Wait a minute...
>"They are trying to take over the world."
>"They are starting all the wars."
>"They are stealing all our money."
>"They are destroying Europe time and again."
>"They are destroying the white race."
"They believe they are above everyone else and have an ideology of supremacism."
>"They are keepin' a Slav brotha down."
>"They are controlling all of Europe behind the scenes."
>everyone trying their best to hide their jealousy of them
>universally resented and still secretly admired and envied
>have been ethnically cleansed and POGROMED in the past
>still manages to get on top every single time
>Vote overwhelmingly liberal and leftist
>Memed about to have self-hating, neurotic and psychotic issues
>They take over and control the media of other nations.
>Highest IQ AshkeNAZI come from Germans/Austrians (and some Italians)
>THE Rothschilds are German-Jews
Have we become (((them)))?