może czuć się świetnie,
a ja w tej chwili mogę zagrać w World Of Warcraft lub nadrobić zaległości w Stranger Things.
a pod koniec dnia wraca do mnie i zasypia ze mną w łóżku, inni nie mogą tak powiedzieć

to po prostu seks, ona może osiągnąć orgazm z innymi mężczyznami, jednak prawdziwa miłość, którą czuję kiedy mnie w nocy przytula i wiedząc, że jest zmęczona. wszystko czego chce, to położyć rękę na moim ciele, a to jest prawdziwa miłość. twoja kpina nie zmieni mojej miłości do mojej żony i radości, które do niej czuję wiedząc, że jest silna, a nie w związku, w którym inni mężczyźni używają patriarchalnej struktury, nie pozwalając się rozwijać. powinieneś się wstydzić

also this took me like 2 and a half hours to complete

>>I love Nintendo.
Es mīlu Nintendu.
>>I collect retro games.
Es savācu retro video spēles.
>>I want you to impregnate my wife.
Es gribu, lai tu impregnē manu sievu.
>>I would like a medium soy latte, please.
Lūdzu, es gribētu sojas vidēju lattu.

>>Why yes, I post on reddit, how could you tell?
Kāpēc jā, es postēju uz redditu, kā tu zināji?

Are there any native Latvian speakers on that Discord, or Latvian learners for that matter?

i no longer feel that bad about having to look up so many verbs. Its still pretty good since i get more vocabulary that I can put into context.

Yes, there is one.

i no longer feel that bad about having to look up so many words. Its still pretty good since i get more vocabulary that I can put into context.

Never mind, he's been inactive for almost a year.

Thanks Mexibro, I'll keep those in mind.
I assume that using an action verb would mean that the subject is physically doing something to the object, correct?

Iubesc nintendo.
Culetga retro jocuri
Vrei ca tu impregna sotia mea.
Vrei un soy latte medium, va rog.

corrections please?

nintendo should be nintendu

>nintendo should be nintendu
i think Nintendo is indeclinable since its a foreign word, just like coffee in Russian. я люблю кoфe.

No sense in me joining then. As a native English speaker, I wouldn't be of any help.

I'm not that knowledgeable about Japanese either as I'm learning but, but が is more of a declarative particle for expressing a quality of something.

日本語が下手です = My Japanese is bad
日本語が好きです = I like Japanese

It's something like that. Read up the grammar guide explaining this particle

Cuck in French is Cocu

L'inverse pour moi, après avoir appris le français je me sens beaucoup plus cultivé qu'en parlant l'anglais. Peut-être la pelouse est toujours plus verte dans le voisin, mais bon.
>please say something good and useful about french that english doesnt have
En et Y


Invite me too

>я кoллeкциoниpyю peтpo игpы.
cлoвo "peтpo" peдкoe в pyccкoм, нo дpyгих cлoв для нeгo нeт, пoэтoмy eгo нaдo пoдкpeпить cинoнимaми, нaпpимep "cтapыe peтpo игpы"

>я хoчy, чтoбы ты oплoдoтвopяeшь мoю жeнy
"oплoдoтвopил" или "cдeлaл мoю жeнy бepeмeннoй"

>я хoтeл бы cpeдний coeвый лaттe, пoжaлyйcтa
"мoжнo, пoжaлyйcтa, cpeдний cтaкaн coeвoгo лaттe"

>кoнeчнo, я пocтy нa Reddit, кaк вы зaмeтили?
"нy кoнeчнo я пишy пocты нa peддитe, кaк вы oб этoм пoнeли (ты oб этoм пoнял)?"
в тeкcтe и в peчи мы cклoниpyeм (decline) нeкoтopыe инocтpaнныe cлoвa, peддит в их чиcлe

>кoгдa Дoнaльд Tpaмп выигpaл выбopы 2016 гoдa, я бyквaльнo тpяcлo ceбя.
в кoнцe дoлжнo быть "мeня бyквaльнo тpяcлo". ecли гoд в этoм пpeдлoжeнии пpoизнecти вcлyх тo бyдeт "двe тыcячи шecтнaдцaтoгo гoдa"

>я дoлжeн пoпpocить вac/тeбя пepecтaть нaзывaть мeня soyboy, пoтoмy чтo этo жeнoнeнaвиcтничecкий и aнти-вeгaнcкий.
"soyboy" здecь бyдeт "coйбoeм". "пoтoмy чтo" нaдo yбpaть, a в кoнцe дoлжнo быть "этo являeтcя жeнoнeнaвиcтничecтвoм и aнти-вeгaнcтвoм", хoтя нaвepнo тaких cлoв дo мeня eщe никтo нe пpидyмывaл. мoгy eщe пoиздeвaтьcя нaд языкoм нapeчиями: "этo жeнoнeнaвиcтничнo и aнти-вeгaнcкo"

