Well cashies? Are you jus trolling or are you really that stupid?
Are there actually retards on this board who think CSW is Satoshi and not Szabo?
Check out his Twitter acc, he's a conservative. Must be him.
I'm almost certain that CSW isn't Szabo, but I could be wrong.
What is CSW
Who szabo? Obviously Satoshi fucking nakamoto is redpilled.
Meanwhile csw and very are whiny coping cucks. Srsly is there anyone that believes CSW is remotely intelligent? Guy is a complete faggot
Oh and bch is an absolute fucking shitcoin scam and if you bought it you have the critical thinking capacity of a muskrat
CSW isn't Szabo you brainlet pajeet. Also learn English
>What is CSW
acronym for Satoshi, the sole white weaboo inventor of Bitcoin
Yakuza killed Satoshi years ago when he refused to turn over his private keys. They say Shinzou Abe himself delivered the fatal Ancient Chinese Nipple Torture that finally did him in.
He doesn't look very smart. He looks like a typical has been chad.
Craig w right
Thanks for your input. Really added to the discussion mr. patel
Satoshi was Hal even if Nick was involved.
Nope. Exactly Reversed.
I've researched the shit out of this and have been telling you faggots for ages that Szabo is Satoshi. Nobody cared until he started dropping redpills on Twitter. Now everybody rides Szabo's cock on this board.
I'm saying the personality and person who posted as Satoshi is Hal even if Nick was primarily the person who created it. The lack of posts after his death is a pretty good indicator.
Same faggot. First thing I did when I got into crypto was research who it was.
The /pol autists started worshipping him recently for his pro trump views, but who gives a shit. The guy is arguably the most important man in human history. Btc has the chance to liberate humanity forever
Hal knew it was szabo but said nothibg. If you look at all the evidence, it's clear Satoshi was one person, and it was szabo.
Actually, I'm the only person on this board or the internet that believed Szabo is Satoshi, but everybody insists it's CSW /pOl7tards are just now catching up because they are unemployed and gross and low IQ and unloved and psychopaths, it's a russian+indian psyop if you ask me
>no argument
>brainlet reference to html posing as leet coder
>being this deluded
Craig Wright nor Nick Szabo are Satoshi. Please please, PLEASE stop saying these absolutely retarded things. Get 21btc and stfu and hold jfc
It's neither Szabo or CSW.