Why do Spanish posters on Jow Forums usually equate themselves to Greeks and Italians as creators of civilization even...

Why do Spanish posters on Jow Forums usually equate themselves to Greeks and Italians as creators of civilization even though no civilization ever sprung up from Spain?

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Spain.svg.png (1280x853, 72K)

Because of their weird accent

idk must be their dubs desu

I also feel a bit uncomfortable when people compare Spain and Italy on Jow Forums. The entire Iberian peninsula is not even European. I don't considerer them Europeans.

there were Greek colonies on the Spanish coast back a long time ago
and Romans (proto-Italians) migrated in and mixed with the peoples there
though calling themselves Greek and Italian seems like extreme we wuzzing

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Fuck sp*in

this, fuck Spain

The question should why does the spanish flag make me so hungry?