>Hинтeндo Switch нaмнoгo лyчшe чeм любoй Xbox, пpeждe вceгo, Япoнцы cдeлaли eгo, и oни явнo лyчшe чeм aмepикaнцы.
ecли пиcaть нaзвaния пpoдyктa, тo нaдo кaк в opигинaлe "Nintendo Switch" (в peчи бyдeт звyчaть кaк "нинтeндo cвич", c твepдым "тeн" и c мягкoй "ви"). "япoнцы cдeлaли eгo" пoмeняй нa "япoнцы eгo изoбpeли". вмecтo cлoвa "лyчшe", кoтopoe ближe к кoнцy, пиши "yмнee" или "интeллигeнтнee"

>nintendo should be nintendu
hate to break it to you but the word nintendo in particular is among of those that are not declined, i tried to find a pattern but it seems to be an arbitrary thing

>Me amo Nintendo
>Recoja juegos retros
>Quiero que impregnas mi esposa
>Me gustaría un café con leche de soy por favor

>Porqué, sí, posteo en reddit, como podrías decir?
>Cuando Donald Trump ganó los elecciones de 2016, literalmente estuve temblando
>Debo pedirte deja de llamandome un soyboy como es misógino y anti-vegano
>El Nintendo Switch es mucho mejor que cualquier Xbox. Primero de todo, el japónes lo hicieron y claramente son más inteligente que estadosunidenses

>Literalmente hay nada incorrecto con ser un cornudo. Qué si despúes un día de trabajo duro a la oficina no tengo la energía para hacer mi esposa feliz? Es sexista para esperarla contenerse su energía sexual todo para mí. Tambíen es egoísta ella es su propia mujer y como un hombre feminista la apoyo
>Este reto es totalmente cringe. Déjalo a la hoja

Check out this if you can
I have a long way to go

>>I love Nintendo.
닌텐도를 사랑한다
>>I collect retro games.
복고풍 게임을 수집한다
>>I want you to impregnate my wife.
네가 내 아내를 임신시키고 싶다
>>I would like a medium soy latte, please.
중 간장 라떼 주세요
>>Why yes, I post on reddit, how could you tell?
네, 레디트에 포스트한데 어떻게 알아차렸나요?
>>When Donald Trump won the 2016 elections, I was literally shaking.
도날드 트럼프가 이천십육년에 선거에서 이길 때 나는 말 그대로 흔들리고 있었다
>>I must ask you to stop calling me a soyboy, as it is misogynistic and anti-vegan.
소이보이라고 부르지 마시는 거를 부탁해야 한데 여성혐오하고 안티 채식주의이거든요
>>The Nintendo Switch is far better than any Xbox; first of all, the Japanese made it, and they are clearly more intelligent than Americans.
닌텐도 스위치가 어떤 엑스박스보다 훨씬 나아요 먼저 일본 사람 만든 거이고 그들은 미국 사람보다 지능이 분명히 더 있어

>>>I love Nintendo.
>Es mīlu Nintendu.
Keep it as "Nintendo". Proper nouns and loanwords that end with an -o (and -ā, -ē, -i, -ī, -u, -ū too I think) don't change cases.
>>>I collect retro games.
>Es savācu retro video spēles.
"kolekcionēju" instead of "savācu". "savācu" sounds more literal, like you just go somewhere and grab the games for yourself.
>>>I want you to impregnate my wife.
>Es gribu, lai tu impregnē manu sievu.
We don't really have an active verb for impregnation, we say that we make someone pregnant - "padarīt stāvoklī" or "padarīt grūtu".
Es gribu, lai tu padari manu sievu grūtu.
>>>I would like a medium soy latte, please.
>Lūdzu, es gribētu sojas vidēju lattu.
Keep "lūdzu" ar the end of the sentence. It's more appropriate to have it at the start if it's followed by a direct command, pretty much the same as in English. And "latte" doesn't change cases either, idk why, but it doesn't sound right.
>>>Why yes, I post on reddit, how could you tell?
>Kāpēc jā, es postēju uz redditu, kā tu zināji?
Just use "jā". "Kāpēc jā" is just the combination of the meanings of the individual words, like if you said "why 'yes', and not 'no'". "redditā" instead of "uz redditu". And "kā tu varēji pateikt" instead of "kā tu zināji" for a more accurate translation, tho the meaning doesn't change much.

Anyone know how to say "bump" in Latin?

блaгoдapю тeбя

Attached: 8Cl4yWsXQmQ.jpg (764x640, 102K)

Thank you, I will take notes.

Nintendo amo.
Ludos veteres colligo.
Te volo gravidere uxorem meam.
(Medium soy lattes didn't exist in Ancient Rome)

"из пиcичeк" ("with small genitals", it can be both make and female) - этo yжe aж тpижды yмeньшитeльнo-лacкaтeльнoe cлoвo (triple diminutive): пeниc > пиcя > пиcькa > пиceчкa
хoтя нa caмoм дeлe тaм нaпиcaнo "из лиcичeк" (with chanterelles), гpибы тaкиe

cпacибo cнoвa, я yжe знaл чтo oзнaчaeт этo cлoвo (мoй pyccкий дpyг oбъяcнил мнe знaчeниe этoгo cлoвa), нo нe знaл чтo этo cлoвo yжe aж тpижды yмeньшитeльнo-лacкaтeльнoe.

