>What language(s) are you learning? >Share language learning experiences! >Ask questions about your target language! >Help people who want to learn a new language! >Participate in translation challenges or make your own! >Make frens!
Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides: pastebin.com/ACEmVqua
Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages: FAQ U: >How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects? Read the damn wiki >Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X? No >What is the most useful language? Lithuanian >What language should I learn? Latvian
Old thread Old challenge (Let's make a new one already, for the love of God)
I heard that Latvian was easier, but Lithuanian might be more interesting since it's supposedly the most linguistically conservative language in Europe. As for usefulness, it really depends on whether you want to go to Lithuania or to Latvia.
Mason Morgan
>not mentioning what lohikäärme literally stands for
is the discord still a thing? Can a nigga get a link?
Elijah Cox
Post your ID and I'll drop you an invite
Nathan Sanders
about to start learning french i've read through the wiki but does anyone have any bonus tips that aren't on the wiki or aren't mentioned as much?
Kayden Adams
Language challenge - soy edition
Easy >I love Nintendo. >I collect retro games. >I want you to impregnate my wife. >I would like a medium soy latte, please.
Medium >Why yes, I post on reddit, how could you tell? >When Donald Trump won the 2016 elections, I was literally shaking. >I must ask you to stop calling me a soyboy, as it is misogynistic and anti-vegan. >The Nintendo Switch is far better than any Xbox; first of all, the Japanese made it, and they are clearly more intelligent than Americans.
Hard >There is literally nothing wrong with being a cuck. What if after a hard day at work in the office i don't have the energy to make my wife happy? It is sexist to expect her to contain her sexual energy all for me, it also selfish she is her own women and as a feminist men i support her. >She finds someone that can sexually pleasure her and make her feel like good and i get to play more World Of Warcraft or catch up on Stranger Things. You know what at the end of the day she comes back to me and sleeps in the bed with me, the other men can't say that. >Sex is sex , she may orgasm with other men but real love, the one i feel when she hugs me at night, knowing that she is tired all she wants to do is put her hand on my chest , that's real love. Your mockery doesn't change the love i feel for my wife and the happiness i feel knowing she is a strong and not in a relationship where another men uses a patriarchal structure to hold back her potential. You should feel ashamed of yourself.