/smg/ - Stock Market General


Popular brokers for stock trading:

>Commission free and no minimum to open

Interactive Brokers
>Cheapest trading platform for Europeans, very good API, anal registration process. $0.005/share, $1 minimum. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)
>2nd cheapest platform for Europeans, they announced an increase of their commission fees. Very quick registration process

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Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

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S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

CNBC Live:
Fox Business Live:
Bloomberg Live:

Basic rundown on options:

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previous bread:

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god bless you comfy

First for a good ER from LCI.

Hopefully you bought todays dip on the SPY

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Not too bad, probably be better if I didn't have class all day

But not bad for not making a single trade today

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If digits the Kneepads has to post noods


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LCI's ER is going to be entirely about guidance, which is going to be bad. Those $10 puts 2 scoops sold are going to end up costing him about $500 each.

I love how big5 has become our official Boogeyman. Can't wait to hear all the "who's big5gay?" posts next brainlet season.

is this your position rn?
long TQQQ?

its a good idea tbqhwu

300% TQQQ in margin
Total portfolio is worth 100k



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thank the bogs


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>if you actually did some research you would agree with me
some things never change

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Do not forget is unlucky acolyte 2scoops, may he rest in peace

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I honestly think 2scoops is going to be the next big5


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can you fucking believe AMD closed above 25 today

can you fucking believe that shit

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AMD is a RH/reddit favorite, they always go down with the ship. They never sell.

Here's a link to Big LCI Guy's stocktwits
He just doesn't give up

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+1% after hours


cant habeeb it

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I only have $80 to put in something in Robin hood, is there any hope for a poorfag like me?

>they think that desperate pump @ eod for "all time high" headlines were bullish

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>be me
>get scheduled to go into work today
>it's free commission day at tastyworks
>place an order before I go in since it was before market open
>HPE Oct 19, 19 strike
>price went down to my bid but I never got filled
>get home
>bring up HPE
>look at chart

Do I kill myself now, or tomorrow when the market opens?

met bottom line but missed top line


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I sent you a dick pic on discord

So for the guy asking in the last thread about the probability of blowing up your account with options assuming three bad options will do it and that 90% of options expire worthless. You have a 73% chance of blowing up in three trades be it your first 3 trades or your 100th plus trade. At least from a pure statistics standpoint. My options luck is currently 60% better than chance alone but not by much.

You are nothing but a dog

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I've shilled this beauty for almost 6mo's last year but then I stopped coming to this thread. Now I'm back to grace you with more good gains.

Should I buy a US total market fund instead of the S&P?

its seriously just MMs pushing shit around AH
same shit that was happening during regular hours

oh and would you look at that
dow getting dumped on AH
theyre lining up the bids, and knockin em down
super easy to tell on the dow for some reason
im gonna trade DIA more often

christ youre thirsty
thirst less and youll get laid more m8

but that aside, im proud of you comfy
you did the right thing by BUYING TQQQ
i was honestly about to back out, even tho i KNEW this one was in the bag

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>user STILL hasn't bought CVM

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Google just took a direct tweet from Donald Trump. Would this be a good time to exit the market?

>thinking I actually bought TQQQ

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Quite a boring day, not much movement anywhere. Bitcoin seems to be moving now tho

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time to noep noepnoepnoepnopeNOPE

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>Bitcoin seems to be moving now tho
its time to recruit more bagholders


Balls deep in NLST. I want off this wild ride

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I only hold Finnish stocks
I'm accumulating Nokia right now, then I'll move KNYJY, SEOAY and SAXPY.
Then I'll move on to Norway and Sweden

you poor soul, you actually bought more than the requisite meme amount of tree fiddy stocks?
never buy more than 350 of a meme stock

markets are just stalling because the FED is prepping a super pump before memorial day

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Your ID is LONG 5GAY
what does this mean


>I only hold Finnish stocks
>I'm accumulating Nokia right now, then I'll move KNYJY, SEOAY and SAXPY.
>Then I'll move on to Norway and Sweden
oh thank god

but if theres any baltic lurkers/posters ITT:
in fact, physically abandon northern europe

>markets are just stalling because the FED is prepping a super pump before memorial day
i got a fun game
lets try and find ANY historical data of this ever happening

I'm up to 7500. But my average is .121 so I'm right on the edge. Its really kinda fun. I have to go to far away to play craps.

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>I only hold Finnish stocks
Nokia is a gud stock. But why would you venture into Sweden. What are you going to buy, swede meat balls?

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Labor Day goy

If you were going to buy you should have bought when it was 0.10-0.11
You have no choice but to HODL and hope for a dollar spike

sorry, I meant to say for 9/11 memory day
imagine the patriotism of all time highs
this will manifest

I really want to learn what all these numbers mean.

