How talented are you int?

share your talents

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Good one.

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i have a magic trick that makes people look away

Attached: adult-magic-magician-costume.jpg (1750x2500, 316K)

everyone has one even if it's useless :D

here is a hug

I've been playing guitar for 15 years. That's as long as most of the poster on Jow Forums have been alive

cool. I have also played an instrument for over 15 years too. and learn several more, but I only excel at the ones in the same family. But I find guitar too difficult on my fingers.

>But I find guitar too difficult on my fingers.
Practice changes that. It's hard at first and you get callouses and your wrist hurts, but after awhile they get stronger

I hear that a lot. It's also six strings. I'm learning violin so the new motions are hurting because I started on flute, which is facing to the right and very kind to fingers :)

>started on flute
were you required to play it while learning music theory?

im an expert on wasting my youth

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