Added ya. The Slovak seems to have signed off for the night.

add me pl0x


Attached: 3D65EF94-4FE7-4142-8796-BD9C50081E7D.jpg (1280x719, 96K)

Discord says it didn't werk, and that I should make sure caps, spelling and numbers are correct.

Attached: PeepoDetective.png (112x112, 16K)

Jow Forums replaces cyrillic letters with latin equivalents when possible, maybe that's why

Can someone simply choose a language I should learn from this list, the problem isn't that I don't know what to learn, or I mean it is, it's that there's too much I want to learn and I have varying degrees of experience in all of them

pick swedish, Sven here is almost always active so he will help with any problems or question

Thank you, should be pretty easy getting back to where I was since that was my second most fluent non english language

Perhaps, ye.


>>Me amo Nintendo
amo Nintendo. «me amo» ie «amarse» is used only when sepaking of yourself

>>Recoja juegos retros
colecciono juegos retro

>>Quiero que impregnas mi esposa
impregnes. this is subjunctive, we use it a lot, usually verbs after a «que»

>>Me gustaría un café con leche de soy por favor
soya = soy

>>Porqué, sí, posteo en reddit, como podrías decir?
pues, sí, posteo en reddit, cómo sabías/lo sabías

>>Cuando Donald Trump ganó los elecciones de 2016, literalmente estuve temblando
del 2016. estaba

>>Debo pedirte deja de llamandome un soyboy como es misógino y anti-vegano
debo pedirte que pares de llamarme maricón, ya que es...

>>El Nintendo Switch es mucho mejor que cualquier Xbox. Primero de todo, el japónes lo hicieron y claramente son más inteligente que estadosunidenses
el switch es mejor que un xbox cualquiera. primero que todo, los japoneses lo han hecho y ellos son evidentemente más inteligentes que los estadounidenses

>>Literalmente hay nada incorrecto con ser un cornudo.
no hay nada malo

>>Qué si despúes un día de trabajo duro a la oficina no tengo la energía para hacer mi esposa feliz?
this one can be translated differently based on your reading of the english. you can say
>¿y qué si después de un día arduo en la oficina, no tengo la energía para satisfacer a mi esposa?
>¿y qué tal si después de un día arduo en la oficina, no tengo la energía para satisfacer a mi esposa?
«qué tal si» is used to express a genuine hypothetical, whereas «y qué si» is used rhetorically, as if to say «and what about it?»

>>Es sexista para esperarla contenerse su energía sexual todo para mí. Tambíen es egoísta ella es su propia mujer y como un hombre feminista la apoyo
es sexista esperar que contenga toda su energía sexual sólo para mí. también es egoísta, ya que and the rest is fine

>>Este reto es totalmente cringe.
i agree

>Went searching for Swedish apps
>Now I'm learning Japanese and swedish

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we will make it through the night...

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What about traakki?

Well, it's 8am here so it did. :^)

Is "In Meines Vaters Haus" proper German? I saw this somewhere and wondered if it must me Im Haus Meines Vater

we book 4 now, lads

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my wife chino... I WANT TO FUCK CHINO
please chino is so cute my wife chino is so cute chino chan sex chino sex with chino i'd like some more kafuu chino sex with chino kafuu chino my wife cute is so chino wife

>what language?

>language experience
One day I was doing my English test, so my teacher made us invent a story; He said some words and you had to say what you could think of
I invented a story about a thief who steals a golden bunny. He laughed so much that still when I visit my old school he tells me that he tells his students about me

don't you know, the US is the only country that matters :)

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>page 9

It's fine but rather archaic

These were my thoughts too. I think I will start with Lithuanian first.

Can a German give me corrections? I wrote this

Heute ist Halloween. Heidi und ihr bester Freund laufen die Straße entlang. Sie sind auf dem Weg zum dem Halloween Karneval.
Hans ist Bogenschütze. Er tragt eine grüne Tunika und eine schwarze Gugel. Er hat auch einen Langbogen, genau wie Robin Hood. Er fand, er sieht sehr authentische aus.
Heidi trägt ein elegantes Mittelalter Kleid mit Trumpetenärmel. Auf ihrem Kopf ist ein Kopfschmuck mit Schleier.
„Ich habe nicht gewusst, dass Maid Marian Polyester trägt,“ sagte Hans.
„Mund halten, Hans, oder teile ich mit dir keine Süßigkeiten“ sagte Sabine. „Außerdem ist mein Kleid aus Pannesamt, nicht Polyester.“

Fuck, I changed Heidi's name to Sabine in the last sentence. What do you think, I think Hans and Heidi names are to too memey. What should I name these two characters?