Sweden has Volvo, the comfiest auto stock imaginable
If Norway and Finland invade Sweden (it would be good revenge for centuries of Swedish oppression of the Fins) and cast out the refugees, it can be saved.
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are based, and Poland will serve as the southern guard post against the horrors of Germany

Also ERIC, which is a nice complement to NOK

>headquarters in Espoo, Uusimaa
wtf kind of 4th world piss pot is that

volvo doesn't make combustion engines any more comfy, i'm not sure you know what you're doing. the future of scandanavia is prophet muhammed following.

i mean in swedens case, theyve been getting mideast refugees for decades
the difference was, those guys in the 70s were actually fleeing a civil war in lebanon

the new wave is from north africa and the ivory coast and are fleeing.... uhhhh......?????????

>this will manifest
im astrally projecting at a higher frequency than you senpai
good L

when do we buy SPY puts?

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They still sell cars, have you seen the latest models?
Very nyce, very nyce

now. everyone seems to be on the same page that things are good

I did but I had bought at .13 before it went that low. Oh well

BILI was the top gainer for today and the chart shows a bull flag.

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Can someone telle where I can go to learn about calls/puts? I don't understand it at all and all YouTube vids on it are 20 mins of "but we'll get to that later"

Bili is chink shit and only one user likes it.
Which is you.

lurk more, we'll get into that later. Markets are closed. It's time to do due diligence.

this is beyond logic, I use superlogic
It does not fail

4-6 years from now give or take

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oops i toasted in wrong bread what he said you shouldve done it this morning desu
thats when i did it. tho i did IWM and DIA

does no one ever read OPs?
granted ours could use a little house cleaning, but yea, read the fucking OP lad

>chart shows a bull flag.
its chinese tho
this means nothing
look at what dollar did all day

Buyers have the rights, sellers obligations.
Selling calls, gives the right to someone to buy; you’re obligated.
Selling puts, someone has the right to sell to you; you’re obligated.
Buying is the inverse in both situation. Options trading is fast hot potato against theta.

I bought high and sold low

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but we'll get to that later

its ok
itll be lower tomorrow
then you buy in the morning and sell the morning after that

read OP senpai

as good a starting point as any i guess

>itll be lower tomorrow

it rebounded and i didnt buy the dip

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and im telling you itll do the same exact shit tomorrow
what are you not getting about this?

When to re-enter cbc?


Interesting day in the dude weed sector today. Pullback as expected but surprisingly strong support. Bleed should continue this week but I'm starting to get a feel that bull run ain't over yet. This autumn could be more crazy if the rest of the markets continue being bullish.

Today's trades went great:
>iAnthus (IAN): closed 0.6% in the green. I made about 3% gain at close from my entry.
>Green Thumb Industries (GTII): closed +9%. Gained the whole 9% of that from entry.
>>Tetra BioPharma (TBP). Barely dropped at all at -2.8%. My low ball buy order didn't fill. Maybe tomorrow.

Both IAN and GTII have earnings coming out this afternoon. Looks like market thinks GTII earnings will be killer and I consider IAN closing green on a red day for the dude weed also a good sign earnings should be decent for them too. Will be selling the news tomorrow unless earnings are so crazy good these two detach from the overall sector trend.

Excited for these earnings. Musics:


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Dorthy is my waifu.

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i hope so

I hope the /v/enezuelan dev anons get freed from the grip of their government. They never did make it to Columbia. They're still stuck over there.

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SJM Impenetrable support at 104

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Made decent gains on KOOL today. No idea what they do.

You missed the SEOAY dip, it's moon time now

He's still ok right? working on some new game or some shit I gotta check in on
Kiririn's blog is fuckin' good shit. Pretty ballsy move to post links to porn being made of your game, won me over instantly

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They posted on /v/ during development, of course they're ballsy

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honestly tho, if youre already sitting cash, you might as well stay that way
markets certainly wont make a huge upside move on a holiday like this
at best itll be flat

>/v/enezuelan dev anons
>They never did make it to Columbia. They're still stuck over there.
i dont mean to sound like a bummer, and i dont know exactly what youre talking about, but that doesnt sound like a good sign desu

Just look at this.

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va11-hall-a devs are being held back in their country as being one of the few that actually made money, so they're a government asset
I hope they're living ok

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Up 12% on LCI, i'm just going to buy all the stocks big5 shills after they inevitably fail.

I hope that they are ok, I also hope they make more great games. I wasnt expecting much but that was a blast to play.

>I hope they're living ok
i hope so too
but i can be almost certain they arent doing too hot
hope theyre at least alive tho