Norwegian cuisine

I went to the grocery store today. While I was walking down the frozen pizza isle there was a group of 3 guys who were grabbing all kinds of frozen pizzas and putting them in their cart. They asked me which I liked the best. Found out they were Norwegian tourists and wanted to try all of our frozen pizzas in their Air BnB.

I thought this was just a meme. Is this really all Norwegians eat? They literally had like 10 different frozen pizzas from various brands in their cart

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i literally put a grandiosa pizza in the oven 2 minutes ago

Post cooked pizza

i'll in 15 minutes

Young people, yes. They don’t know how to cook and most are raised by parents that didn’t have the “time” to cook them proper meals.

They were in their mid twenties. They seemed really excited to try new ones desu

> grandiosa

How can you name a pizza in that way? Lmfao

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Yes. They are the sort I am talking about

It’s fully cooked? It looks a little undercooked to me

the crust is crunchy and cheese has melted evenly, so it's fine

I ate a grandiosa pizza yesterday. It's legit better than what I could order from my local pizzerias.

Why don’t they learn how to cook? Nobody ever taught me, and my parents were too busy to cook me real meals. But we live in the age of the internet, so I googled how to cook and can make basic healthy things

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What is Finnish pizza like? I can’t imagine thinking frozen is better than fresh


Nothing like a frozen nacho pizza

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Finland country USA fucking Americanised country

Nice engrish you poofter

USA = is a

The worst part is that Grandiosa is bland as fuck. I can't understand how the vast majority of people prefer it over the other frozen pizzas we have, like those from Dr. Oetker that actually use some herbs and spices in their pizzas.

if someone, and i mean anyone, wants a fast lunch in sweden, they get one of these.

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Which ones did you recommend? Pic related is my shit.

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Because in Norway there are two things to remember. Number one is the idea of the equal society. The idea for the school system is called “enhetsskolen” wich translates roughly to “the oneness school”.
It means that there is no separation given to any students, everything goes in the same pace. Students that excel in one field are kept at the same level as students lagging behind.
Lately the cost of home ec. has been budgeted out, so very few kids learn how to boil things or fry things.
Couple that with the fact that much of the food sold is ready made just add heat or water food, because...

Number two. Norwegians like to think they must be very busy. Kids must play an instrument, play a sport, do many different activities. And parents must drive them or take them there or be involved in the activities. So people are always in what they call “tidsklemma” (the time squeeze). So food must be simple and fast and ready to eat.

Home Run Inn is disgusting. It’s actual pie crust..

I told them to get pic related

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We have things similar. I like these because they are a quick meal if you don’t want to eat a whole pizza

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That stuff is like a fucking tortilla

French bread pizza is based, Stouffer's makes the best ones.

>It means that there is no separation given to any students, everything goes in the same pace. Students that excel in one field are kept at the same level as students lagging behind.
But why would they ever think this is a good idea? Holding people back from their true potential?

Grandiosa is shit.
Pic is my favourite norwegian dish.

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Better than shitty Homerun. It’s a literal pie crust

Price to pay for equality.

This. My father had queer notions of me making it big and used to tell me I was special. Sure proved him wrong by making one continuous mistake, and now I'm every bit as big a fuckup as the people I grew up with. When I dropped out of college, they welcomed me back home, chanting "one of us, one of us, gobble gobble".

Because the idea is that we become better by lifting together so to speak. The path trodden up is the middle road.

So it’s better to handicap people who could greatly contribute to your society?

Because if the core tempo is good, its a good idea. The slower students won't improve at a less rapid pace, and there can always be supplementary lessons if its that bad.
If the core tempo is slow, the mediocre students suffer, while the fast learners get really bored.

The only problem with Enhetsskolen is that the students who live in central locations, with some parent network: Get to skip grades, take classes ahead of time, and get encouraged to take private off-time classes(end result is just showing up for a exam)
Those who lack parents with the networking get bored halfway trough, and fall off completely.

So basically social class segregation is delayed until College/High school level. Since social class have a bigger impact on grades than actual learning ability(statistically).

Because its not about making food.
Its about experiencing new things, in a medium thats already familiar.
And most Norwegians are terrible cooks, for no reason other than they have been raised with too much comfort food.

But that’s not fair to the smart people. They could achieve a lot if you would allow them to succeed

True story: The pepperoni in Grandiosa pizzas is made with beef in order to cater to muslims


No but surely a sizable minority of us do.

Yes, Norwegians are that cucked lololololol

'Smart' people go to NTNU or whatever faculty you need more than the highest possible grade to go to.
So they pile up in NTNU, Katta, and a few more schools.

'Smarter people' get to go ahead and do that earlier, if their parents are connected/social enough to start the process of taking extra subjects to skip ahead.
The same with career advice, since School, VGS and University are separate stages. And then the more connected people accelerate University level, reducing it by entire years.

But at the same time if we had free acceleration, it would not be fine.
It would just lead to the ambitious or quick to burn themselves out, before learning how to work hard.
Meanwhile all the real problems of Norwegian school system accumulates in that there isn't enough time spent on physical crafting. Everything is piled to the extreme for vocation training at VGS. VGS for vocation is INSANE by how good it is, and you don't get to touch anything in primary education resembling it.

>pepperonipolse 10 % ( storfekjott, vann, krydder, salt, stivelse, melkeprotein, sukker, druesukker, hvetefiber, stabilisator (E450, E451), konserveringsmiddel ( E250))





For me, it's Billys Mac and Cheese

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See? This why its a good thing.
Grades is not about being smart. Grades are about being persistent, and having good values/methods for learning.
The end result is that a few places you get entry average above 5, in a 6 tier grade system where poor students can leave primary school with grade levels of 3-4.

for me frozen pizzas died when they discontinued pic related.

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>But at the same time if we had free acceleration, >it would not be fine.
>It would just lead to the ambitious or quick to burn themselves out, before learning how to work hard.
This is why Norway doesn’t achieve shit

Norwegians doesn't achive shit because all our capital pre oil was accumulated in Hydro, global shipping, fishing, agriculture and forestry.
Without a large enough population base to do high end refinement of mined products, leading to a complete collapse of the mining industry once Oil enterprises became a thing.

Now most of our capital/liquidity is bound to Oil and offshore. Penny pinching destroyed the global Norwegian shipping that used to exist, and we import A LOT from our Euro neighbors who sell minerals.
Meanwhile both Sweden and Denmark had capital bound into their nobility, who then had to invest it as they lost social power. Which lead to a lot of things in these countries, including Volvo and IKEA.

For me, it's Gorby's.

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